PLAAF Munitions


VIP Professional
Re: PLAAF precision guided munitions

tphuang said:
And realistically speaking, Beidou is enough for any kind of possible conflicts with the Americans in the coming years. China is unlikely to engage America outside of the East Asian envelope.

Not enough for the conflict that would involve destroying those 4 (or bit more) satellites. I really think that, in addition to beidou and galileo, china needs to sign a contract with russians for unlimited usage of their glonass. Even pay money to help upkeep that network. Not only would russians be harder to force to shut down their network, unlike europeans, but in case of a war US would probably have no qualms bout destroying the beidou network but it would take longer time to ponder the implications of destroying the russian network, too.


Banned Idiot
Re: PLAAF precision guided munitions

Destroy Beidou? wouldnt that invlove flying F-15s over Chinese or near chinese airspace, making them vulnerable to be intercepted?

Gallileo is supposedly inter-usable with Glonass and GPS. I dont see why China cannot add beidou as merely another part of any of these networks.


Junior Member
Re: PLAAF precision guided munitions

MIGleader said:
Destroy Beidou? wouldnt that invlove flying F-15s over Chinese or near chinese airspace, making them vulnerable to be intercepted?

Gallileo is supposedly inter-usable with Glonass and GPS. I dont see why China cannot add beidou as merely another part of any of these networks.

I am not even sure the US has an anti-sat ability when it comes to geostationary orbits--that would require much more energy to reach. I just don't think those missles mounted on a F-15 and fired from 40-50 thousand feet would even make it to geostationary orbit. I believe the intention was to be able to destroy LEO spy sats.


VIP Professional
Re: PLAAF precision guided munitions

If they can't reach em with f15 launched missiles or any other kind of air/ground launched missiles, they will launch from space. Rest assured the technology and ability is there. And with that, china would be better off assuming the systems are already developed if not produced, than being sure of the safety of its satellites. No treaty about non-militarized space will be worth a penny in a full scale conventional war. Limited war engagements might be a different story, though.


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Re: PLAAF precision guided munitions

wow, this article claims that China will have something like JDAM by 2010.
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I will try to translate this before I leave.


  自20世纪年代以来,解放军空军由“国土防空”向“攻防兼备”转变的战略方针指导下,武器装备建设的要点之一,就是大力发展和部署精确制导炸弹。根据中央军委、总装备部和空军总部的计划与规定,要求在1996—2000年的“九·五计划”期间完成制导航弹及其配套设备的研制,在2001—2005年的“十·五计划”期间开始量产并部署部队并形成初始作战能力(IOC,Initial Op—erating Capability)。
- basically, China started to develop PGMs in the late 20th century and start to equip them in the 2001-2005 period. Try to achieve IOC by this period


  顾名思义,制导炸弹(Guided Bomb)是在传统的杀伤炸弹卜加装制导系统和气动力控制面后,整合而成的一种精确制导武器。其工作原理是由制导系统来操纵气动力控制面的弹翼,使炸弹借助自由滑翔飞行以命中目标。从实战记录来看,制导炸弹既具有杀伤炸弹结构简单、价格便宜、使用方便的特点,又具有空对地乜弹射程远、精确度高的优势,并且战机挂载方便,作战效率高,同时又便于大量部署干部队使用。

- talks about what guided bombs are


- guided bombs are mostly used in American/European AF, they are expensive
- one PGM cost tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars, whereas regular bombs are in the thousands of dollar range, but guided bombs are 10 to 100 times more effective than regular bombs

  实战数据证明,1架携带制导炸弹的战机,作战效率相当于20—40架携带普通杀伤炸弹的战机使用制导炸弹攻击同样目标时,出动的战机比使用杀伤炸弹的战机机架数减少90%。如在越战期间,美国空军使用传统的杀伤炸弹对铁路、公路两用的保罗’杜梅大桥(Paul Doumer Bridge;现更名为龙边桥,位于河内市郊区红河上)进行了64次轰炸,损失各式战机多架,仍未达到作战目的以后使用铺路石(Pave Way)系列激光制导炸弹(LGB,Laser Guided Bomb),仅出动数架战机就将桥梁炸毁,而且没有任何架战机被击落。

- from tests, 1 plane carrying PGMs have the same effectiveness as 20 to 40 planes carrying regular bombs attacking the same target.


