Rome vs Han China

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New Member
rommel said:
At their apogy, the Roman Empire got a total of 24 legions, 16 cohorts in Rome (10 Praetorian and 6 Urban) and 122 cohort of legionnary garrison in cities. That mean aproximatly 208,920 men ready to fight. If all the units are destroyed, the conscription of citizen is an option...

That was about one fifth the size of Han Imperial army. At its height Han empire fielded 15 hundred thousand cavalry. Both in terms of numbers and weapon production capacity, Rome is left sucking dust.


Senior Member
VIP Professional
I would love to see a Chinese epic movie around this time period but without the fantastical martial arts.

They could have a movie about the first emperor and shows the ancient chinese armies in all its glory.


Junior Member

When we talk about the Romans are we using the Western European meaning
for the term or the one used by the rest of the world ?


New Member
We're talking about the Roman Empire which ruled most of Europe for centuries, then collapsed due to low birth rates, bad emperors and stifling bearocracy.


"the engineer"
every major dynasty in the world had the last two problems, it's just not possible to have a good beauacracy for long, those breaucrats always find it way to screw it up. and there's always a few bad empires in the family. remember that the last roman dynasty was the Antonines or Five good emperors, which means they don't pass the title emperor to their sons, but proven capable men to run the country, such as Hadrian and Marcus Aurelius. then the roman empire got screwed over by marcus aurelius's son, because Marcus had the bright idea of passing the power to his son instead of following tradition. btw for those of you who loves gladiator, the general did die in the arena, but the emperor didn't, he died like 5 years later.


Bow Seat
VIP Professional
PiSigma said:
every major dynasty in the world had the last two problems, it's just not possible to have a good beauacracy for long, those breaucrats always find it way to screw it up. and there's always a few bad empires in the family. remember that the last roman dynasty was the Antonines or Five good emperors, which means they don't pass the title emperor to their sons, but proven capable men to run the country, such as Hadrian and Marcus Aurelius. then the roman empire got screwed over by marcus aurelius's son, because Marcus had the bright idea of passing the power to his son instead of following tradition. btw for those of you who loves gladiator, the general did die in the arena, but the emperor didn't, he died like 5 years later.

heu.. i think you should check your roman history book. I'll give you some important date about Rome and his history. (BTW way, I'll always give the Latin Name for people's name) Rome was founded in 753 BC. It started as a monarchy. In 509 BC, the Roman put the Republic in place. It's during this period that Rome destroy Carthage and Caius Julius Caesar conquered the Gaul. BTW, the Marius Reform by Marius (the uncle of Julius Caesar) which reform the Roman Republican Legion (were composed of drafted citizen) into the mighty Imperial legion (one of the first professional army) that will rule the battle for the next 4 century occur in 107 BC (also during the Republic) In 44 BC, year when Caesar where assassinated,it's the end of the Republic. So started a Civil War, on one side, Marcus-Antonius and Brutus with Cassius against Octavius Caius Julius Caesar on the other. Octavius won this war in 31 BC and installed the Roman Empire in 27 BC. Octavius changed his name for Augustus (mean the mightest of the universe in latin, title gave by the Senate) and take the "grade" of the First Citizen. Since the Empire, the power was pass from dad to son. But the son of Augustus died and he give the power to some else in his family. The first Roman Imperial Dynasty is called the Claudius-Julianus dynasty. I don't remember all the other dynasty but they (the Roman) sometime change dynasty is because that there's no competent people in this family to rule, so the Army put a General to the head of Empire. Happended lot of time, even sometime, emperor's where assassinated by his own bodyguard. So the late Empire (from 3rd Century to the end) the was not very good, but the it's still during the Empire that Rome was at her apogy, under the reign of Trajanus around 100 AD. PISGMA, u should recheck your latin history.

BTW there were effectively a Emperor who just jumped in a Arena and fought against gladiator, his name was Commodus.

For any other information about Rome, ask.
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