China's SCS Strategy Thread


Lieutenant General
I think this important to note.

The globalist democrats and the republicans all want America to maintain its position as the lone super power in the world. The only people who don't care about that are the isolationists democrats and libertarians.

Hilary Clinton consistently has one of the most hawkish record in US politics. Regardless of how this election went, China is going to face a more hostile environment in the next 4 years in south china sea. She is not stupid and volatile like Trump, but she would do everything in her powers to keep America involved in SCS.

President Obama was the most mild, cooperative and reasonable leader that China could've dealt with. Could you think of any US president that tried to be more cooperative than Obama? The only time he was hard on China was when HRC first became secretary of state. US gov't basically did nothing the entire time that China has been doing its construction projects in SCS. Yet, I heard plenty of vitriol tossed his way from Chinese media. Now, think about why that is.

I disagree on Obama.

There is a vast gulf between what he says and what he does.

He makes good speeches, but I always saw him as deeply calculating and manipulative, willing to say just about anything necessary to get things his way.

He made reasonable sounding speaches, but his actions were anything but reasonable. Some notable foreign policy examples include how he tried to screw China on climate deal talks; tried to aggressively 'counter' Chinese interests in Africa (and had a decisive role in Libya, which forced the famous masses evacuation operation by the PLAN, but also cost China massive amounts in lost investments); and most unforgivably, directly caused the he current tensions in the SCS but sabotaging China's attempt to strike a historic resolution of the disputes and actively encouraging the other claimants like Vietnam and the Philippines to go on a land grabbing frenzy.

I know you put all of that on Hillary's tab, but I think it's unfair to heap the responsibility of all US foreign policy decisions on her.

She was the face and voice of US foreign policy, but you'd have to be reading alternative facts to think the core ideas and policy didn't come from Obama, or at a minimum got the nod from him.

Obama didn't 'do' much because of his personal weakness and obsession with his image and legacy, not because he was friendly towards China.

He got the flak he did from China mostly because people saw through his facade and despised his two-faced nature and bare faced hypocrisy.

Say what you will about Trump, at least he is open and honest about his intentions to put America first. As opposed to Obama who talked all rainbows and unicorns but had pretty much the same agenda as far as maintaining American primacy.


Lieutenant General
I think this important to note.

The globalist democrats and the republicans all want America to maintain its position as the lone super power in the world. The only people who don't care about that are the isolationists democrats and libertarians.

Hilary Clinton consistently has one of the most hawkish record in US politics. Regardless of how this election went, China is going to face a more hostile environment in the next 4 years in south china sea. She is not stupid and volatile like Trump, but she would do everything in her powers to keep America involved in SCS.

President Obama was the most mild, cooperative and reasonable leader that China could've dealt with. Could you think of any US president that tried to be more cooperative than Obama? The only time he was hard on China was when HRC first became secretary of state. US gov't basically did nothing the entire time that China has been doing its construction projects in SCS. Yet, I heard plenty of vitriol tossed his way from Chinese media. Now, think about why that is.

Ain't nothing "mild" about former President Obama's Asia Pivot.o_O


Lieutenant General
Say what you will about Trump, at least he is open and honest about his intentions to put America first. As opposed to Obama who talked all rainbows and unicorns but had pretty much the same agenda as far as maintaining American primacy.

Yes Trump is "honestly" a racist and an advocate for the Good Ole Boys system.


Lieutenant General
We agree in some ways Trump's a good ole boy, but I'm not sold on him being a racist. While it's true he'll shamelessly use race-baiting tactics, evidence during and since the election show he probably isn't a racist.

He was born with silver spoon in his mouth and his father is a part of the Good Ole Boys. When you are raised to believe that your kind is superior and that the world revolves around you, than you don't know what real racism is. I don't think he even cares to know.


He was born with silver spoon in his mouth and his father is a part of the Good Ole Boys. When you are raised to believe that your kind is superior and that the world revolves around you, than you don't know what real racism is. I don't think he even cares to know.
Equation, there are glaring biases in your statement, and I think you know it. What's up with that? I know you're an intelligent and educated man, so I hope it's just fodder for discussion and debate purposes.

On Trump, evidence in his business, campaign, and more importantly, Presidential duties and appointments show him to be far from a racist.


Lieutenant General
Equation, there are glaring biases in your statement, and I think you know it. What's up with that? I know you're an intelligent and educated man, so I hope it's just fodder for discussion and debate purposes.

On Trump, evidence in his business, campaign, and more importantly, Presidential duties and appointments show him to be far from a racist.
His cabinets are full of white guys thinking like him. Now you telling me that Trump can't find a more than qualify minority to be a member of his cabinet and administrations? There is NOTHING bias about my claim, that was your invention.


His cabinets are full of white guys thinking like him. Now you telling me that Trump can't find a more than qualify minority to be a member of his cabinet and administrations? There is NOTHING bias about my claim, that was your invention.
You're so biased you can't see daylight. Here's a link to Trump's Cabinet picks, and it puts your "full of white guys thinking like him" to shame. But hey, your mind is made up, so facts aren't likely to change it.

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Junior Member
Ain't nothing "mild" about former President Obama's Asia Pivot.o_O ~equation

well Obama and Crooked Hillary are long gone now:p one thing we have to be glad about is that without these two goons, China wouldn't have taken any action and built those 7 very nice islands down there in the south! in the end it doesn't really matter if you are dealing with a Crooked Hillary or a Racist Trump, China is more than prepared.


Ain't nothing "mild" about former President Obama's Asia Pivot.o_O ~equation

well Obama and Crooked Hillary are long gone now:p one thing we have to be glad about is that without these two goons, China wouldn't have taken any action and built those 7 very nice islands down there in the south! in the end it doesn't really matter if you are dealing with a Crooked Hillary or a Racist Trump, China is more than prepared.

They could put a few "Four Seasons Hotels" on the islands and call them "military themed holiday resorts for the PLA."