PLAN SCS Bases/Islands/Vessels (Not a Strategy Page)


Fiery Cross Reef Update: Nov. 26, 2014 Image



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Junior Member
Here is a sad story:rofl:

11月21日,由农业部科技教育司主办,中国水产科学研究院、北车船舶与海洋工程发展有限公司、上海崇和实业有限公司、中国水产科学研究院渔业机械仪器研究所承办的“深远海大型养殖平台构建”启动会在北京召开。会上,中国水科院渔机所、北车海工、崇和实业三方签订深远海大型养殖平台战略框架协议,标 志着我国首个深远海养殖平台项目进入实质性推进阶段。
据介绍,“深远海大型养殖平台”是以海洋工程装备、工业化养殖、海洋生物资源开发与加工应用技术为基础,通过系统集成与模式创新,形成集海 上规模化养殖、名优苗种规模化繁育、渔获物扒载与物资补给、水产品分类贮藏等于一体的大型渔业生产综合平台。平台的研发、应用与推广将带动我国海上养殖业 由近海走向深远海。首个深远海大型养殖平台由十万吨级阿芙拉型油船改装而成,型长243.8米,型宽42米,型深21.4米,吃水14.8米,能够提供养殖水体近8万立方米。该养殖平台主要包括整船平台、养殖系统、物流加工系统和管理控制系统,能满足3000米水深以内的海上养殖,并具备12级台风下安全生产、移动躲避超强台风等优越功能。
项目总顾问、中国工程院雷霁霖院士表示,走向深远海,开展海水养殖是满足日益增长的水产品供给需求的重要途径。“深远海大型养殖平台”的构 建,充分显示我国深远海超大养殖平台设施装备的研发制造能力和战略布局的远见。该平台的构建有望实现与捕捞渔船、运输补给船只相结合,形成驰骋深远海和大洋、持续开展生产的渔业航母船队。
在启动会后召开的研讨会上,来自渔业主管部门、科研单位和龙头企业的专家还围绕项目的重大意义、海上养殖功能区装备研发、完善辅助功能设施 等进行了深入研讨。来自农业部科技教育司、渔业渔政管理局、渔业船舶检验局,工业和信息化部运行检测协调司,国家海洋局科技司,中国水产科学研究院、全国 水产技术推广总站,部分沿海省份海洋渔业主管部门,涉渔有关高校、科研单位以及龙头企业的领导和专家出席启动会。

1. “SCS have always been traditional fishing area of our country. However in recent years, as the situation in this area become tense, the fishery exploitation of our country is puzzled by the disturbance from surrounding countries. ”
2. A project is now formally proceeding, to develop a model of sea-farming platform working in deep&far ocean. Refitted by 100,000-ton aframac tanker (a kind of standard tanker ship).
3. Led by Ministry of Agriculture. Known participants: CNR Corporation's ship&sea branch, Shanghai Chonghe industry LTD, and several research institutions.

I suggest some countries better to stop there delusion. Tricycle can never catch up with automobile, and gap of comprehensive national strength between China and combined you is even far more lager than that.


Here is a sad story:rofl:

