054/A FFG Thread II


Sounds too good to be true, and if it sounds too good to be true, it is. Like most info out of China, we can't take them at face value and must wait and see. No offense to PLAN fans, but it is what it is.

Can you give examples of " Like most info out of China, we can't take them at face value and must wait and see."

I'm saying the SOP for all claims of technological breakthoughs from China is 'caveat emptor.'

Electric Propulsion is no longer a breakthrough technology as far as the west is concerned. It has been used in large passenger ships for years. It is still a propeller but powered by electricity.


Junior Member
About as far as I could throw them. All medias are biased or agenda-based in their own way; some are better than others, and totalitarian government controlled media are the worst.

You have to take all media with a grain of salt, however it is incorrect to say that China is a totalitarian government just like it is incorrect to say that the Chinese media is controlled in a totalitarian way. Maybe decades ago during the Cultural Revolution but certainly not in this day and age.

The media, even in China, is made up of thousands of reporters and thousands of media firms. There are quite a few instances where news that the government doesn't like has slipped through the censors at the state controlled CCTV, not to mention smaller, local/private networks. In China, the difference is that they lay the censorship rather thick about certain issues and in a direct way, while in the West, networks are pressured through more financial and clandestine means. Censorship usually only happens in China when it's news concerning some specific big shots' interests or stuff otherwise considered subversive.

However Chinese state media would not risk embarrassment by publishing false claims about something like military technology. If the claims in A.Man's article are indeed false, they are by no means a result of a "totalitarian" news media, but the work of fanboys. It would be the result of a LACK of regulation rather than an excessive amount. Remember that China, unlike North Korea, does not benefit politically from making official overstatements of their military capabilities. North Korean official media is designed strictly for its own news-starved citizens, while Chinese official media is under much higher scrutiny both domestically and abroad.


Can you give examples of " Like most info out of China, we can't take them at face value and must wait and see."
A good example is Li Keqiang's reported disbelieve of official Chinese economic data, and there are many more such examples.

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Electric Propulsion is no longer a breakthrough technology as far as the west is concerned. It has been used in large passenger ships for years. It is still a propeller but powered by electricity.

The article A. Man posted claimed technology breakthrough.

大型船舶电力推进系统全部国产化 将用于054B型导弹护卫舰

继今年7月中船重工712研究所宣布研制成功3兆瓦电力推进系统以后,中国船舶工业在电力推进技术上再次取 得突破。据工业和信息化部装备工业司介绍,我国已经实现了单轴推进功率20MW以下船舶电力推进系统的全部 国产化。这标志着我国中型水面舰艇全电力推进的的技术应用已经为时不远。

船舶综合电力推进系统是伴随现代电力电子技术的发展产生的一种新型船舶推进系统,它将船舶动力电站和辅机电 站合二为一,从而达到有效利用能源、提高船舶机动性、降低船舶噪声的目的。
应用于军用舰艇时,船舶综合电力推进系统还有其他的特殊优势。现代水面舰艇上电子设备不断增加,耗电功率不 断加大,采用综合电力推进系统可以统筹使用舰上能源,保障舰上各种大型耗电设备的使用,并在必要情况下通过 将推进动力转移的方法,为各种短时间高耗能设备,如高能激光器、电磁弹射器等设备提供能源支持。加上电力推 进的噪声低、燃油消耗少,能够提高舰艇的隐蔽性并延长舰艇续航力。电力推进是各国海军集中力量研发的重要舰 艇技术之一。
中船重工武汉712研究所在船舶综合电力推进系统的自主创新中取得了重大进展,研制了以变频器、推进电机、 推进变压器、功率管理系统、操纵控制系统为核心的推进系统,实现了单轴推进功率20MW以下船舶电力推进系 统的全部国产化。研制的低压690V(2×1000kW)和3300V(2×3000kW)全国产化电力推 进系统及设备已实现批量装船。

目前,为扩大应用范围、提升产品技术水平、增强产品国际竞争力,712研究所正在开展低压690V、中压3 300V电力推进系统及相关核心设备的系列化产品开发。
单轴推进功率20MW以下船舶电力推进系统的全部国产化对我国海军意义重大。它标志着我国已能自行为水面舰 艇提供总功率40MW(54000马力)的双轴电力推进系统。这一功率足以驱动一艘4000吨以上的驱护舰 达到30节的航速。有消息称,我国正在研制的054B型导弹护卫舰即将采用电力推进系统。该舰很有可能就采 用了712研究所研制的推进系统。

2013年5月,在中海油服4艘6000hp深水平台供应船综合电力推进系统招标中,武汉712所与ABB 、GE等国外知名公司同时投标,最终凭借优势成功获得该项合同,成为该型船的国内首家集成商。另外,该所的 电力推进系统也获得交通运输部海事局认可,在大型航标船项目中得到应用。

前不久,工业和信息化部装备工业司发布了《高技术船舶科研项目指南(2013年版)》。其中“3兆瓦级吊舱 式电力推进系统开发及关键设备研制”被列为关键配套设备研究的第一项。电力吊舱的优势较传统的推进轴更为明 显,对船舶机动性的提高至关重要。从目前的情况看,712研究所依托已有的技术成果,也将在这一领域取得进 一步进展。


Lieutenant General
It's simple, I don't believe any ChiCom media "technology breakthrough" claims, as stated in A. Man's article, without proof.

