The current Israel and Palestine conflict has lead to a lot of off topic and escalatory posts in this World Armed Forces subforum thread due to its polarizing nature and geopolitical ramifications. But it is an important topic to discuss in a civilized manner nonetheless. In order to increase the quality of the discussions, we, the World Affairs (Red) Mods have decided to implement additional rules similar to the ones enforced on the Ukraine War thread:
1. No bringing up China/Ukraine/Russia/Taiwan/use-of-nukes unless there are verified news events.
2. No derogatory statements or generalizations towards any ethnicity or religious groups.
3. No statements celebrating or glorifying death and destruction. No posts of media showing human death or gore.
4. No moral grandstanding. The thread immediately goes out of control whenever someone tries to portray one side as the poor victim.
5. No emotional or outage rants.
6. Back and fourth statements directed at another member and begins with "You..." generally results in escalation and should be avoided.
7. Stick with news and ongoing developments
8. Do not reply to posts that break these or main SDF forum rules. Report it and we will address the concerns.
The World Affairs Mods
Amendment #1 as of Nov. 3, 2023:
This thread will now be dedicated to ONLY news and debunking any fake news purely with credible evidence and logic, and it will be moderated strictly. Any violation will be met with an instant ban FROM REPLYING to the thread unless the violations meet the criteria of a forum-wide ban. If you have any questions or concerns or would like to discuss a recent decision by a mod, please directly message us. The rules will be in effect immediately.
Amendment #2 as of Nov. 8, 2023:
Aside from debunking, users can clarify news with facts and logic as well. If you have any questions or concerns or would like to discuss a recent decision by a mod, please directly message us. The rules will be in effect immediately.
Amendment #3 as of 12.18.2023:
Given how the thread has now cooled down, we are now loosening up the rules. Discourse is now permitted as well as long as they follow the rules above and the following new rule: no off topic moralizations about whether or not a people deserve genocide. Otherwise you will be banned from the thread. All previous bans and warnings are nullified.
Amendment #4 as of 01/11/2024: Thread has been renamed to: Israeli-Palestinian Conflict and other Related Conflicts in the Middle East (read the rules in the first post)
----- Original Post #1 below -----
Unprecedented retaliation by Palestinian groups, breached several occupational barricades, and entered several illegal settlements and small cities in disputed territories. Rapidly developing situation. Several dozen Israeli soldiers, illegal settlers and former conscripts have been captured. Unprecedented how they were able to outfox and evade Israeli intel at this scale in broad daylight. Israeli response likely to be severe too.
Anyway, expect completely one-sided news in the mainstream media from the authors of ;only Ukraine has the right to fight off the invaders'. 'Only China oppresses the Muslims' etc narrative.
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