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Either way. Europe will be deindustralized and gutted no matter what now. The likelihood of 3 separate gas pipelines suffering pressure loss within hours within each other is way too much of a coincidence to put off. At least now, we can permanently shelved Europes crappy plans to create their own domestic semi industries and chip foundries.
Perhaps now people will realize just how evil the US is. They're condemning innocent Europeans to die. Their own allies! Just to gain a brief economical respite for themselves.

The people who will die freezing won't be the rich and strong and healthy. It will be the children, the elderly, the poor. Children. This is who the US is killing this winter.


Registered Member
Perhaps now people will realize just how evil the US is. They're condemning innocent Europeans to die. Their own allies! Just to gain a brief economical respite for themselves.

The people who will die freezing won't be the rich and strong and healthy. It will be the children, the elderly, the poor. Children. This is who the US is killing this winter.

Divide and conquer.

Too easy to not see it coming a mile away, and yet, that is what is happening right before our eyes.

It is like the CIA wants it to happen, and the Euros allows it to happen.

Mao Zedong was right. The Republicans are bad, but the Democrats are the worst.

That is Trump then Biden in a nutshell. From bad to the worst.



Senior Member
Registered Member
Perhaps now people will realize just how evil the US is. They're condemning innocent Europeans to die. Their own allies! Just to gain a brief economical respite for themselves.

The people who will die freezing won't be the rich and strong and healthy. It will be the children, the elderly, the poor. Children. This is who the US is killing this winter.
If anyone can be a "China expert" then Im a US expert in the sense that even as a young boy growing up I always felt there were something wrong with the history I was being taught in middle school about events like Pearl Harbor.... couldnt put a finger on it at the time and that was in 96 way before the era of internet and smartphones etc....

I intuitively understand America, its government, its people, its physche better than it understands itself...certainly better and more objectively than 99.9999% of the US population

This is why Im not surprised about the well documented history of false flag operations the US has engaged in, some of which it later publically admitted to via FOIA and CIA declassifications.

The point is, anyone who thinks a nation that was more than happy to commit mass genocide, enslavement and theft on its way up the hegemon ladder is just going to stand idly by while China comprehensivsly surpasses is being beyond naive. For all intents and purposes we are already well in the midst of WWIII with the "trade war" being one of the first overt opening salvos, but other more covert *cough cough* shots have been fired by the US side as well...

America's doctrine is this: it would much rather scortch and burn the entire earth, both literally and figuretively, itself included (Deagel 2025 where it sacrifices the bulk of its own populatio ) than to be dethroned from its unipolar hyperpower position, much less to lose its hegemony to China and see itself bypassed by the Chinese civilization state... the CPC and 1.6 billion Chinese people.

I hope China never capitulates, in my opinion its much better to die with honor than to be subjugated via blackmail under the thumb of Uncle Sam

This is why the US is hoping Xi got couped... the only way America can win is if China gives up


Registered Member
No. The war must continue for at least 6 more months. We need to thoroughly de-industrialize Europe

Plus, never trust the West. They are just at a difficult situation that's why they want to make "peace". The moment the war ends, after 3-6 months they will be back to their old tricks.
Yeah these American worshiping d-bags need to be throughly taught the lesson, ‘never ever trust the USA ever’ and any leaders that suck up to them in favour of the people (yeah, I am talking about Ursula Van see Crazy and that stupid bi@ch Baerbock) much either be give. The French chop or a long term trip to the Arctic to a good old fashion Siberian cool down without ever setting food in Russia where they might get cheap heating and we all know that these sh!tfu$ks don’t deserve those.


Senior Member
Registered Member
Perhaps now people will realize just how evil the US is. They're condemning innocent Europeans to die. Their own allies! Just to gain a brief economical respite for themselves.

The people who will die freezing won't be the rich and strong and healthy. It will be the children, the elderly, the poor. Children. This is who the US is killing this winter.
Europeans are far from innocent. I will say even further - all parties in this war are far from innocent and, ultimately, responsible for their misery. The only people who should be pitied are the poorer countries that suffer collateral damage in the form of energy and food price inflation.


Senior Member
Registered Member
If anyone can be a "China expert" then Im a US expert in the sense that even as a young boy growing up I always felt there were something wrong with the history I was being taught in middle school about events like Pearl Harbor.... couldnt put a finger on it at the time and that was in 96 way before the era of internet and smartphones etc....

I intuitively understand America, its government, its people, its physche better than it understands itself...certainly better and more objectively than 99.9999% of the US population

This is why Im not surprised about the well documented history of false flag operations the US has engaged in, some of which it later publically admitted to via FOIA and CIA declassifications.

The point is, anyone who thinks a nation that was more than happy to commit mass genocide, enslavement and theft on its way up the hegemon ladder is just going to stand idly by while China comprehensivsly surpasses is being beyond naive. For all intents and purposes we are already well in the midst of WWIII with the "trade war" being one of the first overt opening salvos, but other more covert *cough cough* shots have been fired by the US side as well...

America's doctrine is this: it would much rather scortch and burn the entire earth, both literally and figuretively, itself included (Deagel 2025 where it sacrifices the bulk of its own populatio ) than to be dethroned from its unipolar hyperpower position, much less to lose its hegemony to China and see itself bypassed by the Chinese civilization state... the CPC and 1.6 billion Chinese people.

I hope China never capitulates, in my opinion its much better to die with honor than to be subjugated via blackmail under the thumb of Uncle Sam

This is why the US is hoping Xi got couped... the only way America can win is if China gives up
You should move back to China immediately if you haven’t already.


Senior Member
The copium is strong on this one, and why would anglos always assume that China wants to occupy siberia? Is that a projection? its much easier for China to buy what they need, than to invade russia lol, another comedy gold from this author:

"Arguably, the Taiwanese could give the Chinese military a much tougher fight than the Russian military." Lol

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