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Oh sweet summer child, the Ukraine war was inevitable and part of the plan.

The American led western MO is to take everything and give nothing back. It’s always to push push push, until the ‘enemy’ has nowhere left to go and nothing left to give, then you fight them deep in their sphere of influence and as close to their heartland as possible so you can hopefully also trash that during the war.

In American projection laden eyes, wars are always inevitable, so it’s better to fight in someone else’s backyard than your own, that way you don’t need to deal with the fallout and mess afterwards.

There is a reason America has basically been perpetually at war since even before it’s founding. War is its default setting.
Still, what goes up, must come down. If they push too hard, they might finally eat a nuke to the face and in the end, its their own bloody fault. Only thing to note is, is that the USA only knows to push push and push without any intention to take a step back and also given that the USA has never ever eaten a real repercussion for there adventure over seas, they simply keep on doing what they do endlessly. Only problem is, is that well, they can only push so far, can on that day that they finally suffer some real pain and there are a lot of nations that would want to participate in that


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It’s not just a fine of a million bucks but also 20 years prison. Just for having a vpn.
which begs the question, why are the USG so worried about losing the narrative? Maybe cuz they know resources will be scarce now that the Heartland is blocked from them and they’re gonna have to contend to French Revolution style civil revolt this decade.
More and more Americans are reading the new legislation and actually discovering the threat of despotism and totalitarianism facing them
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I repeat, if this goes through, you could be imprisoned for up to 20 years and/or fined a million dollars for using a vpn to access even sites like this one.
This, coupled with recent aggressive moves from NATO and the US and talk of depleted uranium in Ukraine makes me inclined to think that the USG is preparing for world war and needs to clamp down on anti war dissent.
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More and more Americans are reading the new legislation and actually discovering the threat of despotism and totalitarianism facing them
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I repeat, if this goes through, you could be imprisoned for up to 20 years and/or fined a million dollars for using a vpn to access even sites like this one.
This, coupled with recent aggressive moves from NATO and the US and talk of depleted uranium in Ukraine makes me inclined to think that the USG is preparing for world war and needs to clamp down on anti war dissent.
Yup, also once the US dollars goes to zero within 18 months, they will have no choice but to go to ww3 and completely shutdown the internet as we knew it to be....

Its game over folks... yall suckers for having paid your taxes

Can yall believe merely a decade ago Hillary Clinton as SecState was lecturing China about Internet Freedoms

And 2 decades before that it was already supposed to be the End of History

This wont end well for USA this time around... US gov knows its game over, the dollar is dead, gloves coming off now

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Registered Member
More and more Americans are reading the new legislation and actually discovering the threat of despotism and totalitarianism facing them
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I repeat, if this goes through, you could be imprisoned for up to 20 years and/or fined a million dollars for using a vpn to access even sites like this one.
This, coupled with recent aggressive moves from NATO and the US and talk of depleted uranium in Ukraine makes me inclined to think that the USG is preparing for world war and needs to clamp down on anti war dissent.
This should not come as a surprise. Now that China is using it's status as the largest economy to dominate world economic, media and communication affairs, the situation will be reversed to back when America was the largest economy. It will now be US that has to hide behind a firewall while China experiences a global cultural breakthrough.

That America would immediately skip to a more draconian and punishing system of censorship than ever implemented in China is a little surprising, but knowing earlier precedents set by how US usually treats their own, it is not that shocking.

This is the natural course for how things must go. China needs to keep cautiously scaling down its own restrictions, eat up the room left behind by America, and promote Americans to open up with one hand while fighting American platforms with the other hand.


