Offical finnish Presidental election result thread


VIP Professional
Registered Member
After advance elections (held some week before actual election day)
the reuslts are (~41 % votes counted):
Tarja Halonen the sitting president(united left, sosial democrats and former people's democrats) 49.1%
Sauli Niinistö (conservatives) 21.8%
Matti Vanhanen, sitting prime minister (agral conservatives) 20.4%
and marginal votes for marginal partyes...

I will update soon as the offical results comes. If non of the participants get over 50% votes, the second round with two best scoring candinates will be held after two weeks...

So if anyone have anything to question after finnish politics im happy to answer:)


New Member
Did you vote in this election Gollevainen? what sort of electoral system do they use in Finland then, Proportional Representation?

oh no social democrats are still alive noooooooooo

Give me a social democrat over a Christian democrat any day!


New Member
Sorry about the double post:( trying to delete one but I can't figure out how!:mad:

Ps is anyone else finding that the site is very slow at the moment?


VIP Professional
Registered Member
yeah the server is running slow...

In finland we have direct election system, counting simply that who gets most votes wins the election. Electional districts functions solely as determing the place where you go to vote, but it has no affect on the results.

I voted, (supraisingly to myself) Finnish Green/enveriomantal party candinate...I had to decide wheter her or this rigth wing populist, but i choose the leftyer choice. I have recently been very dissapointed of finnish sosialists and how their red colour have paled away. The old people's democratics dident put their own candinate but went behind the sosial-democrates, which was shamefull to them, considering our history, but in seccond round I shall go behind Tarja Halonen, the Sosial-democrates candinate and current president. Shes earned her seccond term and always wins the conservatives candinate

the almoust final results are: Halonen 46.4 %, Niinistö 23,9 % and Vanhanen 18,7. Heidi Hautala whom i voted got 3.4 %...


Senior Member
VIP Professional
Eh..... So Finnland is more of a democracy than the US.........

I thought you said once that Finland was....authoritarian, or at least dat u don vote on some things......


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Have I? I don't remember it. Basicly we are quite democratic, tought i'm bit sceptic towards the undirect elections of our parliament elctions becouse it's fafours the big partyes and leaves most of the smaller ones wihtout change to get thru....


Banned Idiot
yeah, thats kinda like the u.s and singapore. big parites always end up on top, and the small ones are just there to steal votes from the big fish, which is how we ended up with bush and not gore.(Nader really should stop running...what is he thinking? Hes casuing the condorcet effect on the good candidates!!)


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Alright, as the seccond round was held today, i'm going to give updates of how things are going:

At the moment 51 % of all votes are counted and Tarja Halonen (left) leads 53% against 47 % Sauli Niinistö (right)

More updates will come as the election prosess goes onwards...

EDIT: The end results have now arrived and Tarja Halonen won with 52.8 prosent. Niinistö got 48.2 prosent. Tarja will continue another six years for our president
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Ender Wiggin

Junior Member
What exactly are the platforms for the major parties in finland? Also, whats up with your spelling today generally you have damn good english spelling.