Hong-Kong Protests


Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
There are so many fake journalists in HK, anyone can wear a yellow vest, fake press pass, and have a camera, then obstruct the police actions.

Also, those idiots supporting Trump, US doesn't care about you, you are a useful idiot, but after ending HK's special status, HK's usefulness to US is gone, that's why there is no cards left, US will abandon you.


Registered Member
There are so many fake journalists in HK, anyone can wear a yellow vest, fake press pass, and have a camera, then obstruct the police actions.

Also, those idiots supporting Trump, US doesn't care about you, you are a useful idiot, but after ending HK's special status, HK's usefulness to US is gone, that's why there is no cards left, US will abandon you.

This is why people stop calling them cockroaches. They are now known as condom!

Use once and get discarded!
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