What the Heck?! Thread (Closed)

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The progressives are always on the march. Now that they have won, they will continue. The next items in the destruction of society will be the removal of the ten commandments from court houses and the removal of “In God we trust” from the US dollar.

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Tyrant King
The progressives are always on the march. Now that they have won, they will continue. The next items in the destruction of society will be the removal of the ten commandments from court houses and the removal of “In God we trust” from the US dollar.

Back to bottling my Grenache
I think they will try to change the faces first They are going to place a Female face on the ten in 2020, and A lot of "Politically Correct" Individuals want to cut Andrew Jackson's head off the twenty. For those not up on American History, President Andrew Jackson's Administration was responsible for a number of Anti-Native american policies including the Indian Removal Act and the Trail of Tears.


As regards the two flags.

1st, it is probably a simple matter of the employees at the Walmart in question not recognizing the ISIS flag. As simple as that. The Confederate Flag is well known throughout America and Walmart recently enacted a direct policy against it.

2nd, I think it is the height of folly for people, because of political correctness, to try and erase history. The Confederate Flag is a part of American history. It is true that it was a symbol of the Confederacy, but for more years than it was that, it has been a state flag, a southern culture emblem. Each state has a legislature that is elected by the people. If the people do not want it as their state flag...that is fine. Their legislatures will take care of it which I have no problem with.

But there are movement's afoot to take it out of history books. To have town ordinances banning its very appearance. To take it off old southern monuments. etc. I have a real problem with such attempts to erase history.

We give people the right in this country to burnt the American flag. I do not like it when I see it...but we allow it nonetheless. If some old boy from Alabama wants to hang the old Confederate flag in his car window...I say big whoop. Let him do so.

But that's just me.
Every historical writing is rewriting history. Necessarily, because you write to explain history for the people of your own time and for them "the past is a different country - they do things differently there." But too often it is falsifying history. I have seen it quite clearly wrt the Dutch war against Indonesia, 1945-'49, that was, often still is, called a "Politionele actie", as if the Dutch army came there as a heavily armed police to restore order. And of course that army didn't commit war crimes, although news about them was already published at the time. Recently the Dutch government apologized for some war crimes but it still doesn't want them to be investigated.


I think they will try to change the faces first They are going to place a Female face on the ten in 2020, and A lot of "Politically Correct" Individuals want to cut Andrew Jackson's head off the twenty. For those not up on American History, President Andrew Jackson's Administration was responsible for a number of Anti-Native american policies including the Indian Removal Act and the Trail of Tears.

It seems as if Liberalism/progressivism, they extend to many nations and are happily destroying cultures, revisionist history to such an extent that it has even less truth than the enemies propaganda over a defeated nation. A people that have no culture and no past has no future. Liberals are indoctrinated and directed idiots to destroy exactly this basis of any civilization. If you have no past you have no direction meaning no future, so they first destroy your Past to change your future (direction) and someone who has no ideals, goals or future will be easier to control and direct to a specific harmful future where only the leader can benefit. Western extreme Liberalism is cancerous to every society.

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As the old adage goes, winners get to write/rewrite history.
There is also an old Celtic saying that states "history is written by those who have hanged heros".

It doesn't matter if it's actual warfare or political/social wins. Future history books will be written within the context of those narratives.
As to the battle flag controversy, I am afraid it will go the way of the Reichskriegsflagge and it's variants in Europe today.

There is no such thing as just a confederate flag either. There are many variants. The controversial one people most associated with is technically called the The Battle Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia.


Lieutenant General
I had a friend when he was in college walk into a K-Mart and tried to use a two-dollar bill to purchase something. The cashier wouldn't accept it because he never seen or heard of a two-dollar bill and thought it was fake. My friend insisted it was real and the cashier called the manager and he also thought it was fake. Sorry my money is on the person at Wal Mart didn't even know that was an ISIS flag and what it meant.


I had a friend when he was in college walk into a K-Mart and tried to use a two-dollar bill to purchase something. The cashier wouldn't accept it because he never seen or heard of a two-dollar bill and thought it was fake. My friend insisted it was real and the cashier called the manager and he also thought it was fake. Sorry my money is on the person at Wal Mart didn't even know that was an ISIS flag and what it meant.

The Two-dollar notes here are being used as lucky money and have amulet (magic words) written on it. Some people don't accept it either.
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