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So I was perusing wikipedia pages on the Soviet-Afghan War and the current US-Afghan War:

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Out of curiosity, I checked the casualty numbers for both wars:

View attachment 76160 View attachment 76161

This shows us that when the Soviets were fighting in Afghanistan, it was mostly the Soviets who were doing the fighting.

When the Americans were fighting in Afghanistan, it was the Afghans who were doing most of the fighting.

Also, the US managed to cut their casualty figures by half by "outsourcing" much of the fighting to PMC. Actually, if we assume most PMC are American-based, and we only look at American casualties, the true figure is 2.67 times higher than the official figure!
PMC make a killing in profit. I know people who kept returning to Afghanistan and Iraq just because it was too financially rewarding. It is also good politics for the administration to keep the US military casualty law.

The problem is the PMC gets a free ride and do not have accountability.


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The Iraqi Information Minister Receives Academy Award

A handy piece of Saigon Redux and Baghdad Bob for the younger readers

Mohammad Saeed al-Sahhaf (born in 1937) nicked Baghdad Bob or Comical Ali in 2003 US Invasion ...png

Maula Jatt

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Indian fetish for China balkanizing is a projection of their own fears of their country balkanizing. They project India's issues onto China and assume it is amplified because China is not a liberal democracy.
Wait fr? Lol

This is crazy, China's strength is it's ability to be balkanized proof

You need to look at other weakness in Chinese society, this won't cut it


Lieutenant General
View attachment 76154
Apparently scenes from Kabul overnight. Taliban soldiers decided to camp on the side of the road for the night instead of barging into people's houses. This exact same thing happened in Shanghai in 1949.

Given this and all the other Chinese Civil War parallel over the last two weeks I strongly suspect the delegation went home with a few copies of the red book.

By the way I looked up the timeline of how it went:
29/07/2021 - Taliban delegation arrives in Tianjin
30/07/2021 - MFA issues warning for all Chinese citizens to leave Afghanistan
01/08/2021 - Taliban launched their nation-wide offensive
15/08/2021 - Taliban captures Kabul
One does not turn a book in a foreign language into a viable national takeover strategy in a night and implement it in two weeks.

The Taliban have been using Mao’s tactics for months by first taking control of the countryside to surround the cities and playing off the disunity amongst the various pro-government warlords to defeat them in detail.

I would say either the Taliban have been busy reading Mao and other civil war era Chinese histories while hiding in caves these last 20 years, or they recently got new foreign advisors who had been. Or both.

It would not be unusual or unexpected for Chinese military strategists to game out all likely scenarios in Afghanistan, so China probably had detailed playbooks for how both government and Taliban could attain victory. As well as the likely support both sides would need and the timescales involved.

Given that the Afghan government had to be propped up by foreign direct military support, probably lasting multiple decades and a comprehensive nation building strategy to drag Afghanistan kicking and screaming into the modern world to cut off the Taliban’s source of recruits. It would have been an easy choice for China to decide the Taliban as the far more preferred horse to back.

Especially in the aftermath of the Afghan government backed terrorist attacked in Pakistan that killed Chinese nationals.

I am now convinced that that was a CIA planned op ran through their Afghan pawns. The reason they were so easy to trace back to Afghanistan was because that was the intention all along. That may also be why the Americans fled so quickly.

The plan was to create an pretext and opportunity for Chinese military intervention on Afghanistan.

The evidence would be conclusive enough for China to be convinced that the Afghan government murdered their engineers in Pakistan but the western MSM could still easily spin and dismiss it.

With US troops out of country, it would be impossible for China to exact revenge on America by taking out their troops there via covert means like Iran did to them in Iraq.

The lynchpin of the deal was that the ‘modern’ Afghan government forces were supposed to be able to easily handle the Taliban, or at a minimum to not loose, so China would have had to go in themselves directly to exact revenge. And then America can blame the collapse of Afghanistan on China while also trapping China in an unwinnable unending grind.

It was a laughably transparent and clumsy play underpinned by bad intel on the relative strengths of the Afghan government forces and Taliban. One which China easily saw through and had easy, cheap and off-the-shelf counters for.

China’s response was to cut a deal with the Taliban with the promise of official recognition and future reconstruction support in exchange for commitment to stay out of Chinese internal affairs and probably purge their ranks of ETIM elements now and forever. As a signing bonus, the Chinese probably threw in a fully translated version of their comprehensive wargame strategy for how the Taliban could win the civil war the quickest and most effectively.

The Taliban visit to Tianjin was just the final public acknowledgement of that previously covert deal.


Lieutenant General
There have been deaths at Kabul airport, cause unknown.
No sign of blood or bullet holes in surrounding areas. Seems more likely they were trampled/crushed in a stampede, which would not be surprising given the scenes of chaos at the airport last night. And fits with all the discard detritus around them.

Especially with the Americans firing warning shots suddenly.