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It’s pathetic and concerning the level of hate the Anglo westerners are committed in their “all of society” war against China.

It would be like if China were to conquer the five eyes, it forbade speaking English and the Anglo nature of the five eyes and forced all caucasians to adopt Chinese names and language. Which did happen to Chinese people all across the world mind you.

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I’ll bet we’ll start hearing how Chinese calcium batteries are made from Uighur and Tibetan bones; and the anglosphere will believe it.


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Funny anecdote, my local chinese restaurant which specializes in Jiangnan cuisine went from 20€ for two of my favourite dishes in 2022 to 25€ in 2023 and now 30€...

I assume they too have troubles keeping up with purchasing produce + energy bills.

Meanwhile my salary has risen by a whopping 2% after taxes last year :)
Ahh the German experience 2024 edition


Junior Member
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chgough34 has made some good points, but the statement "2 + centuries of peaceful capitalist development" betrayed his delusions and fundamental misunderstanding of the history of the USA. He is no different from those Americans who say that Iraq and Afghanistan were just "mistakes." I think it's time to put this guy on the ignore list.
Peaceful as in there is no conflict in conus. The reason, of course, why the U.S. gets involved in so many foreign wars into perpetuity is that they are cost less (miniscule shares of gdp and the national budget), riskless (the U.S. is so militarily dominant that no one can do anything about it), and meaningless (the worst case outcome for the U.S. is that there are angry broadcasts for 3 minutes on Fox News or CNN)
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Junior Member
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What good points? The only thing he said that wasn't either shaky (using disputable data)
We were citing the same data from the Census CPS, CDC NHIS and CDC VSRR, and various HUD surveys on homelessness. We disagreed on the time-frame to use, causality, and the significance.
or just wrong is that America's better off now in absolute terms than it was several decades ago, which is a stupid comparison to make in the first place because you'd have to be a corpse of a country for that not to be true.
If the U.S. was running solely on inertia (as you originally claimed) even as a force is acting on the U.S.; you’d expect outcomes to be strictly worse or equal, not better off.
Well, he also did concede that US is moving backwards relative to China so I guess that's another good point? It's just that, like his first one, no one is arguing against that "point".
Yeah, lol. A well managed poor country will converge to the U.S. level given enough time and sustained competence


Lieutenant General
I'd love for some deflation in the US. The gaslighting is pretty impressive.

You do not understand how the western ‘economic’ model works vs China’s.

In China, the economy works in a normal supply and demand balance. When supply is short, prices go up, but when production and technology increases supply, prices drop. Normal economics 101.

In the west, they don’t have a normal productive economy any more, rather a giant stock market. In a stock market, rising share prices (inflation) is life while a falling share price (deflation) is death. It is terrifying and must be avoided at all cost because the western economies are giant bubbles inflated massively over their truth worth with nothing but empty hot air and hype, and as soon as everyone realises that, it’s the end and the death!

The only way the lights stay on and their little house of cards keeps standing is if everyone continues to suspend disbelief and accepts that the prices charged are what things are worth. Because there isn’t remotely enough physical goods to underwrite all the IOUs western governments have created out of thin air in the form of endless money printing.

For China it’s different. In China and in this instance, they can let prices drop because competition is improving efficiency. Companies can charge less for EVs because they are make EVs at lower cost and still make a profit. There isn’t a risk of the bottom falling out the market because there are physical goods underwriting the price. If the price of EVs drops to $100 each by some insanity, you buy every EV on the market because get you physical goods with tangible value. You can’t make the same no-brainer call if Apple or Amazon or Tesla shares suddenly plummet to $100 per share.

As soon as you make the realisation and stop thinking of western economies as actual economies but rather stock markets, things suddenly makes a lot more sense.
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The American crime epidemic infects even the most famous and watched places in the US:
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New York Times
The shooting on Thursday was the latest in a series of high-profile recent incidents in Times Square.

Imagine taking your first few steps out of the airport and getting shot.

Will it rains, it pours:

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