View attachment 10801
11月21日,由农业部科技教育司主办,中国水产科学研究院、北车船舶与海洋工程发展有限公司、上海崇和实业有限公司、中国水产科学研究院渔业机械仪器研究所承办的“深远海大型养殖平台构建”启动会在北京召开。会上,中国水科院渔机所、北车海工、崇和实业三方签订深远海大型养殖平台战略框架协议,标 志着我国首个深远海养殖平台项目进入实质性推进阶段。
据介绍,“深远海大型养殖平台”是以海洋工程装备、工业化养殖、海洋生物资源开发与加工应用技术为基础,通过系统集成与模式创新,形成集海 上规模化养殖、名优苗种规模化繁育、渔获物扒载与物资补给、水产品分类贮藏等于一体的大型渔业生产综合平台。平台的研发、应用与推广将带动我国海上养殖业 由近海走向深远海。首个深远海大型养殖平台由十万吨级阿芙拉型油船改装而成,型长243.8米,型宽42米,型深21.4米,吃水14.8米,能够提供养殖水体近8万立方米。该养殖平台主要包括整船平台、养殖系统、物流加工系统和管理控制系统,能满足3000米水深以内的海上养殖,并具备12级台风下安全生产、移动躲避超强台风等优越功能。
项目总顾问、中国工程院雷霁霖院士表示,走向深远海,开展海水养殖是满足日益增长的水产品供给需求的重要途径。“深远海大型养殖平台”的构 建,充分显示我国深远海超大养殖平台设施装备的研发制造能力和战略布局的远见。该平台的构建有望实现与捕捞渔船、运输补给船只相结合,形成驰骋深远海和大洋、持续开展生产的渔业航母船队。
在启动会后召开的研讨会上,来自渔业主管部门、科研单位和龙头企业的专家还围绕项目的重大意义、海上养殖功能区装备研发、完善辅助功能设施 等进行了深入研讨。来自农业部科技教育司、渔业渔政管理局、渔业船舶检验局,工业和信息化部运行检测协调司,国家海洋局科技司,中国水产科学研究院、全国 水产技术推广总站,部分沿海省份海洋渔业主管部门,涉渔有关高校、科研单位以及龙头企业的领导和专家出席启动会。

1. “SCS have always been traditional fishing area of our country. However in recent years, as the situation in this area become tense, the fishery exploitation of our country is puzzled by the disturbance from surrounding countries. ”
2. A project is now formally proceeding, to develop a model of sea-farming platform working in deep&far ocean. Refitted by 100,000-ton aframac tanker (a kind of standard tanker ship).
3. Led by Ministry of Agriculture. Known participants: CNR Corporation's ship&sea branch, Shanghai Chonghe industry LTD, and several research institutions.

I suggest some countries better to stop there delusion. Tricycle can never catch up with automobile, and gap of comprehensive national strength between China and combined you is even far more lager than that.
Just a remark:
Aframax is the name of the largest tankers to be used in African loading ports, I suppose in Nigeria.
Suezmax is the name for the largest ships, tankers and container carriers, able to pass the Suez canal.
Panamax is the name for the largest ships, mostly container carriers, able to pass the Panama canal.


Senior Member
My Chinese is rather limited but I recognize some of the Chinese characters.

周长 = perimeter and 米 = metres
So the perimeter of the of the reclamation is 12,172 m.

面积 = area and 平方公里 = square km.
so, the reclaimed area is 1.41 sq km.

Hope this helps the non-Chinese readers.

Don't really care too much about the perimeter, the size of the area is more important. The bigger the area size, the more useful it is for fisheries, tourism, military, supply base for oil exploration and search/rescue services.

Stumble on these numbers from other sources:
- Oct. 16 - Fiery Cross expanded to 0.9 sq km
- Nov. 17 - the reef has grown to 1.3 square km
- Nov. 26 - the area is now 1.41 square km

The speed of the reclamation is not surprising as I counted six dredgers working in the harbor.


thank you for the excellent picture.

Please upload more.
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New Member
Registered Member
The perimeter is important, because if you know the perimeter you can use Green's Theorem (or a special case of it for polygons, which is sometimes called the Shoelace formula) to accuretely compute the area. This method works well even for very complex polygons. See
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Or they can break the area down into individual triangles with the points as vertices and add up all the area of the triangle.


Senior Member

Fiery Cross is a collection of three reefs. This is a picture of the north eastern part of Fiery Cross or Yongshu which has two reefs.

The pics in posts #633, #641 and #644 show reclamation on the south western part of Fiery Cross which is occupied by the PRC since 1998, when a "UNESCO marine observation station" was built there.

I have not seen any news regarding reclamation on the north eastern part. Wonder when they are starting? Looks like they will start after they are done with the south western part.

Lately, there don't seem to be any news regarding the other reclamation at Johnson South, Gaven, Cuateron or Hughes reefs.

Please post if you have any news.