- in ODS, UN troops' PGMs were only 8% of total used munition, but the destroyed targets were over 50%


- there are LGBs, TV-GB, Infrared-GBs, Satellite-GBs. LGBs developed the earliest, used most frequently, high accuracy, low cost and can attack moving targets, but LGBs do not have the fire and forget capability. The laser needs to hold on the target until the bomb lands.


LGBs also can be disrupted by bad environment, basically sometimes cannot be used, because dust can disrupt the laser guidance.
TV-GB does have the fire and forget capability, but also can be disrupted by climate and battle condition, basically can only be used in a bright day.


IGB and SGB both have fire and forget capability and do not get affected by the time or battle condition. IGB has the capability to attack moving target. SGB is simple, cheap to produce, highly accurate and probably has the best future of the GBs. However, it cannot attack moving targets. Also, LGB, TV-GB, IGB has an altitude limit. They cannot be dropped from over 10KM. Even in 5KM altitude, it's hard to distinguish target.

  从目前的科技水平看,发展和装备制导型炸弹,是解放军空军有效提升对地攻击能力的一条投资少、收效快的便捷之路。根据西方国家空军的经验,使用制导炸弹对战机的要求并不很高,只需要对火控系统稍加改装即可。现役强5、轰6、歼轰7和歼 8II战机,只要改进火控/瞄准系统或加挂内置荚舱,均可投掷制导炸弹。而从俄罗斯引进的苏一30MKK战斗机,除具有相对应的先进机载火控系统外,还配有导航/瞄准荚舱,具有完整的投掷激光/电视成像制导炸弹的能力。据悉,解放军空军飞行测试/训练中心已完成了苏一30MKK战斗机制导炸弹投掷方式和使用战术的模拟演练。

- basically, using PGMs is not very demanding for fighters, they only need to change fire control system. Q-5, H-6, JH-7 and J-8II can al be modified to use PGMs. su-30mkk already have the systems ready for launching PGMs


  激光制导炸弹是先进的激光光束制导的半主动空对地攻击武器。在制导炸弹中,该型炸弹技术简单、出现最早、命中精度高、造价较低。巾围军工部门从上世纪80年代后期开始研制,到90年代初期研制成功。1997年8月1日,解放军举办建军 70周年新时期建设成就展时,就曾展出数种激光制导炸弹的图片。90年代末,随着苏一30MKK战斗机的引进,俄制激光制导弹开始服役。这就是说,解放军航空兵部队使用的激光制导炸弹,既有国产型,也有购自外国的型号。不过,由于配套火控及瞄准系统的不同,目前自制弹型与俄制激光制导炸弹应还不能通用。

- China started to develop LGBs in late 90s and tested successfully in 90s and was first shown in 1997. with the induction of su-30mkk, China also bought some Russian PGMs

  目前已经部署装备的国产激光制导航弹主要有3型250公斤级、3型500公斤级和3 型1000公斤级等3种型号,町由强5、歼轰7、歼8II、歼10(J-10)和歼11(J-1l,即哈飞授权生产的苏一27SK)等战机挂载投掷,最大投掷距离均在10公里左右。这些炸弹外形类似美军前两代的铺路石系列激光制导炸弹。

indigenous LGBs include 3 types of 250 KG, 3 types of 500 KG and 3 types of 1000 KG - q-5, jh-7, j-8II, j-10, J-11 can also use them, maximum drop distance is about 10 KM, similar to the first two generations of Paveway LGBs.


LGBs need guidance and the pod guiding them suffered delays, wasn't accuracy enough and such, so indigenously developed LGBs may need a few years before IOC?


- and then it talked about LGBs can be guided by pla's land based laser to drop bombs.

