The US is trying to ignite a conflict with China because they know the longer they wait the stronger China will be. At one point it will become impossible for them to even try something like this. China just needs to send in the Coast Guard and the Navy if necessary.
No they're not. If the US wanted to trigger a war with China they could do so literally any time. They could easily cook up a false flag to give pretense.
What's actually happening here is that Congress and the White House/Pentagon are not at all on the same page about Chinese capabilities and willingness to fight. Congress is stuck in 1996, not the least of which because many of its leading figures were in Congress in 1996 because the legislature is a gerontocracy. They think Chinese threats are empty and the PLA is useless and their brains are too old and cemented to change, even with access to classified simulation data. The White House and military are more up to speed and know how badly a war with China would probably go for the US but cannot really do anything about Congress's behavior because it would be political suicide to acknowledge Chinese capabilities openly.
We all saw how much flak Biden got for even alluding to the sentiment that maybe the speaker of the house going to Taiwan days after 8/1 isn't the greatest idea.
That's not to say I think Biden is blameless here. He can and absolutely should tell Congress that while he cannot dictate their travel plans, if they want to go to Taiwan they must do so in the capacity of private citizens and not politicians, meaning no government plane and no military escort. But he's a coward.