Whatever you say if that make you sleep better at night. I am just curious if you don't believe anything coming out from China why bother frequenting site like this?


Whatever you say if that make you sleep better at night. I am just curious if you don't believe anything coming out from China why bother frequenting site like this?

1) Topics are fun
2) Goodhearted banter (mostly)
3) Better info than some other forum/media sources
4) Feng and Jeff Head
5) Like other defense-related sites, this forum is "trust but verify"


New Member
It's simple, I don't believe any ChiCom media "technology breakthrough" claims, as stated in A. Man's article, without proof.
Oh Man, i ask you a simple question on which part of A.Man's article, what tech or figure given is "too good to be true", and all you telling me is you don't believe simply cos it's reporting by the chinese media, "ChiCom" media to you.

So what's there to discuss in this forum where 90% of all news are from chinese media, chinese forums and bbs. I guess you prefer discussing articles from strategypage which you like to quote. Excellent choice for someone who is picky on which media to believe.

About as far as I could throw them. All medias are biased or agenda-based in their own way; some are better than others, and totalitarian government controlled media are the worst.

That's your bias belief. Not a adequate reason to discredit A.Man. article and its claimed tech breakthrough.

Assume if i tell you that chinese believe all westerners and its media are out to discredit chinese achievement, some worse than others, and americans are the worst. Is this reason good enough to discredit all westerners, especially americans, posting in this forum for seeking clarification on chinese achievements.

Your doubts on A.Man's article and its claim have just been nullified by the above assumed belief. Do you want me and other forumers to adopt similar beliefs??

1) Topics are fun
2) Goodhearted banter (mostly)
3) Better info than some other forum/media sources
4) Feng and Jeff Head
5) Like other defense-related sites, this forum is "trust but verify"

1) I agree.
2) I hope so.
3) Yes, better than most other english-speaking forums/media sources such as Strategypage, even Janes.
4) I like Jeff Head for his extensive knowledge on US naval practices. Feng, a Canadian chinese who left China at the age of 10/12?? gets most of his info from chinese forum/bbs, the very media you distrust. Maybe you like Feng's style of reporting chinese military development which most of us can see the reason for your pet preference.
5) What is there to verify if you just discredit the all chinese media and 90% of all news in forum are from chinese media.

I really don't the stamina or wish to correct your bias belief. i hope for the good of this forum, you can look at an article as it is and not simply say "NO, BS, its from ChiCom media".


Oh Man, i ask you a simple question on which part of A.Man's article, what tech or figure given is "too good to be true", and all you telling me is you don't believe simply cos it's reporting by the chinese media, "ChiCom" media to you.

So what's there to discuss in this forum where 90% of all news are from chinese media, chinese forums and bbs. I guess you prefer discussing articles from strategypage which you like to quote. Excellent choice for someone who is picky on which media to believe.

That's your bias belief. Not a adequate reason to discredit A.Man. article and its claimed tech breakthrough.

Assume if i tell you that chinese believe all westerners and its media are out to discredit chinese achievement, some worse than others, and americans are the worst. Is this reason good enough to discredit all westerners, especially americans, posting in this forum for seeking clarification on chinese achievements.

Your doubts on A.Man's article and its claim have just been nullified by the above assumed belief. Do you want me and other forumers to adopt similar beliefs??

1) I agree.
2) I hope so.
3) Yes, better than most other english-speaking forums/media sources such as Strategypage, even Janes.
4) I like Jeff Head for his extensive knowledge on US naval practices. Feng, a Canadian chinese who left China at the age of 10/12?? gets most of his info from chinese forum/bbs, the very media you distrust. Maybe you like Feng's style of reporting chinese military development which most of us can see the reason for your pet preference.
5) What is there to verify if you just discredit the all chinese media and 90% of all news in forum are from chinese media.

I really don't the stamina or wish to correct your bias belief. i hope for the good of this forum, you can look at an article as it is and not simply say "NO, BS, its from ChiCom media".

Ok rolking, I get your meaning. Peace.