  在机载激光照射器方而,军工部门根据现役战机的实际情况,采取“两条腿走路”的方针,同时进行机载激光照射器和激光瞄准荚舱的研制。其前者由南昌飞机公司(CANMC)在最新改进型强5攻击机基础上安装了半埋式机载激光瞄准照射器。改进后的强5除了可投掷激光制导炸弹外,更主要的任务是为其他友机投掷炸弹照射目标。根据滞空时间计算,1架配有机载激光瞄准照射器的强5战机,可协助8架友机执行攻击任务。按设计要求,1架强5战机最多可携带4枚250公斤级的激光制导炸弹。而后者则是中国航空工业总公司(AVIC)研制的前视红外/激光瞄准荚舱,已于2000年初步完成,目前正进行测试与改进。根据有关介绍,该前视红外/激光瞄准荚舱在定型装备后,性能将达到美制低空导航暨夜间红外线标准荚舱蓝亭(LANTIRN)的水平。其丰要配备歼轰7、歼8II、歼10和11歼11等战机挂载使用。解放军购自俄罗斯的激光制导炸弹,主要有KAB- 500L型和KAB-1500L两型,后者可由苏-30MKK挂2枚。此外苏-27SK战机亦可挂载KAB-500L炸弹。

- uses two leg approach: develop laser targetting pod and air-borne laser designator. Currently, improved Q-5 is fitted with air-borne laser designator, it can use this to drop :GBs and also guide LGBs of friendly planes. Each Q-5 with air-borne laser designator and can help 8 fellow fighters. Each Q-5 can carry 4 250 KG LGBs. Also FLIR/Laser targetting pod was developed in 2000 and continuously being upgraded, might have reached Lantirn's level. Can be used on jH-7, J-8II, J-10 and J-11. Russian bought LGBs include Kab-500L and Kab-1500L


specs for kab-500l is above, I don't think I need to really translate it.

  KAB一1500L全长4.6米,弹径580毫米,最大翼展1.35米,全重 1500公斤,其装药分别为1100和1180公斤两种。前者为穿透型高爆弹药,主要用于攻击桥梁、机场跑道、混凝土工事及地下工事等点目标,可轻易穿透 2米厚的钢筋水泥墙,或穿入地下20米深层后者为高爆杀伤弹药,主要用于攻击面日标。该型炸弹结构与KAB-500L炸弹相同,只是尾翼改为折叠式,所以最大投掷距离超过20公里,且制导与控制系统均加以改进,命中精度提高到2米级。目前空军飞行测试/训练中心在俄制激光制导炸弹的作战测试方面,基本上还算顺利,命中精度也较高。

specs for kab-1500l is above, I don't think I need to really translate it.

next section is on TV-GB


- TV-GB has fire and forget capability, pilot uses plane's fire control system, weapons management system to lock on target and drop the bomb and then can fly away. problem is that TV-GB's cost can be high, need a TV camera, advanced processing to identify target and can only be used in good conditions, does not have the all-day, all-weather capability
- if TV-GB is changed to IGB, then it will have such capabiilty. basically saying that imaged infrared seeker is better than a simple TV seeker
- currently, pla only has russian TVGB, indigenous type still in development

  空军在购进俄罗斯的苏一30MKK战斗机的同时,也采购了配套使用的KAB一 500KR型和KAB-1500KR型的电视制导炸弹。前者苏-30MKK可挂6枚,苏一27SK战机也可挂载;后者只有苏一30MKK战机可载,最多2 枚;投掷高度均在500—5000米。这2种电视制导炸弹,是前苏联在20世纪70年代巾期后相继研制成功的。KAB一500KR炸弹全长3.05米,弹径350毫米,采用固定式弹翼,翼展750毫米,全重560公斤,战斗部重1560公斤,其中战药重1180公斤,因采用较大的折叠式弹翼,最人投掷距离超过20公里,命中精度5米。另外KAB一500KR炸弹还有一种燃料空气炸弹型,只装填280公斤油气专用燃料,弹重因而减至460公斤。

- bought kab-500kr and kab-1500kr with su-30mkk, mkk can carry 6 of the former or two of the latter. drop height is 500 to 5000 m, developed in the late 70s.
- su-27 can also carry KAB-500KR - (I guess modification is needed)
- It then gives specs for the bombs, most important part are that the accuracy is 5 m, range is 20 KM


- form Russian technical files (I guess from their own testing), TV-GBs showed better performance than LGBs, especially its ECM, dust CM is very strong. plane can concurrently strike multiple targets with TV-GB. Despite this, such TV-GB can only be used in daytime and cannot be used against covered targets and must be dropped with light from the back and the angle of drop and speed of fighter also has limitations.

