China ICBM/SLBM, nuclear arms thread


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China will test an ICBM from Taiyuan Launch Center tomorrow, very likely to be with exotic RV or new ICBM under development.

The NOTAMs indicate four drop zones and the real intended trajectory is likely to be a curve.

View attachment 120992

It will the third (?) ICBM launch recently following the unsuccessful launch of MMIII and reportedly failed test of Sarmat.

Russia will test Bulava SLBM tomorrow too and followed by French test of M51 SLBM later.

Same one or no?

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Integration of China and Russia’s missile attack early warning systems ..

Putin to CMC vice chairman Zhang Youxia today: "... As for the military-technical sphere, of course, our work in high-tech spheres comes first. I am referring to space, including high-orbital constellations, and I am also referring to modern weapons, advanced weapons..."

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need an expert opinion on this collaboration. how could this benefit China and Russia ..

@Kalec @gelgoog


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Integration of China and Russia’s missile attack early warning systems ..

Putin to CMC vice chairman Zhang Youxia today: "... As for the military-technical sphere, of course, our work in high-tech spheres comes first. I am referring to space, including high-orbital constellations, and I am also referring to modern weapons, advanced weapons..."

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need an expert opinion on this collaboration. how could this benefit China and Russia ..

@Kalec @gelgoog
China has better tech and Russia better location (to detect ICBM/SLBM/bombers coming over the Arctic heading to China).


Junior Member
Registered Member
Integration of China and Russia’s missile attack early warning systems ..

@Kalec @gelgoog
CN/RU early warning satellites are complimentary in some sense. For example, CN has 5 GEO + 2 HEO and RU has 6 HEO.
The obstacle is how to comm with each other's early warning system, which is way more complicated than many would think.

Both Russia and China have VLF/ELF/ULF networks to relay short-code message for their strategic forces. (See ZEVS and WEM as examples of ULF) The problem is they takes minutes to send a ABCDEF message where early warning is all about "quick", so there has to be a series of pre-set emergency code then everyone moves to secured communication with higher frequency.

Russia has Meridian series satellite as their strategic comm satellits and China has Chinasat-1 series, the same problem with Russia satellites is that they are all HEO based. I haven't done the calculation myself, but I am skeptical whether they could reach southern China by any luck.

In short, Russian system seems to primarily focus on polar coverage and Chinese system is trying to replicate what US is doing with a global coverage. It means when nuclear war happens, Russia will have a quicker response to US ICBM forces and any SLBM launches from Arctic meanwhile Chinese is better at detecting launching from Pacfic, Indian Ocean.

The integration is going to reduce each other's reaction time but it also needs to address the problem of false alarm.


T1000 (6390MPa fiber) and T1100 (6600Mpa one but Toray standard is 7000MPa FYI) appear in their auction list.

Another (non)news is that T700 fibers (4900MPa) are being massively bought by motor manufacturer at a scale of >10 ton per batch.

View attachment 121139

So is this a kind of confirmation that China is capable to mass produce T1100 equivalent ?


CN/RU early warning satellites are complimentary in some sense. For example, CN has 5 GEO + 2 HEO and RU has 6 HEO.
The obstacle is how to comm with each other's early warning system, which is way more complicated than many would think.

Both Russia and China have VLF/ELF/ULF networks to relay short-code message for their strategic forces. (See ZEVS and WEM as examples of ULF) The problem is they takes minutes to send a ABCDEF message where early warning is all about "quick", so there has to be a series of pre-set emergency code then everyone moves to secured communication with higher frequency.

Russia has Meridian series satellite as their strategic comm satellits and China has Chinasat-1 series, the same problem with Russia satellites is that they are all HEO based. I haven't done the calculation myself, but I am skeptical whether they could reach southern China by any luck.

In short, Russian system seems to primarily focus on polar coverage and Chinese system is trying to replicate what US is doing with a global coverage. It means when nuclear war happens, Russia will have a quicker response to US ICBM forces and any SLBM launches from Arctic meanwhile Chinese is better at detecting launching from Pacfic, Indian Ocean.

The integration is going to reduce each other's reaction time but it also needs to address the problem of false alarm.

Why can't simply China send more HEO satellites to cover more (global) ?