China's SCS Strategy Thread


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Is it not an often used strategy to stir up external trouble to divert attention from domestic turmoil?
And like the Child who cry wolf, people lost interest and nobody care as it become a recurring theme, heck I'm escorting a tour group to Kunming this Feb 29, Mar 26, May 12 to Beijing and May 22 to Lamhai and is fully book. If we followed the Western and Oligarch control MSM then we should see people rallying in the street demanding blood.


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There are similarities between Benigno Aquino Jr and BBM, both were son of a former president and both are incompetent, this 2 families are a curse to our country. BBM want to continue his father legacy, if he does, I'm not a religious person BUT god please have pity on us.


Registered Member
5 months ago, US requested Philippines to develop ports in Batanes facing Taiwan. It appears that the Marcos administration have granted this request and started deployment of troops and development of the requested port.

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To be honest bro, what value did it offer, I've been there, the place is mountainous or hilly, there is lack of ample water supply and typhoon frequently crisscrossed its path. It's very expensive to lived there as they have to import almost all the basic necessity especially rice. Most of the native migrate to the mainland for job opportunities and goats outnumber the locals by 10 to one.

The only thing I can think of is listening station for submarine warfare.
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"We are gonna get 3 submarines, and the Chicoms will cower and flee! Glory to Washington!"


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Did Manila realize just how many 054/A/AGs and 056As are going to be cramped into that SCS pond by the PLAN? And we haven't even touched upon the USVs and UUVs, let alone the CCG and the Chinese fishing fleet.
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Registered Member
"We are gonna get 3 submarines, and the Chicoms will cower and flee! Glory to Washington!"

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Did Manila realize just how many 054/A/AGs and 056As are going to be cramped into that SCS pond by the PLAN? And we haven't even touched upon the USVs and UUVs, let alone the CCG and the Chinese fishing fleet.
Dam are they rebranding AUKUS to PHAUKUS?