CV-18 Fujian/003 CATOBAR carrier thread


Junior Member
Registered Member
Awesome! My home province! I wonder how much that will cost us for the naming rights lol.
Imagine in the future coast guards radioing other vessels to get out of the "Fukin"'s way. hehe
Just gotta make sure USN don't have any vessel named Canton...
Officially the naming routine of a warship starts when the local provincal or metropolitant government applying for the name to the Central Military Commission. There were always more than one local governments competing for the name for a new warship, especially when the warship is of some new-model and important.

The local government applying for the naming must sign an agreement with the navy, promise to provide welfare for the crew, hold warship visiting activities, etc., and promise to provide employment opportunities for the officers' spouses and the veterans, and provide school district admissions for the officers's children.


Registered Member
Officially the naming routine of a warship starts when the local provincal or metropolitant government applying for the name to the Central Military Commission. There were always more than one local governments competing for the name for a new warship, especially when the warship is of some new-model and important.

The local government applying for the naming must sign an agreement with the navy, promise to provide welfare for the crew, hold warship visiting activities, etc., and promise to provide employment opportunities for the officers' spouses and the veterans, and provide school district admissions for the officers's children.

Oh brother! Every time they make a port call to Xiamen then we will hear in overseas news that the invasion of Taiwan is imminent!