  目前,有关部门正在加紧研制电视成像制导炸弹,研制型号为500-3型和1000— 3型,主要挂载于歼轰7、歼8II型、歼10和歼11战机。这2种航弹的基本技术均来自鹰击7号(C一701)反舰飞弹。鹰击7型导弹主要使用电视成像、红外制导和毫米波制导系统(Millimeter Guidance ystem),研制较成功。将这些制导系统移植到航空炸弹上,再配上气动外形控制系统,就可成为电视制导和红外制导炸弹。不过这两类制导炸弹因造价较高,将影响部队的装备量。研制中的卫星制导炸弹卫星(定位)制导炸弹是一种由先进的导航定位卫星制导的精确对地攻击武器,与其他制导炸弹相比,该型炸弹问世晚,但成本低、精度高,具有全天候、战区外、射后不管和多目标攻击能力。1999年科索沃战争,美军首次使用名为JDAM的卫星制导炸弹,取得了较佳战果。目前,中国研制中的卫星制导炸弹,就是仿制美军的JDAM;首种型号为1000公斤级,由轰6型轰炸机使用,命中精度要求达10米,最大投掷距离30 公里。后续型号则规划有250公斤级等3种。为配合卫星制导炸弹的使用,西安航空工业公司(XAIC)正在改装轰6型轰炸机,主要是安装合成孔径雷达 (SAR,Synthetic Aperture Radar)和相关火控设备。此外,相关军工部门还在进行红外成像和毫米波末端制导系统的研制,以使卫星制导炸弹的命中精度提高到3—5米的水平。

currently, China's indigenous development for TV-GB are called 500-3 and 1500-3 type to be used on jh-7, j-8ii, j-10 and j-11, uses technology from YJ-7 Ashm (C-701), because YJ-7 has TV-seeker, Infrared seeker, millimeter wave Guidance system (I think it's just talking about an active radar seeker) versions. Technology from YJ-7 is used to develop TV-GB and IGB. However, cost of TV-GB is extremely high.

The SGB in development uses advanced satellite positioning to accurately attack land targets. development is late, but cost is low, highly accuracy, has all day-all weather capability, fire and forget, multiple attack capability. In kosovo, US used JDAM for the first time and got good result. China's SGB mimicks JDAM, the first type is 1000 KG, to be used on H-6, accuracy 10 m, range is 30 KM. Following types will include 250 kG
XAC is modifying H-6 with SAR and corresponding fire control system. some other bureau is developing Imaged infrared and millimeter wave (active radar) guidance system, this will raise the SGB accuracy to 3 to 5 m.

  1999年5月8日美军B一2A轰炸机在轰炸前南斯拉夫时,将5枚907公斤 (2000磅)级的JDAM“误投”到中国驻南联盟大使馆,其中有1枚JDAM没有爆炸。之后这枚炸弹被迅速运回国内。对此,国际军事专家认为,由于 JDAM并不是非常复杂的高科技武器,有了实物做研究,中国应可在很短的时间内仿制出同类武器。事实上,JDAM本身只是一种控制装置,由1套全球卫星定位系统/惯性导航系统(GPS/INS)和可动式尾翼组成,只要将其装在传统的杀伤炸弹上,就可使普通的杀伤炸弹变成可精确制导的武器。

- in 1999, B-2A accidnetally dropped 5 2000 lb JDAM on Chinese embassy, but one did not explode, so this was quickly transported to China (really??????? can somebody verify how accurate this is?) It says that JDAM is not that complex and can be copied by China in a short time. It's just a dumb bomb with GPS/INS guidance and maneuverable tail?

