Great Fictional World War III book (China & allies VS US & allies)

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Re: Great China VS U.S war book

I can certainly call it what it was and you can call it what it wasn't. However, the end result is I'm still right.
OK guys...this has really gone off topic to a discussion of the Korean War that really ought to have its own thread. I know it started from comparing things in my books...but it is really not about that anymore.

Vlad, myself and Popeye are sharing with you eye-witness accounts from our own relatives who were there. I cannot and will not put their accounts next to WikPedia. My Uncle Barney is an authoritative source for me...he was a Marine who fought there...first hand experience and an honorable man I have personally known. Wikpedia is pretty much annonymous and is not an authoritative source IMHO.

Anyhow, as I have said, a clinical definition means squat on the battle field to the guy who is surrounded and facing vastly superior numbers and is fighting for his life., That is what was happening at Chosin. And the Chinese threw in reserves as their initial attacks were decimated...and they kept coming. Those reserves, while perhaps not meeting the clinical defiinition, and thus making you "right", were called waves of Chinese by the people on the battlefield who witnessed it and fought it.

Irrespective of clinical definitions...and you being right about that clinical definition...I give those people their due and respect because of what they experienced and will go with their first hand experience every time.

But this point...can we get back to having this thread discuss the book as the author of the thread intended?

Vlad Plasmius

Junior Member
Re: Great China VS U.S war book

You can be wrong all you like, it's your democratic right. However, despite your criticism of Wikipedia, editors are in fact required to cite their sources and their sources as regards this matter are rock solid, more rock solid than your personal anectdotes about what you say people you know say happened.

That still doesn't in any way explain why you have the Chinese using wave attacks over half a century later, when they're capable of building dozens of aircraft carriers, anti-stealth missiles, space craft, and 600mph torpedoes that can fly. It just doesn't match up in the slightest. In fact, you seem to even deny them the two biggest breakthroughs by implying the credit goes more to the Vietnamese.

You have them using World War I tactics in a World War III scenario. Again, with the GIR this is more believable given the nature of that particular nation and its military, however it's ridiculous to expect anyone to believe given over 50 years of advancements and especially more recent advancements.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Re: Great China VS U.S war book

You can be wrong all you like, it's your democratic right. However, despite your criticism of Wikipedia, editors are in fact required to cite their sources and their sources as regards this matter are rock solid, more rock solid than your personal anectdotes about what you say people you know say happened. is probably best to stop discussing this particular issue. I will not concede regarding this issue as I have explained it...and that explanation gives you your due from a definition and clinical standpoint. Despite that, the people who witnessed it refered to it from their own experience as waves of chinese soldiers, relentlessly coming at them and pushing them back. That is not anectdotal, that is what happened. Call it waves, successive assaults, reserves being committed...whatever.

The same misunderstanding can be applied to the book, and it is understandable given my own references to people I know who were in Korea and witnessed the effectiveness of the Chinese assault. It is likely, that with new technology and better weapons that they could apply the same tactics used in Korea to even better effect in a future war. If it does not meet the clinical definition of "wave" attacks...fine, then that is not what it was meant to be.

That is not meant to diminish the Chinese and the PLA in the least. As can be seen by reading the book, their tatctics are shown to work and they push back America and her allies at every turn for several years in a modern high-tech battlefield environment in the novels. That clealry is not meant to demean them or run them down, rather it projects on them very signifcant capability and respect.

Sorry you do not see it that way, but that is what was meant. And they should be respected and not under-rated or discounted, or under-estimated in the least.

As it is, I will not respond to any more discussion of the "wave attack" issue. I have explained what I meant and why...and if you are not satisifed with that, I am sorry, there is nothing more I can say on this issue that we haven't already said. No offense intended and I thank you for your honest and reasoned discussion of the issue.
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Junior Member
Re: Great China VS U.S war book

I think it's great that you wrote a book! I didn't have the time to read it, but would like to know what made you want to write about PLA vs. the US military. Also, how long did it take you to do all that research and writing? You must've spent a lot of time and effort on it.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Re: Great China VS U.S war book

I think it's great that you wrote a book! I didn't have the time to read it, but would like to know what made you want to write about PLA vs. the US military. Also, how long did it take you to do all that research and writing? You must've spent a lot of time and effort on it.
It's a fictional book. The rising military strength, technology and economic power of the PRC makes it a possible scenario that their interests and those of the US could this is a fictional story about that. Lots of military technology from both sides, including cutting edge technology on the drawing board now, and future potential technologies described in the book which is of a lot of interest here on the forum.

The large book was originally five seperate volumes in a series, each released individually between Nov 2001 and 2004. I started writing the first book in early 2001.

Then, in late 2005 I rewrote the entire thing to account for changing geo-politics, newer technology, and to remove the date specific timeline in the book. That became a single large book which is what is available today as, "The Draogon's Fury - World War against America and the West".

In addition to the printed form for sale on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and elsewhere, it's available to all SinoDefence Forum members as a free download in Adobe eBook form --->
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VIP Professional
Registered Member
Re: Great China VS U.S war book

That still doesn't in any way explain why you have the Chinese using wave attacks over half a century later, when they're capable of building dozens of aircraft carriers, anti-stealth missiles, space craft, and 600mph torpedoes that can fly. It just doesn't match up in the slightest. In fact, you seem to even deny them the two biggest breakthroughs by implying the credit goes more to the Vietnamese.

Dozens of aircraft carriers...:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Lets give Jeff a breake and not ruing his thread again with irrelevant BS, right?

Vlad Plasmius

Junior Member
Re: Great China VS U.S war book

Dozens of aircraft carriers...

I'm referring to his book. In his book they certainly do build dozens or nearly do.

Lets give Jeff a breake and not ruing his thread again with irrelevant BS, right?

It's not irrelevant. I'm trying to tell him how the book could have been more realistic and also, as a result, more exciting. If it comes off negative it's because most criticism does. When he grants the Chinese superb shipbuilding abilities and the ability to build super torpedoes and anti-stealth missiles, it seems a little odd he'd have them employing the least advanced tactics possible. It's like equipping a laser gun to a monkey.


Just Hatched
Registered Member
Re: Great China VS U.S war book

I have just started reading the e-book. I am now on page 22. honestly, I like it very much and I'm glue to it. thanks jeff head good job.


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Re: Great China VS U.S war book

I got you point....I just feared that some kid would come here and claiming that china would actually be able to build all that and all hell would have broke loose.

But you got to give the artist some freedom, all books need a bit of unrealistic ageration as a simple narrative effect;)

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Re: Great China VS U.S war book

I have just started reading the e-book. I am now on page 22. honestly, I like it very much and I'm glue to it. thanks jeff head good job.
Thanks very much...I hope you like it all. There's a lot of technological and geo-political information in there, but I sincerely hope you find it to be a good read, and remember it's just a fictinal story mainly written for entertainment.