How to Grab Taiwan in 7 hours


Junior Member
mjleo said:
Very impressive theory Fairthought. I wonder if the top think tanks in the US/Taiwan/Japan ect. have thought about it...

Anyway, another factor to consider would be what the chinese are drilling through. If it's soft soil, they would have to deal with flooding, structural and various other issues. If it's hard rock, it could take considerably longer than 30 years and the budget will be astronomical.

If china can pull it off, it'll definately go in the books with the great wall and other great Chinese accomplishments.

Except it probably took hundreds of years to build the great wall. And it wasn't successful anyway. Just like any project to build a highway under or above the sea. And 7 hours is definetly not long enough for that. So its no good expecting it to happen.

Deleted member 675

This idea sounds like the kind of hair-brained scheme an old Communist would have thought up because they believed their own propaganda.

It is an innovative idea, but I am 99.9999999999999999999999999% certain that it would fail miserably and cost more than the current Chinese defence budget. The Channel Tunnel cost £10 billion and took over seven years.

Mod Edit PiSigma: you don't need to be communist to believe in your own propaganda, remember Hitler?? try to stay away from political bashing, just because you are not communist, doesn't mean it's bad.

Err, where did I say you had to be Communist to believe your own propaganda? Anyway - never mind.
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Junior Member
FuManChu said:
This idea sounds like the kind of hair-brained scheme an old Communist would have thought up because they believed their own propaganda.

It is an innovative idea, but I am 99.9999999999999999999999999% certain that it would fail miserably and cost more than the current Chinese defence budget. The Channel Tunnel cost £10 billion and took over seven years.

Mod Edit PiSigma: you don't need to be communist to believe in your own propaganda, remember Hitler?? try to stay away from political bashing, just because you are not communist, doesn't mean it's bad.

Yeah, that idea of filling up the Taiwaneses straight sounds like something from the world of cartoons rather than the real world. Whoever thinks that is going to happen has cleary watched Team America to much.


Junior Member
if china were to reunite taiwan by force, usa won't be able to stop them. they won't and can't. ther navy would be obliterated in an instant. japan would prob piss ther pants if usa were to use them as a base too haha...


Junior Member
Well when I saw this topic the first thought that came into my mind was, "Who the hell thought this was plausible?" but I decided to turn on my suspension of disbelief and play along...

I don't want to be the kind of guy who goes, "That's impossible" and then eat his words afterwards when it really gets pulled off...

But seriously, the logistics would be a nightmare, and you'd have to have pretty much a full understanding of the land below the sea in the Taiwan Strait in order to pull it off. Hell, we know more about the moon than we do the bottoms of our oceans.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
chopsticks said:
if china were to reunite taiwan by force, usa won't be able to stop them. they won't and can't. ther navy would be obliterated in an instant. japan would prob piss ther pants if usa were to use them as a base too haha...

Chopsticks..Just how would the PLA stop the US if the US assisted in the defense of Tiawan?

Tes the PRC missiles pointed at the ROC(Taiwan) Yep they
do. Trouble is by their own admission the PLA missiles have very poor
targeting. they lack GPS.. correct? It is felt that the PLA
does have about 20-25 ICBM's pointed at the USA. The actual figure is

While the PLA has numerous misiles the quality is unknown. The PLA has no missile defense sheild. They do possess thousands of AAA and SAM sites od various types....

Right now as it stands ..the PLAN would lose Vs. the USN. But believe you me
they would take put some heavy damage on USN ships and aircraft. I do not think the USN could not shoot down all those anti-ship missiles. a few would get through.

The PLAN lacks;
training..big time..
LPH/LHD type ships
modern torpedos
ASW helo
deticated maritime helos
logistics..(only three unrep ships)
Foward bases
limited airborne maritime patrol

But they are building ships at a very rapid rate. They do have
excellent coastal patrol ships and boats.

I do not intend to under estimate the PLA forces. They have a lot of
weapons and personnel. However the quality of equipment and training of
it's forces are in question. They are a force to be reckoned with.


Lieutenant General
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hehehe, I got a perfect way to stop the Americans. Just drug the president and half of the congress and senate, so that they vote down the initiative to send the troops over. By the time they wake up, bam, it's already over.

Oh wait, that's not possible. Seriously, this entire China threat thing is just propoganda and nothing more.


Junior Member
tphuang said:
Seriously, this entire China threat thing is just propoganda and nothing more.

I agree that the "China threat" tactic's purpose is more to give the public something to fear, to turn attention away from internal issues, but it's not ALL propoganda. Hell, nearly all governments do this. That is not to say that China's growing military strength is something that the US should/would dismiss, however, and I wouldn't say it's all propoganda. Depends on who you're talking to, though.

As it stands the PRC probably woud lose in an all-out conflict (no nukes) against the USA. However, to other surrounding countries the uneasiness that accompanies China's military rise is no doubt greater than that of the US. Technically the US could just stay out of the conflict, if it wanted to, but for other countries that could possibly have trade routes that could be disrupted or controlled by China easily, the threat is more pronounced, since they have nowhere to go.

I'd agree with Popeye that China has lots of missiles, but their quality probably has something to be desired. This brings up a problematic factor if China would actually use them against Taiwan. Some/most of the missiles probably wouldn't hit their targets, instead causing unwanted civilian casualties, and might actually prolong the war by strengthening Taiwanese resolve from Chinese invasion. Someone who felt unification was fine might change their mind once it gets personal and they lose someone/something they cherish.

Then again, China's always been very secretive regarding military issues, so perhaps the missiles are actually better than we give them credit for. That's a good and bad thing, I suppose.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Oh wait, that's not possible. Seriously, this entire China threat thing is just propoganda and nothing more.

Amen! It's just an excuse by neo-cons to keep those defense dollars rolling in. All these "military experts" in the US just spout the same crap year after year. The last couple of years it's been the PRC military build up. I've read exaggerated claims of the PLA military proweress. The PLA has come a long way. I think in the next 10-15 years they will be a military "super-power" That's a fact.

Right now today the PRC is building up towards super-power status.

One more thing. I've said it before and I will post it again. You young fellows in this forum are just so outstanding, well read and intelligent.(Unlike some of my yahoo groups) You guys use your heads for something other than a hat rack.

The moderators generally keep all the participants..including me in line. That way we keep these discussions civil and informative.

You guys are da' bomb!