Is the PLA's main Ground Force modernisation phase complete?


The Capitalist
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An article by an officer and read out of context is very difficult to judge. As Player0 points out, China talks about democracy a lot, but its definition of democracy is markedly different from the Western Liberal variety.

I suspect that much of what he says relates to democracy in the military, meaning that more officers get a chance to participate in policy debates etc.


New Member
The official web of Chinese MOD reports today that a number of precision strike munitions to area targets and armoured point targets was used following a recon shell of live video in a firing drill of 300 mm guided rockets

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本报济南9月15日电 记者魏兵、通讯员王同启报道:初秋,渤海之滨,济南军区某炮兵旅一场炮兵群精确火力打击演练进入决战关头。记者在指挥所内看到,高级工程师郑献民等3名“弹药筹划师”提出弹种使用方案,配合指挥员确定作战决心。“弹药筹划师”走进中军帐,让量“敌”用弹、精确用弹的火力打击成为现实。






The official web of Chinese MOD reports today that a number of precision strike munitions to area targets and armoured point targets was used following a recon shell of live video in a firing drill of 300 mm guided rockets

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本报济南9月15日电 记者魏兵、通讯员王同启报道:初秋,渤海之滨,济南军区某炮兵旅一场炮兵群精确火力打击演练进入决战关头。记者在指挥所内看到,高级工程师郑献民等3名“弹药筹划师”提出弹种使用方案,配合指挥员确定作战决心。“弹药筹划师”走进中军帐,让量“敌”用弹、精确用弹的火力打击成为现实。





Are precision strike munitions equipped with Compass receivers ?


Junior Member
That's what I thought ... and then I read the article here ... very interesting and it seems make sense. your opinion ?????

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Chinese General Declares Democracy The Ultimate Weapon
August 19, 2010: Chinese Lieutenant General Yazhou Liu has been giving speeches to his fellow officers in which he insists that China must embrace democracy, or perish. Liu recently got promoted, and his speeches and published articles continue. What is going on here?

Liu has been pushing his ideas for nearly a decade. Five years ago, he was ordered to shut up. So his public presentation of these seemingly heretical ideas ceased. But Liu kept talking to military and government officials in private. Now he has been allowed to go public again. The way he presents his ideas is compelling. He points out that the American military has continued to innovate, increasing the gap between Chinese and U.S. military capabilities. This, despite over a decade of intense reform and upgrades in the Chinese military. This gets the attention of Chinese generals and admirals. Earlier, the Chinese brass were appalled at how quickly the Americans demolished Iraqi forces (using weapons and tactics similar to what China has) in 1991 and 2003. The Chinese military leadership was also shocked at how much the American forces had improved between 1991 and 2003. The quick conquest of Afghanistan in 2001 was also an unpleasant surprise, as this was a very different war than the two in Iraq. Chinese commanders speak boldly, and publicly, of how they are developing methods to defeat all this American cleverness, but Liu knows better, and his private conversations with fellow generals has changed a lot of minds.

Liu's backing of democracy is purely practical, and really has nothing to do with political beliefs. He describes American democracy as a system designed by a genius for effective use by stupid people. As Liu puts it, ''a bad system makes a good person behave badly while a good system makes a bad person behave well. Democracy is the most important reform for China, for without it there can be no sustainable growth.''

Liu has also been active in anti-corruption efforts, and points out that democracies tend to have far less corruption than non-democracies. This gets the attention of Communist Party officials, who have long believed that the Russians made a mistake by enacting economic reforms as well as political ones. Liu points out that the Russians had no choice, as the communists in Russia were completely discredited, and the economic reforms followed the political collapse.

Liu points out that communists can compete in a democratic environment, especially since Chinese communists have abandoned the most destructive aspects of traditional communist doctrine (state control of the economy). But growing corruption, especially among communist officials, is crippling China and threatens the economy, as well as continued communist control of the country. Better to compete in a democratic environment, and risk losing national power, than to proceed with the current system and risk everything. Liu is being listened to by a lot of senior officials, both military and government, who back clean government. But the "dirty communists" are opposed, and that is a formidable opponent for someone like Liu.

Liu is a special kind of officer. He's a political officer, a job invented by the Russians during the Soviet period. The political officer is assigned to units from company size on up, and is second in command of the unit. The political officer is responsible for the political loyalty of all the officers and troops in the unit. He also acts as a (non-religious) chaplain, morale officer and publicist for the unit. These days, political officers rarely say much about communist doctrine, as few Chinese care for it. Political officers do serve as a source of grassroots information on what's going on with the troops, and the word is that corruption is a big issue with military personnel as well. Change is in the air, whether communist officials want it or not. Liu offers a way out, but there's no guarantee that enough of these officials will take it.

So we also have "Democracy with Chinese Characteristics". :p


So we also have "Democracy with Chinese Characteristics". :p

China should of course become more democratic, but imitating the liberal Western model? The Swiss model doesn't fit a large country and the larger democratic countries, India, USA, UK, ....Netherlands, my own country, ...
Politics in all of them is too corrupt to serve as an example except to show how not to do it. So yes, the Chinese will have to develop their own democracy.


I'd like to know that as well. Its pretty sad if China's military is using the American GPS system.

They are launching the seventh of the beidou sat navagation system in the following days. They are aiming for a asia-wide coverage by 2012 and world coverage by 2020.


They are launching the seventh of the beidou sat navagation system in the following days. They are aiming for a asia-wide coverage by 2012 and world coverage by 2020.

It puzzles me ... why China needs world coverage for it's compass system.

Asia Pacific coverage is the most important one for China
It puzzles me ... why China needs world coverage for it's compass system.

Asia Pacific coverage is the most important one for China

ever heard of the antiaccess strategy? it's to cripple US capabilities to project and coordinate attacks in the initial hours of the conflict. this means to blunt the spearhead, which means by the US losing the initiative, the PLA will either buy themselves some time to achieve/complete their objectives before the stunned opfor shakes out the concussion and is back into the fight. so instead of completely engaging the bulk of the american forces, PLA tries to achieve the most by hitting the american achiles heel.

anyways what that has to do with this, is that the antiaccess strategy involves crippling the american's c4sir, such as its integrated military networks (through cyber warfare), and disorient it so it loses its capability to coordinate attacks. this involve destroying the enemy's satellites, gps, and space assets, therefore frontline information management becomes completely blind, and thus loses the ability to coordinate everything(or greatly reduces/cripple/reduce its effectiveness)
remember that china destroyed an old satellite using a ground-launched missile years ago? it's a system that would be incorporated into its use
this the one thing. 2nd, if in wartime, the US may deny chinese usage of the GPS, even if US dont, if the american satellites were to be knocked down, it would equally influence the chinese as well as others if they were allow reliant on it. therefore china won't want to be stopped dead in its tracks because of that(or dont have their own systems). beidou would also allow china to manage and coordinate its interests more effectively and easier.