elite spoiled children in china


Junior Member
There's a difference between Elite and Rich, while there are many overlaps, they are not always the same. People in China can become rich without even fully realizing how it happened, those are the worst offenders. I have seen my fair share of them, I wouldn't say they are a rare breed, but they are definitely not representative of the elite as a whole.


The real elite don't care about where you came from, they look at where you are going. If you have 10 billion only because you started with 10 billion, then you are still a big fat zero.

I think the reason some of you haven't had many good experiences with them is probably because you simply don't know who is elite. You only see the surface, just like how whiners get a disproportionate amount of attention, the spoiled rich second gen is overly emphasized.

Congratulation sir, You understood elitism in its essence. Look, I am very rich. The reason that I'm rich has absolutely nothing to do with the opptunities that my society had presented me or the work and effort of anyone invloved in my enterprise or the gracious gift of nature or the knowledge that scholars and educators allow me to share for free or anything else. It is ALL ME. Because you know what? I call gold into existence from thin air, That's what I do. There are always people who don't understand being such as I and called me lucky or fortunate and all those dirty names, but, finally, someone understood. You and I should Definitely keep in touch.

Depends on what do you want to be "adjusted" to. In an industral-capitalist society, individualism and rational self-interest are considered to be well adjusted. In a communitarian feudal society a.k.a medival China, such personality would have hard time survive. There is a general trend in the west, I think, for societies to become more indvidualistic and fragmented because of technology, because of economy and because of mordern culture. Therefore, for the world I found myself to be in, my attitude doesn't seem so bad.

However, just last December when I went to theatre to watch Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, I couldn't help but to notice how communitarian is the vision expressed in that moive. The Lord of the Ring itself is a story of communities and my individualistic vision of the world had enstranged me to that concept to the point that I can hardly understand it. For example, I don't know what heck is a "fellowship" when I watched Fellowship of the Ring, so I used to think that movie is an insult to my intelligence.

This had led me to think a lot of the stuff. One of the first is my education. I always hated chinese schools. The teachers are always right and harbor an inherent hatred for creativity and orignality, everything you do there is suppose to help you pass the exam to go to universities. I had always rebelled against those and my ultimate rebellion is to give chinese universities the finger and study abroad. Now, when I look back, I think I might be wrong. Maybe school is not there only to teach me knowledge but also help me to find a place in a community. In my urge to express myself and shrug off my percieved "oppression", I refused to learn how to compromise, how to reach consensus, how to be a leader.

My father had told me I was "meant to go out" (meaning China). Now I think about it, that is a statement of fact, a blessing and a condamnation all at once. Chinese trandition had always been communitarian. My refusal to accept that part of my heritage had led me to my present self-exile. Confucianism is all about how the individual can be contended with the collective. When I finally start to understand some of the Confucianist text hammered to me in my school, I had a strange but distinctive feeling of shame. I might not be "spoiled" in ways that I have entitlement problem, but I am very spoiled in the sense that I do not embody the virtue of my ancestors.

In any case, My life is in the process of a paradigm shift to recocile myself with my chinese heritage, I discovered sinodefense on that process. The suprise, for me, is the more I learned of ancient chinese thinkers, the more they blow me away with their sophitication of thought, elegent metaphoric argument and the relevence of those thousands-years-old thinking to today's world. So I totally agree with airsuperiority that it is a gravious shame that many chinese youth know next to nothing about their cultural heritage and had filled their mind entirely with imported values.

All in all, the word "spoiled" could be interpreted in many different ways. It could mean hedonism, which is all but become a social norm in the better part of the world. It could mean a lack of the sense of social responsibility. It could also mean someone who lacks tranditional virtues of his/her culture. In all these cases, I think there are very good guidances offered in tranditional chinese thought. On personal level, chinese youth should have more knowledge/respect of their cultural heritage. Moreover, China as a whole still has a lot soul-searching to do about its past.

Furthermore, people today are so swept with work and making a living that the most important things: moral values, family, self realization, what life means..etc.. all are forgotten. We become slaves to our own society. Absolutely sad. To make it worse, many pass these false meanings of life(work, money, fame) to their next generation without truly teaching the real aspects of what's important.
I see this happening in many places. HK, taiwan, China, Japan, wherever you can name. As we're talking about China here, we're of course dealing with how important values aren't taught, but rather a brainwashed and hollow worldview(money, fame) are, and how in essence, "parents" only become a definition of biological entity, but not actually carriers of what it truly means to be parents.

Seriously, look at those photos and videos. How do those kids become like this? I put 80% on their parents. It's true that peers also influence, but if the fact some members here meet decent ones(myself included), then this show that there must be something that's working, and something that's not. Most importantly, it's all a matter of giving a soul and a mind to your children, which makes them human. This is the true gift that they can receive.

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"雲 南 一 名 政 協 委 員 因 為 趕 不 及 上 飛 機 , 於 登 機 閘 口 大 吵 大 鬧 , 破 壞 櫃 檯 電 腦 和 玻 璃 門 。

從 上 載 到 互 聯 網 的 片 段 看 到 , 一 名 男 子 將 登 機 證 交 給 機 場 職 員 掃 描 , 但 閘 口 已 關 , 他 和 一 名 女 子 , 以 及 兩 名 小 童 都 不 能 上 飛 機 。 經 過 一 輪 爭 論 後 , 該 名 男 子 突 然 扯 走 櫃 檯 上 的 電 腦 , 之 後 更 拿 起 硬 物 打 破 閘 口 玻 璃 門 ~"

With savages like these as parents, of course it won't do children any good, and won't teach the children any good values.

