Chinese language section


Registered Member
CD was a great forum and I was sad to see it go last year.
Since CD's closure, I've seen a few new users here at SDF saying they've migrated over from CD. Today I was browsing the comment section of
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and noticed this comment:

The thread starter was asking "Now that CD is closed is there any good military forums left? Had CD been still around they we've had great amount of discussion regarding the war in Ukraine".

People suggested telegram groups but note one of them suggested SDF.

Back when CD was still alive SDF was known there as well and I saw a thread on CD discussing SDF. I suspect if it wasn't for the language barrier many more of them would have jumped ship since the closure. So if we had a section like member's club, but with the official language being Chinese SDF would probably attract a lot of that crowd, with perhaps some of those really knowledgeable big shrimps.

The downside being if SDF attracts too big of a crowd and become CD 2.0 with all the leaks they use to have it may attract attention from Chinese authority with unknown consequences.


Registered Member
It should be an entirely new section. Also you would need new moderators (which should meet SDF standards)

So most probably a team of at least 2-3 new mods. And then you would need strict enforcement of rules regarding using English in the non-Chinese sections. Otherwise, you would have people jumping left and right using writing Chinese.

Moreover, looking at the future if such thing happened, eventually the Chinese section would most likely need to be expanded (mil -> air, naval, army) sections, which in this case you may as well as create a new forum.

Overall, too much work for unknown payoff. If the administrator wants to experiment with this suggestion then a a new Chinese section, with only 1 thread of (Ukraine war) could be possible in order to see what is the potential "market". How many users attracted, users quality, traffic etc.

el pueblo unido

Junior Member
Registered Member
CD was a great forum and I was sad to see it go last year.
Since CD's closure, I've seen a few new users here at SDF saying they've migrated over from CD. Today I was browsing the comment section of
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and noticed this comment:

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The thread starter was asking "Now that CD is closed is there any good military forums left? Had CD been still around they we've had great amount of discussion regarding the war in Ukraine".

People suggested telegram groups but note one of them suggested SDF.

Back when CD was still alive SDF was known there as well and I saw a thread on CD discussing SDF. I suspect if it wasn't for the language barrier many more of them would have jumped ship since the closure. So if we had a section like member's club, but with the official language being Chinese SDF would probably attract a lot of that crowd, with perhaps some of those really knowledgeable big shrimps.

The downside being if SDF attracts too big of a crowd and become CD 2.0 with all the leaks they use to have it may attract attention from Chinese authority with unknown consequences.
Jeff Head's video regarding PLA carrier group was posted there, and had quite many views on the platform thus given this forum quite lot of attraction. In fact I believe we have many Chinese national lurking here, at best participating in topcis or posting pictures, or at worst with a translator.

A Telegram group or discord chat channel that supports Mandarin can be a great start if the mods can not be bothered with alternative, I doubt there would be any consequences since SDF is not hosted on any domestic VPS provider and the worst thing the authority could do is add it to the blocklists or DNS posioning, However as a biased pro China nationalist I would say best leave this topic alone as I wouldn't one day want to see some unecessary major leakage happens on this forum, which might results the said above.

Not only this, with less and less professional or at least semi professional domestic military forum regarding the PLA existing on the internet. Sinodefence will eventually be getting more and more attractions, be it unecessary or not, and I hope everybody can be responsible for what they said and how they behave here.


Registered Member
100% support creating a Chinese-only section, maybe could try making it private unlike rest of the forum?

Probably easier for them (not us) to just make another site or find a similar site. I don’t think a Chinese only section would make any difference because most people will just stick to sites that are in their native tongue. The interface here is in English anyway and people don’t tend to like changing too much.


Registered Member
Probably easier for them (not us) to just make another site or find a similar site. I don’t think a Chinese only section would make any difference because most people will just stick to sites that are in their native tongue. The interface here is in English anyway and people don’t tend to like changing too much.

How should the new section/site be managed well and be capable of barring those 1450 and 500-thousand army cybertroopers from polluting the new section/site would be a key concern if we want to go ahead with this.