Registered Member
Mobilisation of the American Empire is gathering pace
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German Christian Democrats rewrite Merkel’s China playbook​

The conservatives are adjusting their views on Beijing, saying the balance has shifted ‘toward systemic rivalry.’
BERLIN — Germany's Christian Democrats, the country's largest opposition group, are planning to shift away from the pragmatic stance toward China that characterized Angela Merkel's 16 years as chancellor, claiming that maintaining peace through trade has failed.
It's a remarkable course change for the conservative party that pursued a strategy of rapprochement and economic interdependence toward China and Russia during Merkel's decade and a half in power. The volte-face has been spurred by Moscow's invasion of Ukraine and Beijing's increasingly aggressive stance — both economically and politically — in the Asian region and beyond.
According to a draft position paper seen by POLITICO, the conservatives say the idea of keeping peace through economic cooperation “has failed with regard to Russia, but increasingly also China.” The 22-page paper, which is to be adopted by the center-right Christian Democratic Union/Christian Social Union (CDU/CSU) parliamentary group in the Bundestag around Easter, outlines key points for a new China policy.
“We realize at this point in time, with some surprise, which is why we prepared and presented this paper, that the German government is significantly behind schedule on key foreign and security policy documents,” said CDU foreign policy lawmaker Johann Wadephul.
The foreword to the position paper states that “the rise of communist China is the central, epochal challenge of the 21st century for all states seeking to preserve, strengthen, and sustain the rules-based international order.” The CDU/CSU parliamentary group is open to working out a “national consensus” with Scholz's government. That consensus, the group says, must be embedded in the national security strategy and in a European China strategy.
The relationship with China is described in the same triad fashion that was formulated by the European Commission in 2019 and is in the coalition agreement of the current German government. Under this strategy, the Asian country is seen as a partner, economic competitor and systemic rival.
But the CDU/CSU group's paper says policy should move away from a Beijing-friendly, pragmatic stance toward China, especially on trade. “We should not close our eyes to the fact that China has shifted the balance on its own initiative and clearly pushed the core of the relationship toward systemic rivalry,” the text states.
“I say to this also self-critically [that] this means for the CDU/CSU a certain new approach in China policy after a 16-year government period,” Wadephul said.
The paper calls for a “Zeitenwende in China policy," too, concluding that Germany should respond “with the ability and its own strength to compete” wherever China seeks and forces competition; should build up its resilience and defensive capability and form as well as expand alliances and partnerships with interest and value partners; and demonstrate a willingness to partner where it is openly, transparently and reliably embraced by China.

Still some progress to be made though. The US needs to work a bit harder:
“Decoupling from China is neither realistic nor desirable from a German and European perspective,” according to the text.


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This should not come as a surprise. Now that China is using it's status as the largest economy to dominate world economic, media and communication affairs, the situation will be reversed to back when America was the largest economy. It will now be US that has to hide behind a firewall while China experiences a global cultural breakthrough.

That America would immediately skip to a more draconian and punishing system of censorship than ever implemented in China is a little surprising, but knowing earlier precedents set by how US usually treats their own, it is not that shocking.

This is the natural course for how things must go. China needs to keep cautiously scaling down its own restrictions, eat up the room left behind by America, and promote Americans to open up with one hand while fighting American platforms with the other hand.
So you telling me that all the talk about freedom, liberty, justice, free market etc was all just lip service when US was unipolar hegemon on top but now that its falling behind China, it will regress in ways far worse than China ever did even when it was dirt poor?

Just a decade ago Hillary was still yapping about Internet freedom and lecturing China... and now they are banning Chinese dancing apps and prepared to lock up people for using a VPN?

How did US collapse at this hypersonic speed... It seems like I am living in my American Nightmare... how did Shining Beacon of white light on the hill fall into big bad dark evil cave so quickly?
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Senior Member
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This should not come as a surprise. Now that China is using it's status as the largest economy to dominate world economic, media and communication affairs, the situation will be reversed to back when America was the largest economy. It will now be US that has to hide behind a firewall while China experiences a global cultural breakthrough.

That America would immediately skip to a more draconian and punishing system of censorship than ever implemented in China is a little surprising, but knowing earlier precedents set by how US usually treats their own, it is not that shocking.