One more thing.

In lord of the flies, ralph and piggy warned against jack and rogers' intention to kill the pig. ralph and piggy knew that by killing the pig, they kill off one of their most important food source. they demonstrate an understanding of source of their food and where it comes from, and what it is this island that offers them. and this is what will keep them survive. same idea goes here. survive or falter depends on the person's abilities to understand and cherish what their society gives them and how they have what they access to. without such, one won't understand the scarcity and uncertainty of life and what one has, and ultimately will eventually be a loser. loser as in either losing what they once owned, or even what makes human a human.
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Junior Member
Furthermore, people today are so swept with work and making a living that the most important things: moral values, family, self realization, what life means..etc.. all are forgotten. We become slaves to our own society. Absolutely sad. To make it worse, many pass these false meanings of life(work, money, fame) to their next generation without truly teaching the real aspects of what's important.
I see this happening in many places. HK, taiwan, China, Japan, wherever you can name. As we're talking about China here, we're of course dealing with how important values aren't taught, but rather a brainwashed and hollow worldview(money, fame) are, and how in essence, "parents" only become a definition of biological entity, but not actually carriers of what it truly means to be parents.

Seriously, look at those photos and videos. How do those kids become like this? I put 80% on their parents. It's true that peers also influence, but if the fact some members here meet decent ones(myself included), then this show that there must be something that's working, and something that's not. Most importantly, it's all a matter of giving a soul and a mind to your children, which makes them human. This is the true gift that they can receive.

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"雲 南 一 名 政 協 委 員 因 為 趕 不 及 上 飛 機 , 於 登 機 閘 口 大 吵 大 鬧 , 破 壞 櫃 檯 電 腦 和 玻 璃 門 。

從 上 載 到 互 聯 網 的 片 段 看 到 , 一 名 男 子 將 登 機 證 交 給 機 場 職 員 掃 描 , 但 閘 口 已 關 , 他 和 一 名 女 子 , 以 及 兩 名 小 童 都 不 能 上 飛 機 。 經 過 一 輪 爭 論 後 , 該 名 男 子 突 然 扯 走 櫃 檯 上 的 電 腦 , 之 後 更 拿 起 硬 物 打 破 閘 口 玻 璃 門 ~"

With savages like these as parents, of course it won't do children any good, and won't teach the children any good values.

One more thing.

In lord of the flies, ralph and piggy warned against jack and rogers' intention to kill the pig. ralph and piggy knew that by killing the pig, they kill off one of their most important food source. they demonstrate an understanding of source of their food and where it comes from, and what it is this island that offers them. and this is what will keep them survive. same idea goes here. survive or falter depends on the person's abilities to understand and cherish what their society gives them and how they have what they access to. without such, one won't understand the scarcity and uncertainty of life and what one has, and ultimately will eventually be a loser. loser as in either losing what they once owned, or even what makes human a human.

well, don't worry too much. I'm fully confident that the societies before ours are just courrupt and morally bankrupt. Humanity endured. What's more, I do think the situation is much better now then it was not very long ago. If you take a look of what world was like in 60s, we wouldn't have the luxury to be concerned oursalves with wall street types. Back then, human's were still fighting the racial war and the sex war and the vietnem war. There were political assinations in US and culture revolution in China. I mean who gave a d*** to environment and animals at those days?

That's why histroy is your friend. When you're disappointed, when you felt hopeless, just read history. I always instantly felt better after lamenting what happened in the past how much progress had been made by the morally exceptional in each page of the human histroy. 2000 years ago Romans are crucifying Jesus, in 20 person's lifespan, whether animals deserve to die as food become a legitmate topic of debate, it's a miracle.
well, don't worry too much. I'm fully confident that the societies before ours are just courrupt and morally bankrupt. Humanity endured. What's more, I do think the situation is much better now then it was not very long ago. If you take a look of what world was like in 60s, we wouldn't have the luxury to be concerned oursalves with wall street types. Back then, human's were still fighting the racial war and the sex war and the vietnem war. There were political assinations in US and culture revolution in China. I mean who gave a d*** to environment and animals at those days?

That's why histroy is your friend. When you're disappointed, when you felt hopeless, just read history. I always instantly felt better after lamenting what happened in the past how much progress had been made by the morally exceptional in each page of the human histroy. 2000 years ago Romans are crucifying Jesus, in 20 person's lifespan, whether animals deserve to die as food become a legitmate topic of debate, it's a miracle.

i like ur positive outlook and i agree to it.

but unfortunately, change only occurs when we don't have anything. once we're settled with what we have, we are reluctant to change, for in fear of losing. in other words, today we dwell the energies that we have in ourselves by spending it on material wealth. change is now left for obama and those who claim it, to show, while we get to watch and see his report card, and feel we have the right to criticize when he doesnt meet what our fantasies, all the while we have our arms crossed. we let others do our job. only fools believe in change. we are content with what we have, knowing it is heaven. people who don't have what we have, means they deserve it, and its up to them to do it, not us, as we are in full legitimacy to our own enjoyment and wealth. if they cant get it, then it just means heaven has no place for them.

that, my friend, is me describing to you the progress of humanity's spirit towards humanism and meaning of life, since the beginning of 95 theses, to obama's pronounces for change and this very exact moment.

this is the prevalent culture of today, of people's attitudes. it's true we had progressed, but in all my heart, i always asked, how many f--king billion people do we pass by before the next change appears? is it a random selection like lottery?

regardless, i'm disappointed.
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