Banned & Warned Members List


Lieutenant General
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Registered Member
Warned and banned member: hamaoka123

Reason: Posting Ukrainian-War stuff in another thread connected with images of dead bodies and applauding the killing

Sentence: immediate permanent

Warned and banned member: emblem21

Posting Ukrainian-War stuff in another thread connected, discussing NATO-Russia war scenarios and applauding this in a way by using smear language which is simply inappropriate

Sentence: immediate permanent

Warned and banned member: Stierlitz

Reason: Posting Ukrainian-War stuff in another thread, again too many political provocative and offensive posts after now altogether 8 warnings while at the same time constantly reporting posts he did not like!

Sentence: permanent ban


Lieutenant General
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Super Moderator
Registered Member
Warned member: SichuanHotPot

Reason: Plain lunatic posts, BS including political propaganda … take your time to reconsider why are you here and if the SDF is the correct forum for you.

Sentence: Two months ban, one year on return if further such posts were noted (can be permanent depending on discretion)


Lieutenant General
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Warned member: ACuriousPlaFan

Reason: Using excessively informal slang like "LMAO" in flagship threads in a manner which becomes quantitatively noticeable due to overall frequency of posting, and more concerningly declaring continued intent to do so. This forum is constantly having new members join, and part of that means those of us who have been here for a while and post frequently have a responsibility to continue this forum's aspiration to be more professional rather than casual.

Sentence: three day warning ban.

Warned member: By78

Reason: Backseat moderating when asked to stop. If you have issues, leave it to the moderators, either report it or PM one of us. The forum is not there for you to publicly disassemble someone else's posting style.

Sentence: three day warning ban.

I consider both of you to be valued members of SDF, and neither of these infarctions are that serious, however I also encourage you to understand that not restraining things a little bit has the risk of affecting the quality of SDF further, particularly in the flagship threads.
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Lieutenant General
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Banned member: ChongqingHotPot92

Reason: Continued low quality posting with no effort in improving. Repeated inflaming posts on various threads.

Sentence: one week

In fact after too many kind reminders and several clear warnings, no change in behaviour was noted, still continued low quality posting with no effort in improving, repeated derailing into off-topic discussions and inflaming posts on various threads.

Permanent ban.


Lieutenant General
Staff member
Super Moderator
Registered Member
Warned member: SichuanHotPot

Reason: Plain lunatic posts, BS including political propaganda … take your time to reconsider why are you here and if the SDF is the correct forum for you.

Sentence: Two months ban, one year on return if further such posts were noted (can be permanent depending on discretion)

Done ... too many plain stupid posts, propaganda and several posts in bad faith, no real contribution and too many warnings in a too short time


Lieutenant General
Staff member
Super Moderator
Registered Member
Warned and banned member: Santamaria

Reason: Too many political provocative and offensive posts for a new member including NATO-Russia war scenarios and advocating nuclear attacks against several NATO countries! Take your time to reconsider and read the rules

Sentence: two month ban

Several more warnings with no change in postings and therefore now six month ban! Next infraction results in immediate ban.


Lieutenant General
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Super Moderator
Registered Member
Warned and banned member: Aquauant

Reason: unhinged, incoherent, and personal attacks and claims that do not make any sense despite a member that made an account here a long time ago. On your return I advise you to chill out a bit.

Sentence: two month ban