Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


Just Hatched
Registered Member
The only real solution is a change of Indian government, modi regime have proven to be incompetent and downright evil with regards to combating the pandemic, someone competent need to take charge. Herd immunity by vaccination as others mentioned will take long time and by then the bodies will already pile up due to medical system completely overwhelmed.
Lol... Country of 1.4 billion... Where daily normal death is more than 100 thousand will not worry much if 210 thousand people died of covid in 15 months. It's just.0.6 percent of our total death
Its very clear there is underreporting, even astute Indians admit it themselves. I know bother engaging with that guy, he is drinking the modi kool-aid. We will see in coming weeks.
Under reporting in India?? It's not china mate... There are 1000 mainstream media channel and 1000 online free lance channel. You can't hide much in India. Definitely not a single death can go under reported... Every death have to ve registered wheather at hospital, crematorium, or village panchayat level... Because people over report cases of normal deaths to get govt insurances for death... It's India... U people can't understand...


Junior Member
Lol... Country of 1.4 billion... Where daily normal death is more than 100 thousand will not worry much if 210 thousand people died of covid in 15 months. It's just.0.6 percent of our total death

Under reporting in India?? It's not china mate... There are 1000 mainstream media channel and 1000 online free lance channel. You can't hide much in India. Definitely not a single death can go under reported... Every death have to ve registered wheather at hospital, crematorium, or village panchayat level... Because people over report cases of normal deaths to get govt insurances for death... It's India... U people can't understand...
LOL, your Modi Ji cried for international aid. Your Modi Ji begged the US to lift the ban on medical supply. Your trustworthy media is talking about under-reporting. Your people are dying in front of the camera. As I said, I really don't care what is the real number in India. I just hoped all the countries surrounding India can survive this crisis.


Registered Member
Oh too much concern for Indian death... While day night dreaming for destruction of India. Just see the results of state elections...BJP marching ahead even in corona hyped era.
The post you made is the new talking points that was mentioned and ordered by your country's F.M. when he gathered his honchos for a meeting not to combat the pandemic but against -- what he and including you Jai Hind groupie -- bad foreign reporting and insist the narrative that Indias cases and death when compared to the western developed countries like the U.K. and U.S. are still better. But what you and your syncopantic BJP supporters fail to take into account or consideration are the deaths that are going to be unaccounted for since the people that died in their homes from Covid-19 related symptoms will not be taken into account and thar your country led by the magnificent Modi doesn't have any meaningful capacity to test your bazillion people. More testing means more cases that will be discovered.

I didn't you and your ilk idolize the ostrich as your national symbol rather than the elephant. You would rather burrying your head under the sand/ground and cover your ears in order to pretend that your house ain't burning down. Your statement epitomizes the severe cruelty your Jai Hind BJP along with all the useless politicians of your country are doing to the vast majority of people in India. No amount of schooling can cure severe delusions.


Senior Member
Registered Member
You know how bad the situation is in Delhi right now? Foreign Embassies are requesting for Oxygen Cylinders on twitter and from local opposition political activists. Because the Modi Govt is virtually non existent.

Here's Philippines embassy receiving Oxygen cylinders from a local opposition political worker of Congress Party (this worker and his team have been arranging Oxygen cylinders during the entire Pandemic for common citizens. You can check his twitter page).

Today New Zeeland Embassy requested for Oxygen cylinders from the same worker

View attachment 71606

Now obviously India was embarrassed and forced NZ to delete the tweet.
NZ then had to tweet an explanation

Finally they did accept the oxygen from the same worker.

Imagine if Embassies are forced to ask for help on Twitter then what's the plight of the common man. I hope nobody in Chinese embassy falls ill, India wouldn't come to their assistance.
A foreign embassy asked for help PUBLICLY from a political party in an election season? Really?
Pardon me for being paranoid, but isn't that a blatant political intervention, however subtle it is?
A few days ago I was thinking that the "world community" had enough with Modi and co since his brand isn't suitable with liberalism against China. Now I feel vindicated.

Poor Modi and Jaishankar, they brought India to the Quad, now they have served their purpose. Buh bye.


Registered Member
Lol... Country of 1.4 billion... Where daily normal death is more than 100 thousand will not worry much if 210 thousand people died of covid in 15 months. It's just.0.6 percent of our total death

Under reporting in India?? It's not china mate... There are 1000 mainstream media channel and 1000 online free lance channel. You can't hide much in India. Definitely not a single death can go under reported... Every death have to ve registered wheather at hospital, crematorium, or village panchayat level... Because people over report cases of normal deaths to get govt insurances for death... It's India... U people can't understand...
All the 1000 so called channels are all useless when they are reporting the same see no evil, hear no evil monkey b.s. because you guys and gals don't want to hear bad news, you want your country, your government to be exalted and be told fairy tales, fantasies that you guys are catching up to the commies that is Red China. After all, time and time again, your country has been told China and the CPC will amount to nothing and nothing that country did under the helm of the CPC have done anything worthwhile. All it's achievements were made possible because of totalitarianism I.e. oppression of the masses and all that b.s. In order for your country to prosper and become Superpower India 2020, the country must follow all the western b.s. laced with Bollywood propaganda.

I don't even know why your ass is here because you're not going to convince us Chinese/Asians of your s..t and I can speak for myself that I detest your unfounded arrogance and misplaced belief that your country is on our level. The only thing you have over China is the increase of population but other than that, there's nothing you people have that I would ever want or desire for China to copy or emulate; not your political system, not your so called "free media", and definitely not your Jai Hind delusions.


Junior Member
Registered Member
A foreign embassy asked for help PUBLICLY from a political party in an election season? Really?
Pardon me for being paranoid, but isn't that a blatant political intervention, however subtle it is?
A few days ago I was thinking that the "world community" had enough with Modi and co since his brand isn't suitable with liberalism against China. Now I feel vindicated.

Poor Modi and Jaishankar, they brought India to the Quad, now they have served their purpose. Buh bye.
Well the ruling party doesn't care then who else would Embassies ask for help? Lives have to be saved , doesn't matter how.