South East Asia Military News, Reports, Data, etc.

LOL last week I google-translated from Indonesian something related, but that translation didn't make sense to me:
Indonesia reportedly negotiating price of Russian Su-35 fighters
Indonesia and Russia are continuing to negotiate the terms of the Indonesian Air Force's (TNI-AU's) procurement of Sukhoi Su-35 'Flanker-E' multirole combat aircraft, Indonesian defence minister Ryamizard Ryacudu has confirmed.

In comments reported by state-owned media agency Antara on 9 December, Ryacudu said the price of the aircraft had proved a stumbling block in the purchase of an initial eight aircraft.

"Just wait. [We] still have to bargain [the price]," he was quoted by Antara as saying. Ryacudu added that as well as price, Indonesia is also pressing Russia over the terms of technology transfer and localised production. "For the moment, [we plan to buy] just eight, and negotiations are underway," he said.

Details about the localised production programme have not been revealed but are unlikely to feature the manufacture or assembly of the whole aircraft unless Indonesia commits to a purchase of a significant number of aircraft. Localised component manufacturing and support are the most likely first phases of collaboration.

In 2015 Ryacudu said the Indonesian Ministry of Defence had selected the Su-35 to replace the TNI-AU's Northrop F-5E Tiger II fighters, which entered TNI-AU service in 1980 and are expected to be withdrawn from service by the end of the decade.

Previously outlining the rationale for the selection of the Su-35, Ryacudu has said that the TNI-AU was "accustomed" to operating Russian fighter aircraft. The service operates a mix of 16 Su-27SK 'Flanker' and Su-30MK2 'Flanker-C' fighter aircraft procured over the past decade.

Most of these aircraft, and other military platforms, were procured through aid and long-term loans provided by Moscow. It is also likely that similar financial mechanisms would support Indonesia's purchase of the Su-35. To that end, Tubagus Hasanuddin, vice-chairman of Indonesian House of Representatives' defence commission, confirmed in September 2015 that Jakarta was discussing with Moscow the terms of a USD3 billion defence loan.
... and don't have an access to the rest of the source which is Jane's
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... the last sub was only embarked on a special vessel in Saint Petersburg on December 9, but maybe it would be Vietnam's problem if anything went wrong now :) ...


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
... the last sub was only embarked on a special vessel in Saint Petersburg on December 9, but maybe it would be Vietnam's problem if anything went wrong now :) ...
What you say ?

A very long Journey about 45 days by the Cape of Good Hope, after the Flotilla in fact Subm Brigade get full with 6 good SSKs.
... the last sub was only embarked on a special vessel in Saint Petersburg on December 9, but maybe it would be Vietnam's problem if anything went wrong now :) ...
What you say ?


Yesterday at 9:03 PM
... the last sub was only embarked on a special vessel in Saint Petersburg on December 9, but maybe it would be Vietnam's problem if anything went wrong now :) ...
Monday at 12:50 PM
all six "Varshavyankas", ordered by Vietnam back in 2009 in the contract worth $3.2b in total, have been delivered, says
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(to me this article is strange because the last sub was only embarked on a special vessel in Saint Petersburg on December 9, but maybe it would be Vietnam's problem if anything went wrong now :) I don't know the details, of course)

and accompanies the info with this picture:
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"Tous les six "Varshavyankas", commandé par le Vietnam en 2009 dans le contrat d'une valeur de 3,2 milliards de dollars au total, ont été livrés, dit
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(Pour moi, cet article est étrange parce que le dernier sous n'a été embarqué que sur un navire spécial à Saint-Pétersbourg le 9 décembre, mais peut-être ce serait le problème du Vietnam si quelque chose allait mal maintenant :) Je ne connais pas les détails, bien sûr)

Et accompagne l'info avec cette photo:"
the google translation of
Rudal Pertahanan Diri Ini Sedang Ditimbang untuk Dipinang TNI AL
Kapal korvet eks kelas Nakhoda Ragam yang dibeli TNI AL pada 2013 dan bersalin rupa menjadi MRLF (Multi Role Light Frigate) kelas Bung Tomo, secara perlahan melengkapi diri dengan beragam sistem senjata.

Seperti diketahui, MRLF kelas Bung Tomo ini sudah dilengkapi dengan VLS (Vertical Launch System) sebanyak 16 sel yang meluncurkan rudal antipesawat untuk sistem anti pertahanan kapal perang itu sendiri. Desain asli VLS pada MLRF sendiri diperuntukkan bagi rudal Seawolf. Sayangnya, rudal ini sudah uzur dan tidak diproduksi lagi.

TNI AL sendiri sudah melakukan pengadaan sejumlah sistem rudal pertahanan diri, termasuk rudal MICA untuk PKR-105. Salah satu pesaing sebelum MICA terpilih adalah rudal Umkhonto buatan Denel Defense (Kentron) Afrika Selatan.

Nah, untuk MLRF kabarnya Denel Defense ikut serta lagi untuk memperebutkan ‘hunian’ di dalam VLS.

Umkhonto sendiri merupakan nama tombak sakti milik Raja Shaka dari suku Zulu. Rudal pertahanan diri ini memang relatif kurang terdengar di kancah persaingan internasional, tetapi bukan berarti tak bertaji. Adopsi Umkhonto oleh 12 Angkatan Laut di seluruh dunia menjadi buktinya.