  JDAM的全名为“联合直接攻击弹药”f Joint Direct Attack Munitions),是美国在90年代中期研发成功的空射武器。JDAM除技术不算复杂和“射后不管”之外,还具有4项特点:

JDAM was successfully developed in the mid 90s and has 4 specialties outside of its simple design and fire and forget capability:

  命中精度高 JDAM采用卫星定位系统和惯性导航系统,在25公里的投掷距离上,命中精度可达6米左右。

uses GPS/INS, has a range of 25 KM and accuracy of 6 m

  全天候使用 因使用GPS/INSnfte,JDAM不受黑夜、烟雾、云雨的影响能在任何天候下使用。

all-day, all-weather capability

  造价低廉 JDAM造价低廉,比其他类型精确制导炸弹便宜得多,美军误炸中国大使馆的907公斤(2000磅)级JDAM炸弹价格还不足2万美元,可大量生产与使用。

relatively cheap, the one that hit Chinese embassy costs not even 20K US


easy to drop and has good agility for attacking


JDAM can be dropped from different altitudes, can attack different targets, different sections of a target, can attack newly discovered target after the drop, problem is that it can only atack fixed target.


pla set out to copy this to develop its own SGB, this was planned to finish development by 2005, according to the people in development, the guidance and bomb is not complex, pla has already mastered the GPS and positioning and navigational technology. Can shortly develop/produce this. ON the GPS side, it can only use GPS or GLONASS. Outside of this, it can use Beidou 1 for guidance. It says that with the two Beidou satellites + the ground correction stations, the accuracy for areas close to the shore of China is accurate to 1 meter. (Note: According to
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, the accuracy of Beidou is 100 m and 20 m with the help of the ground stations, I wonder where this 1 meter comes from) however, currently the SGB still has several problem to solve.


- each JDAM uses 4 GPS's signal to guidance, but the current SGB in development only can uses the 2 Beidous satellites and plus the ground correcting stations. basically, A Chinese SGB will be using different set of guidance, so it will have to use different algorithms and such.

  2、 负责投掷的战机需装设合成孔径雷达.以对目标实施精确瞄准定位。而目前解放军战机的机载合成孔径雷达不仅体积较大,且技术可靠性仍显不足。

- delivering plane needs SAR to accurately locate the target. previous plaaf SAR are not only large, but not very reliable

  近年来,为实现空军由“国土防空”向“攻防兼备”的转变,强化航空兵对地攻击能力,在发展和部署装备精确制导炸弹方面下了很大努力。通过自产和引进这两条路线,解放军空军精确制导炸弹的装备建设从无到有,目前已开始部署激光制导纠偏的电视成像炸弹,航空兵对地攻击能力已攀上新的台阶。从目前的发展趋势来看,2005年之后,解放军空军的精确制导炸弹将达到初始作战能力阶段,到2010年时空军装备的精确制导炸弹将具备全战备能力。 口(完)林长盛 美国克莱蒙顿研究所研究员

- China has spent a lot of resource on this. Currently, has already equipped LGBs and TV-GBs, first step to precision striking. from the past development, plaaf's precision strike will move to a new level after 2005. by 2010, plaaf is to equip PGMs with all battle capability.

Currently, the PGMs that China has include:
kab-500L laser guided - weighs 534 kg, drop altitude from 500 to 5000 m, range 9 KM, accuracy 3 m
also has kab-1500L

KAB-500KR tv guided - weighs 560 kg, range 9 KM, accuracy 4 m

KAB-1500KR tv guided - weighs 1560 kg, range 20 KM, accuracy 5 m

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Re: PLAAF precision guided munitions

:( :confused: :( :confused: ..Can a brother get a better translation? Afterall I started this thread...:eek: I do not speak or read Chinese.

My main intrest is how far behind is the PLA in this feild and just what do they have? Lets say the US precision guided munition are 5th generation. Ok..Where is the PLA in this feild? 4th Gen? 3rd Gen?? Just where do they stand??? Thanks!

