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The BIG burning question here is: Will China serve as the arsenal of (global) democracy when push comes to shove?

Will China provide the provide the aid to the global majority (including BRICS) in their fight for freedom and self determination/sovereignty?

During World War 2, decades before the US went insane and turned itself into the Neocon/Neolib US, the US served as the arsenal of democracy. It supported the British Empire, China, Russia and any other nation in their fight against fascism.

Now with the rise of neofascism in the form of neoliberalism and neoconservatism in the US-controlled west, will China rise to the challenge of this threat and serve as the responsible arbiter for global democracy to the world? Or will China decide that it will try to continue to appease these neofascists and "hope and pray for the best"?

They shouldn’t. IMO it is a gross misuse of resources that would be better used for domestic and national security purposes. People tend to forget that one of the big reason why the US was capable of becoming a global ruling power is because they have no natural threats. No one could threaten the US mainland from the North, South, East, or West.

Regardless of how friendly the relations between China and Russia. The Russians will always be in the north. The Indians in the South and West with the Japanese on the East. It is hardly China responsibility to become the global arsenal, policeman, arbiter, whatever at the expense of limited Chinese resources.

This sort of action will eventually lead to “disagreements” with the Russians (and others) to say the least over China being a global <___>. Key difference is the US has an ocean as a safeguard if relation sour ever between their allies or enemies. No such thing exists for China if relations collapse with the Russians or Indians.
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Junior Member
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They shouldn’t. IMO it is a gross misuse of resources that would be better used for domestic and national security purposes. People tend to forget that one of the big reason why the US was capable of becoming a global ruling power is because they have no natural threats. No one could threaten the US mainland from the North, South, East, or West.

Regardless of how friendly the relations between China and Russia. The Russians will always be in the north. The Indians in the South and West with the Japanese on the East. It is hardly China responsibility to become the global arsenal, policeman, arbiter, whatever at the expense of limited Chinese resources.

This sort of action will eventually lead to “disagreements” with the Russians (and others) to say the least over China being a global <___>. Key difference is the US has an ocean as a safeguard if relation sour even between their allies. No such thing exists for China if relations collapse with the Russians or Indians.
Well the Himalayas are basically a barrier as powerful as a Ocean.

And the interest of the Russians will be always in the slavic population in the West, since is their natural direction of expansion. Even when Russia occupied Manchuria it was mainly a part of their Great Game against the British, after the chinese defeat on the Opium war.

However I agree that China will not be the arsenal of "democracy" mainly because that concept is non real. US was never a arsenal of nobody, they followed their imperial policies and goals.

The country that was really the arsenal of democracy/revolution was the Soviet Union, and anyone can see the results of their efforts helping countries to get free of imperial powers. It is resources loose that destroy your country.

But I guess China will be open to sell weapons to whoever may need it to fight for their freedom


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Seems serious if true. Xi better have gotten major concessions from Putin since this is going to destroy China's relations with Europe.
How do you people still take seriously whatever a British official says? They just lie, lie, and then lie again. I would rather believe Loki than believe a british official

They are simply hurted that Russia alone outproduces them


Registered Member
Imagine being so much of a failure, the cops turn on you

During World War 2, decades before the US went insane and turned itself into the Neocon/Neolib US, the US served as the arsenal of democracy. It supported the British Empire, China, Russia and any other nation in their fight against fascism.
Sorta?. During the Russian Civil War, the US occupied Russia in support of the proto fascist White Movement

Sweden in particular is always seething. Russia I get but not China.
Swedes are still mad about losing Finland to Russia and losing their status as an Empire, plus the subsequent beatings at their hands.


Registered Member
And the interest of the Russians will be always in the slavic population in the West, since is their natural direction of expansion. Even when Russia occupied Manchuria it was mainly a part of their Great Game against the British, after the chinese defeat on the Opium war.

In the generational scale of time, I think the Russians are going eastward. Unless the world get serious on climate change. Then 2/3 of Russians lands covered by permafrost will eventually become a land of rich opportunities and the primary economic growth driver. If Siberia is destined to melt. It would be rather unwise to contribute anything that could deteriorate relations with Russia. Especially, if the permafrost really does contain two times the carbon that currently exists within the atmosphere.


Registered Member
Man this is getting good.

This is like putting American diplomacy, and American soft power, into coffins, then various people come around to nail it in, the lid.

Deng goi, you know.

Oh, I think America still has a chance. Someone came back from the dead last Easter or something like that.

This could be a long timeout. Notice we never heard anything from that American soft power professor lately. He was always full of it.