Umkhonto tersedia dalam tiga varian: pemandu infra merah (Umkhonto IR) untuk jarak dekat, pemandu IR dengan booster (Umkhonto ER-IR) untuk jarak sedang, dan pemandu Radar (Umkhonto-R) untuk sasaran BVR (Beyond Visual Range). Besar kemungkinan yang dijajaki oleh TNI AL adalah Umkhonto IR Block 2 yang memiliki jarak efektif sampai 15 km terhadap sasaran seukuran pesawat terbang.

Pengembangan awal dari Umkhonto IR (Block I) dilakukan Denel pada tahun 2001 untuk mempersenjatai frigat kelas Meko A200 yang memang dilengkapi dengan VLS.

Pengembangan varian Umkhonto IR Block 2 dilakukan atas pesanan AL Finlandia yang hendak memasangnya ke kapal cepat kelas Hamina. Denel memasang sistem pemandu IR generasi baru dan algoritma pengenalan sasaran yang lebih baik. Dengan sistem ini Umkhonto mampu membedakan antara sasaran dan objek sekitar sehingga memiliki pertahanan terhadap gangguan elektronik atau lingkungan sekitar yang lebih baik.

Rudal sepanjang tiga meter dan berbobot 125 kg saat peluncuran ini hanya butuh 16 detik untuk melesat menuju sasaran sejauh 8 km dari kapal peluncur. Kemampuannya bermanuver di udara disediakan oleh nosel yang bisa diubah-ubah sudutnya (thrust vectoring control).

Karena sistem pemandunya yang berbasis infra merah, Umkhonto IR cukup menerima informasi sasaran dari sistem manajemen pertempuran. Sistem manajemen menerima pasokan data sasaran udara dari radar pencari dan penjejak 3 dimensi buatan British Aerospace Insyte AWS-9 dan 1802SW yang terpasang pada MRLF. 3

Umkhonto IR Block 2 juga dapat menerima informasi sasaran setelah rudal diluncurkan, atau bias dikenal dengan teknologi LOAL (Lock On After Launch). Rudal ini juga mampu menerima pembaruan informasi dan koreksi atas data sasaran saat tengah meluncur, dan langsung di-update ke sistem pemandu inersialnya.

Umkhonto-IR menyalakan sistem pemandu IR-nya pada saat fase terminal untuk menjejak emisi panas dari sasarannya dan menghantam sasaran dengan hulu ledak fragmentasi.
"Former skipper class corvettes purchased Variety Navy in 2013 and behind and change into MRLF (Multi Role Light Frigate) class Bung Tomo, gradually equip themselves with a variety of weapons systems.

As is known, the class MRLF Bung Tomo is equipped with VLS (Vertical Launch System) cells that launch as many as 16 antiaircraft missiles for anti-defense system warships itself. The original design on MLRF own VLS missiles destined for Seawolf. Unfortunately, this missile elderly and no longer manufactured.

Navy itself has to procure a missile defense system, including MICA missiles for PKR-105. One of the competitors before the MICA missile Umkhonto elect is made in Denel Defense (Kentron) South Africa.

Well, to MLRF Denel Defense reportedly opted again to fight 'occupancy' in the VLS.

Umkhonto itself is a magic spear name of King Shaka of the Zulu people. Missile defense is indeed relatively less audible in the arena of international competition, but it does not mean bertaji. Adoption Umkhonto by 12 Navy around the world became evident.

Umkhonto available in three variants: a guide infrared (Umkhonto IR) for a short distance, IR guides with booster (ER Umkhonto-IR) for a medium-range, and guide radar (Umkhonto-R) to target BVR (Beyond Visual Range). Great possibilities explored by the Navy is Umkhonto IR Block 2 which has an effective range of up to 15 km to the size of the target aircraft.

The initial development of Umkhonto IR (Block I) do Denel in 2001 to arm the class frigates Meko A200 is equipped with VLS.

Development of Umkhonto IR Block 2 variants made-to-order AL Finland were about to put it to the Hamina class fast boats. Denel install a new generation of IR guidance system and target recognition algorithm better. With this system Umkhonto able to distinguish between the target and surrounding objects that have defenses against electronic interference or the environment better.

Missile three meters long and weighs 125 kg at launch it only takes 16 seconds to accelerate toward a target as far as 8 km from the boat launch. His ability to maneuver in the air supplied by a nozzle that can be altered angle (thrust vectoring control).

Because the system is based on infrared his guide, Umkhonto IR pretty receive target information from the battle management system. Management system receives data supply air targets from radar search and tracking three-dimensional artificial British Aerospace Insyte AWS-9 and 1802SW installed on MRLF. 3

Umkhonto IR Block 2 also can receive target information after the missile is launched, or bias known as loal technology (Lock On After Launch). This missile is also capable of receiving updates and corrections to the information when the target data was gliding, and instantly updated to inersialnya guidance system.

Umkhonto-IR turning on its IR guidance system during terminal phase to track the heat emission from the target and hit the mark with a fragmentation warhead."
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(the Brunei Navy would've obtained what's now the Bung Tomo class ...)