Join PLA anyone?


VIP Professional
Hey guy, if you call these drill sergeants Jerk, try doing they job mate. I can tell you if I was still in the army that would be the last job on my list.
They get 6-7 week get you bunch of lowlife (that what our sergeants always call us) in to shape and to make your that u become expert with all the basic skill, then they do it all over again. I can tell it really not a very fun job. You can't blame them.

Golly ya in the Artillery and Popeye ya in dat USN rite. Guy try the infantry that where most the fun is.. haha.


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Guy try the infantry that where most the fun is.. haha.

You think...During our first 5 weeks it was nothing else than basic infantry trainig, and you can gues we all hated it, we are artillery mens, we dont need to dig holes and crawl in the woods...and we were so exited to get to the real artillery silly we were:rolleyes:´...after the first fireposition trainings with the D-30, we could change our mothers to be in the infantry...but thats just the real fireposition spirit, like we had this saying that a good artillery man always complains that it's too hot, its too cold, it's too rainy, in fact it's all *** up any given time;)


VIP Professional
HAHA, well we can all complains about our job but we all love it at the same time. I won't choose any other job rather then being a infantry. During my final years of Uni I finally got in to the 1st Cdo Regt but then I quit after I finish Uni and left Australia for some personally reason. But I can tell you the training their was worst or I should said way harder. But it was fun we gotta do load of other crazy stuff e.g: Para jump, Urban Training, Demolitions.. U name it.

Ender Wiggin

Junior Member
i wouldn't mind being an liason officer if I ever managed to learn russian/chinese.

is it possible to join the PLA if Canadian or do you have to live their for several years?


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Agreed, as you may have noticed i'm extremely proud of being artilleryman.
We too had demolition training, pretty much the only other than artillery training (aside the basic infantry) that we recived...It was quite funny to watch how enthusiast the trianers were when training little boys over, well TNT;) For example we had to remove this one qupic meter rock and we calculated it needed 250 g of TNT. The trianer at the demolition scene said, it only distribued in 500 g series so off we went to the explosive distributing spot and there they said they were too lazy to cut the TNT in to half, a 1 kg charge is just fine..."isen't it bit too-" we asked but they where: "Nooo, it's fine, no propelms" So there we where stuffing 1 kg bellow the little rock and we didn't remember to leave enough dirt between the TNT and the rock in order to remove the rock in intact. So you can imagine the result; Huge BANG and millions of rocksnarpels flying above us. Thank god none was hurt, but it did left us little sceptical wiew towards our trainers handeling demolition devices...

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
11 of my 20 years in the USN I was an Avaiation Ordanceman. We loaded air launched munitions on aircarft and were responsible for weapons magazines afloat and ashore.

I handled a lot of diffrent types of ammo and weapons from small arms to nukes. The worst accident I saw involving munitions was seeing a pallet of 500lb(226kg)bombs dropped from a height of about 5.5 feet(1.6 meters). All the bombs did was roll around. Bombs need fuses to explode. It was a scary moment. :eek: Trust me!..........


VIP Professional
Well.. I can remenber when we frist started demolition training our our demolition training officer was treating us like 5 years old, I can still remenber him screaming out Handing it with care u f***** idots every 5 to 10 min.

Deleted member 675

PiSigma said:
where did you get that from??? last time i checked, all service man and women in the forces need to have a high school degree. airforce and navy require university level degree for many jobs. and the military academies are pumping out graduates by thousands a year. also there are many people with Msc and PhDs that's joining the R&D and officer corps

Sure, officers almost always require a good education, regardless of what country they're in. But it's quite different for the ordinary soldiers. I don't know what you need to do to get a high-school degree in China, and perhaps King was exaggerating as to the education of the ordinary ranks. Then again perhaps he is right - is there a problem in attracting clever people into the armed forces, when better jobs are available in the civilian world?


VIP Professional
Hey look at the Aussia army and think same with most army u need to finish year 9 or 10 high school then u can join the army.

Best way to lower work unemployment in a country, send them to the army. HAHA.

petty officer1

Junior Member
I found more real offical hong kong police posters