Registered Member
The National Interest also published an article saying the US was developing helicarriers like you see in Marvel comics. It’ll go by the way of other little boy dreams like the airborne laser to shoot down ICBMs and get cancelled. It’ll probably end up getting caught in Chinese fisherman’s net like all the other remote controlled underwater devices the US deploys.

Time for them to make a licensing agreement with Ubisoft:
Launch of the new website: Tom Clancy's National Interest
VG tie-in: Tom Clancy's National Interest - SkyFire Team
Opening Scene: Skyfire Team deploys from a V-26 Pelican (A quadcopter-looking Osprey) flying off the USS Obama Helicarrier to conduct a covert operation to get intel on a missing Avangard-M...

What happened to the "SUPERIOR VIETNAMESE QUALITY" that a lot of these Vietnamese anti-China chihuahuas keep yapping on a lot of social media?

What kind of deep dark depths of the internet do you trawl around in? Surely there are many regular Vietnamese disparaging Chinese goods (relative to European/Japanese), and also the need to support the country's own aspirations, but I have not many go as far as saying VinFast (or Vietnam manufacturing) is better than Chinese. Maybe in the Viet-equivalent of stormfront...


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Tehran reveals more details of Raisi crash​

The helicopter carrying Iran’s Ebrahim Raisi first went missing when his aircraft convoy encountered a cloud bank, the news agency IRNA reported late on Tuesday, citing the former) president’s chief of staff Gholam-Hossein Esmaili, who was travelling in one of the accompanying aircraft.

According to Esmaili, weather conditions early on were normal, but 45 minutes into the flight the pilot of Raisi’s aircraft said he would increase altitude to avoid a cloud and ordered the two accompanying helicopters to do the same. Once they started to gain altitude, the two other helicopters suddenly lost sight of Raisi’s aircraft, which had been flying in the middle.

“After 30 seconds of flying over the clouds, our pilot noticed that the helicopter in the middle had disappeared,” Esmaili stated, adding that his aircraft went back and circled the area several times in search of Raisi’s helicopter. However, it was forced to abandon the search attempts due to poor visibility, and landed shortly afterwards at a nearby copper mine.

According to Esmaili, he made several attempts to contact Raisi’s aircraft through radio devices, and was able to reach Mohammad Ali Ale-Hashem, an East Azerbaijan imam who accompanied the president. Ale-Hashem was able to convey that the president’s helicopter had crashed into a valley.

“When we found the location of the accident, the conditions of the bodies indicated that Ayatollah Raisi and other companions had died instantly but Ale-Hashem… after several hours,” Esmaili was cited as saying.

Raisi and his entourage had been returning from a meeting with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, after the two leaders inaugurated a major dam project on the border between the two states. The helicopter Raisi was traveling in went down in the mountainous East Azerbaijan province in northwestern Iran. Following an over ten-hour search, which was challenging due to fog and rain, the president and seven more officials were found and confirmed dead. IRNA earlier reported that Raisi’s helicopter crashed due to a “technical failure,” but an official statement on the cause of the incident has not yet been released.
According to Esmaili, weather conditions early on were normal, but 45 minutes into the flight the pilot of Raisi’s aircraft said he would increase altitude to avoid a cloud and ordered the two accompanying helicopters to do the same.

“After 30 seconds of flying over the clouds, our pilot noticed that the helicopter in the middle had disappeared,” Esmaili stated,
conditions of the bodies indicated that Ayatollah Raisi and other companions had died instantly but Ale-Hashem… after several hours,” Esmaili was cited as saying.


Junior Member
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Sweden in particular is always seething. Russia I get but not China.
There is a simple explanation: US + US vassal state propaganda/misinformation works ! The neocon/neolib US (not including US vassal states) spend billions to lie to the world and condition their audiences in order to serve its hegemonic interests every year. They have done so for decades. It should not surprise anyone that a lot (if not most) Europeans are misinformed/uninformed. Then on top of that, many US vassal states spend hundreds of millions to spread US/trans-atlanticist propaganda and misinformation on top of that. Excellent examples of propaganda/misinfomration outlets the likes of the BBC, France24 and DW. When it comes to geopolitics, these three "news" outlets deceive or lie to their audience on a daily basis mainly through omitting information and gross distortions.

P.S.: On a side note the popular European culture channel Arte has also decided to jump onto the US propaganda/misinformation bandwagon. For me it is sad to see this. Arte was meant to bring different cultures together. I guess now they value $$$ more than honesty and integrity.