This is the natural course for how things must go. China needs to keep cautiously scaling down its own restrictions, eat up the room left behind by America, and promote Americans to open up with one hand while fighting American platforms with the other hand.
The push for war by the US becomes more apparent when you observe other factors besides the draconian surveillance laws:

1) the push by CIA cutout, ASPI, for Australia to spend $400bln on nuclear submarines and stationing U.S. nuclear weapons on Australian soil, as well as advocating conscription for Australians.
2) the push to get Asian nations to act as mission fodder for American war aims and the push for NATO to move east.
3) talk of tactical nukes as an Anglo American wunderwaffe against the peer military power of Russia and China.
4) talk now of using depleted uranium in Ukraine which will instigate an article v response to Russian reprisals.

I personally didn’t take war talk seriously until this new bill on internal dissent and internet narrative control by congress. Now, I’m not so sure.

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And on that note, is it any surprise that pizzagate aficionados of the US elite might have drastically different things on their TikTok feeds than other normal people? My tiktok feed is just memes and cats yet American congresspeople have young teens twerking…hmmmm…


Senior Member
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The push for war by the US becomes more apparent when you observe other factors besides the draconian surveillance laws:

1) the push by CIA cutout, ASPI, for Australia to spend $400bln on nuclear submarines and stationing U.S. nuclear weapons on Australian soil, as well as advocating conscription for Australians.
2) the push to get Asian nations to act as mission fodder for American war aims and the push for NATO to move east.
3) talk of tactical nukes as an Anglo American wunderwaffe against the peer military power of Russia and China.
4) talk now of using depleted uranium in Ukraine which will instigate an article v response to Russian reprisals.

I personally didn’t take war talk seriously until this new bill on internal dissent and internet narrative control by congress. Now, I’m not so sure.

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And on that note, is it any surprise that pizzagate aficionados of the US elite might have drastically different things on their TikTok feeds than other normal people? My tiktok feed is just memes and cats yet American congresspeople have young teens twerking…hmmmm…
Why are you surprised that congress people have twerking vids on their Tiktok 'for you' page?

Was it not pretty clear that they are into that stuff with the whole Epstein episode lol.


Senior Member
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The push for war by the US becomes more apparent when you observe other factors besides the draconian surveillance laws:

1) the push by CIA cutout, ASPI, for Australia to spend $400bln on nuclear submarines and stationing U.S. nuclear weapons on Australian soil, as well as advocating conscription for Australians.
2) the push to get Asian nations to act as mission fodder for American war aims and the push for NATO to move east.
3) talk of tactical nukes as an Anglo American wunderwaffe against the peer military power of Russia and China.
4) talk now of using depleted uranium in Ukraine which will instigate an article v response to Russian reprisals.

I personally didn’t take war talk seriously until this new bill on internal dissent and internet narrative control by congress. Now, I’m not so sure.

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And on that note, is it any surprise that pizzagate aficionados of the US elite might have drastically different things on their TikTok feeds than other normal people? My tiktok feed is just memes and cats yet American congresspeople have young teens twerking…hmmmm…
Its not just war, US gov knows the American eCONomy is finished... President already has the EO to shutdown the entire Internet in the USA but they need more fine tuned tools etc...

When every major US city is up in smoke because of roits (think France but everywhere) they need to be able to tightly control the propaganda they are direct feeding their citizens... that "its temporary", the economy is still "stronk as hell" that Americas "best days are still ahead" and that there is "no recession" and inflation has "never been lower" etc etc

China isnt coming to save them this time unlike back in 2008, in fact Xi is putting the final nails on the coffin of the USD

Be it war or total economic collapse or both, they will need these draconian tools soon... the race issue and the fact that most Americans have guns wont bode well for the US gov when it finally hits the fan


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Mobilisation of the American Empire is gathering pace
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Still some progress to be made though. The US needs to work a bit harder:
Unsurprising. I think China has already realized that the only way forward to prosperity is to dominate all technological sectors. In this way, it really renders all US / EU / Japan antagonistic steps worthless because by "decoupling" and disengaging with China they would fall behind economically and technologically and become increasingly irrelevant as China progresses and directs its tech and investment towards the global south. Although prevailing over the US-EU-JP tech alliance won't be easy by any measure.