Chinese Economics Thread


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You might have seen this news in the media claiming Nvidia is worth more than the entire Chinese stock market.

Then you see this: represented by the H shares of the Hong Kong stock market.

So that means if you look at the entire HK stock market cap which hovers around USD 4 trillion compared to Nvidia's USD 1.7 trillion, Nvidia is smaller. Not too mention there's still the Shenzhen plus Shanghai stock markets which are bigger.

Is it just too hard for western media to be honest and not clickbait trash for once?


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How seriously can we take Trump's intention to raise tariffs on Chinese goods to 60%?

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Trump vows massive tariffs that could shrink US-China trade to practically nothing — and Biden has new restrictions ready to roll before election day

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February 12, 2024 at 1:00 PM GMT+13
Donald Trump’s China trade war frayed economic ties between the two global superpowers. His second-term plans risk cutting them entirely.
The former president is pitching a 60% tariff on all Chinese imports. That would shrink a $575 billion trade pipeline to practically nothing, Bloomberg Economics analysis shows. And it’s not the only escalation Trump has in mind if he converts a narrow poll lead over incumbent Joe Biden into victory in November.
For China’s economy and its slumping stock market — down more than 40% from its 2021 high — that’s bad news. Worse, Trump’s rhetoric may add pressure on Biden to take harsher measures in the run-up to election day.

Trump's 60% Tariff Would Take China Imports Close to Zero​



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How can you expect their subpar-intelligent media workers with "journalism" degrees to talk about advanced science-technology topics like semiconductors, when they can't even understand basic economics? (One fundamental of mass, cutting-edge technological adoption is driving down the cost, pushing through new income groups of buyers).

Yet they still dump money there LMFAO.

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Like Putin said, they will cut the branch they are sitting on. If the Germans disconnect from the Chinese economy.
They already disconnected themselves from their largest commodity supplier. If they disconnect from their largest market their economy won't just be in recession.