Littoral Combat Ships (LCS)


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
An udapte normaly no new for 2016 so now 8 in service : 4 Freedom and 4 Independence and i hope problems fixed...

All homeported to San Diego LCS Sqn 1:
Fort Worth
later Detroit arrive

Normaly next for Mayport LCS Sqn 2

Normaly 5 new in 2017.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
It is my opinion that until these Tin Cans recieve some kind of decent air defense system ie. Essmor SM6 type of system and a adequate ASSM they should not be deployed at all
They are not going to get SM6.

The CIWS SeaRAM that they have is very effetive for their own self defense...but not for any area coverage.

ESSM would be nice...but I do not see it in the near future.

Four of these vessels, each with SeaRAM and each with eight strong ASSMs, along with their ASW capabilities will be adequate for the types of missions they have envisioned...including ASW patrols for TFs out along the threat axis.


Junior Member
There in lays the problem they will be alright as long as they work with larger vessels but it doesnt work that way and their current missile loadout of 11 SeaRam can be exhausted quickly then what will happen is a very dead ship will lots of casualties not saying ESSM is he answer but it is the most logical considering the alternatives

Jeff Head

Registered Member
There in lays the problem they will be alright as long as they work with larger vessels but it doesnt work that way and their current missile loadout of 11 SeaRam can be exhausted quickly then what will happen is a very dead ship will lots of casualties not saying ESSM is he answer but it is the most logical considering the alternatives
No, therein does not lay the problem.

If they are in a large TF they will have the support.

If they are in a LCS group of 2-4 vessels they will be operating in an environment where they do not expect any saturation attack, and then there will be 2-4 vessels mutually supporting each other in some for of littoral operation.


Junior Member
We will just have to disagree on this one Jeff as much as i hate to I just cant see them ever being of much use as they are currently configured without at least a area defense missile system even of Yemen in a so called low threat enviorement there is a real danger of ASHMs being salvoed to exhaust or overwhelm their defenses although I do like the addition of the OTH missiles and I do know there is a so called Block 2 version of SEA RAM that has increased range in the works or is being deployed but that only reaches out to around 8 or so miles


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
No, therein does not lay the problem.

If they are in a large TF they will have the support.

If they are in a LCS group of 2-4 vessels they will be operating in an environment where they do not expect any saturation attack, and then there will be 2-4 vessels mutually supporting each other in some for of littoral operation.
Yes without ESSM to use right now btw the rear bases and the front line ofc less clear for naval war... but aicrafts specialy bombers with long range can remains a problem.
Missions escort repl ships, convoys mainly or for reinforced ESG, ARG 1 - 2 LCS with each.
this is just to tell you it's not only Senator McCain (and me :) most recently)
“Maybe LCS should stand for ‘Leaking, Cracked Ship,'” snarked Rep. Jackie Speier both on
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— using the hashtag #PorkShip — and in person at the hearing. “I and my
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colleagues want to know why Congress should waste $120 billion on
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the quote comes from a very interesting article
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Junior Member
Ok we can mostly agree the LCS isnt very good I think, Jeff what was your Idea for the Frigate I know it was a modified cutter but I cant seem to find it it is my thinking the LCS just might not survive this round [never hurts to have an idea just in case] and how long before they can be seen in service I hope with the right weapon suite this time no more modular junk just build it to do its job