China's Space Program Thread II


HD videos and high-resolution images of the successful second hop test of the SQX-2Y test vehicle from i-Space/Space Honor/Interstellar Glory.




i-Space/Space Honor/Interstellar Glory plans to carried out
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of the SQX-2Y vehicle next year.

11月2日,液氧甲烷可重复使用验证火箭双曲线二号(代号SQX-2Y)在酒泉卫星发射中心完成了国内首次液体火箭全尺寸一子级垂直起降与重复使用飞行试验。时隔38天,12月10日17时07分,这枚验证箭再次完成起降飞行试验,火箭着陆平稳精确,状态安全恢复,飞行试验任务取得圆满成功。这是国内首次全尺寸火箭一子级重复飞行,我国商业航天在液体运载火箭的可重复使用技术能力上取得了重要突破。 这一次,验证箭比前次试验飞得更高、机动范围更大。星际荣耀SQX-2Y液体火箭总师季海波介绍,首次飞行时,验证箭最高飞至178.42米的高度,验证了原地起降。这一次,它腾空至350米左右的高度,并在下落过程中完成横移,最终在距起飞点50米的位置稳稳降落。这全程无需人工干预,根据预先设定的落点坐标,火箭会自己“开动脑筋”,调整姿态,稳定精准地降落至指定区域。 “要实现火箭复用,建立起每次回收后的测试规范和流程十分重要。”季海波说,每一次发射后的复位,技术团队都要做大量的检测和测试。火箭发动机是否出现积碳、管路气密性是否完好、易损件是否需要更换……本次试验正是对现有火箭复用检测流程的一次考试。目前,完成火箭回收后具备再次飞行状态的相关“体检”,总计需要约10天左右,“未来我们希望能实现发射场的现场检测,如果火箭状态良好,第三天就能加注燃料、再次执行飞行任务。” 对可重复使用火箭而言,液氧甲烷推进剂具备天然优势,它在燃烧过程中几乎不会产生发动机积碳,且成本更低。季海波表示,本次试验也是国内首次液氧甲烷火箭的复用飞行验证,预计明年,这枚验证箭还将进行第三次飞行试验,实现海上回收。试验中验证的相关技术,将为该公司中大型可重复使用液氧甲烷运载火箭双曲线三号的研发提供支持。


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I wonder how the private sector will impact CALT's development of reusable rocket. Spread of knowledge in an industry naturally happens due to the movement of employees and staff, as well as papers and natural osmosis when people talk to each other, so it will 100% speed up development. But I wonder if CALT will go one step further and actively ask or pay this private companies for their data. For companies like Ispace that are struggling with funding, this could be nice way to supplement their income stream.

Or maybe they can pay this companies to test or develop certain technology for them. Like the tether catching system, if one company can already land rockets, it's not a big stretch for them to help CALT test out their tether landing system before CALT gets reusable rockets. I can see that applying to lots of other technology as well, risky engine designs, new alloys, new fuels etc. I do hope that the private sector and SOEs can cooperate well, it's very important that the LM10 and LM9 gets up and flying ASAP.
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A report (in Chinese text) mentioned that a new launch pad in Wenchang Space Launch Site in under "constrction planning phase" for the upcoming launchs of the new generation crewed lunar missions.


Registered Member
I wonder how the private sector will impact CALT's development of reusable rocket. Spread of knowledge in an industry naturally happens due to the movement of employees and staff, as well as papers and natural osmosis when people talk to each other, so it will 100% speed up development. But I wonder if CALT will go one step further and actively ask or pay this private companies for their data. For companies like Ispace that are struggling with funding, this could be nice way to supplement their income stream.

Or maybe they can pay this companies to test or develop certain technology for them. Like the tether catching system, if one company can already land rockets, it's not a big stretch for them to help CALT test out their tether landing system before CALT gets reusable rockets. I can see that applying to lots of other technology as well, risky engine designs, new alloys, new fuels etc. I do hope that the private sector and SOEs can cooperate well, it's very important that the LM10 and LM9 gets up and flying ASAP.
CALT has active projects on reuable rocket in every aspect, CALT isn't less expereienced or lack of competent people or funding than "private" counterparts. Although there will be natural knowledge flow in both directions, I don't see why CALT is in need of doing what you are suggesting. See CZ-10A landing test in the PPT below, this happened some time before July 2023.

"private" sectors are very visible in what they do and progress because they need to attract investors, CALT has garanteed state budget, they don't need to show anybody where they are, but that does not mean they are anywhere behind. It is too much of hype of the "private" thing. The difference is like watching the chef cooking your meal in the kitch vs. sitting at the table waiting, neither is necessarily better than the other.

Besides, in engineering if you are not making stupid mistake or totally new comer, then you don't need anyone no better than yourself. My personal experience, when we start a new feature we are on our own, when we work on improvement on an existing feature we ask for introduction from the one who did the ground work in the first place.

CZ-10A landing test in red circle.
CZ-10 landing.jpg
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A report (in Chinese text) mentioned that a new launch pad in Wenchang Space Launch Site in under "constrction planning phase" for the upcoming launchs of the new generation crewed lunar missions.
It is time to build the pad before the maiden flight around 2027.


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As far as I know, not a single image from any of the launches of the reusable device has been officially published.