Well as far as the translation goes.... I will have to go with what you posted.

in 1999, B-2A accidnetally dropped 5 2000 lb JDAM on Chinese embassy, but one did not explode, so this was quickly transported to China (really??????? can somebody verify how accurate this is?) It says that JDAM is not that complex and can be copied by China in a short time. It's just a dumb bomb with GPS/INS guidance and maneuverable tail?

Now that's a new story to me. Did Golly write that??? Actually you are correct. A JDAM is nothing more than an iron bomb with a GPS package. I believe if the PRC wanted to. If they did indeed have this weapon it could be copied. But does the PRC have the sattlite technology to make it work? I think not.


Banned Idiot
Re: PLAAF precision guided munitions

in ODS, UN troops' PGMs were only 8% of total munition, but the destroyed targets were over 50%

im pretty sure it was 17% and around 60% respectively. another factor deteriorating the reputation of this article.

i dont think beidou is ready to handle SGB;s yet. its accuracy does not fall under the 10m envelope yet, although it is very close. Beidou 2 ought to solve hte problem.


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Re: PLAAF precision guided munitions

bd popeye said:
..Can a brother get a better translation? Afterall I started this thread...:eek: I do not speak or read Chinese.

My main intrest is how far behind is the PLA in this feild and just what do they have? Lets say the US precision guided munition are 5th generation. Ok..Where is the PLA in this feild? 4th Gen? 3rd Gen?? Just where do they stand??? Thanks!

Well as far as the translation goes.... I will have to go with what you posted.

Now that's a new story to me. Did Golly write that??? Actually you are correct. A JDAM is nothing more than an iron bomb with a GPS package. I believe if the PRC wanted to. If they did indeed have this weapon it could be copied. But does the PRC have the sattlite technology to make it work? I think not.
man, you are so demanding :roll: :rofl:

I tried to space it out a little bit more and added some commentary, hope it makes more sense.

What it's saying is this:
There are 4 categories:
1) LGB - China has Russian LGBs + indigenous LGBs. It was a little confusing, because it first said that it doesn't have the laser targetting system needed, but then later it said it has laser targetting pod needed and air-borne laser designators needed. Let's just say LGB is developed and it's capabilities is similar to paveway I/II. That would make it equivalent to 70s technology.

2) TV-GB - China has Russian TV-GB, but the indigenous ones are still in development. TV-GB is more resistant to counter measures than LGB, but can only be used in certain conditions. I guess the American counterpart is GBU-15?
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That came into service in the 80s.

3) IGB - China currently does not have this type of PGM, it's in development. It's supposed to be expensive, but high accurate and powerful. Again, the American counterpart is GBU-15?

4) SGB - It claims that China got an unexploded jdam from the kosovo bombing. I did a litttle search:
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According to Yugoslav civil defense authorities, and confirmed by U.S. intelligence, the fifth bomb failed to detonate, and an unexploded bomb was retrieved from under the ambassador's office.
It seems like that part has validity.
Of course, whether or not China can develop something like JDAM is more dependent on the development of beidou and whether or not it is willing to use (or Russians are willing to let it use) glonass. Anyhow, it makes a lot of claims in there regarding the accuracy of beidou which seems to be far fetched.


VIP Professional
Re: PLAAF precision guided munitions

Satellite guided bombs could still be useful, even if the accuracy is 20m. Like it's said, they're cheap, and 20m can be enough for certain large targets. Furthermore, 1000kg bomb makes quite an impact even if detonated 20 m away. And then you drop four of them, just to increase your chances further. Sure, it might require 2-3 times more planes for one target, compared to what US would use, but its still far better than what china had before.


VIP Professional
Re: PLAAF precision guided munitions

bd popeye said:
..Can a brother get a better translation? Afterall I started this thread...:eek: I do not speak or read Chinese.

My main intrest is how far behind is the PLA in this feild and just what do they have? Lets say the US precision guided munition are 5th generation. Ok..Where is the PLA in this feild? 4th Gen? 3rd Gen?? Just where do they stand??? Thanks!

Well as far as the translation goes.... I will have to go with what you posted.

I hope that this can help you with translation of Chinese articles.

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It is not wery accurate but you will not have to wait for someone to translate it for you:)

Ps. sorry for OT