Indian Economics thread.

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Ran away????
Yeah that's right. Indians don't fight; they run, even to their own deaths. Why so many question marks? Did your propaganda tell you to disregard all the videos of Indians running and POWs on the ground covered in blood cus they're Pakistani actors? And the Indian passports being held up by POWs are fake too? LOL
Our soldiers entered into Chinese camp to take revenge of thrir unit head and scorred 1:5 ratio. Shame on the people who could not recognize the supreme sacrifise of their solders for face saving.
Shame your media makes these stories but never has any evidence. The Chinese side has evidence. A massive Indian armed squadon ambushed 5 unarmed Chinese negotiators. The 5 men refused to yield, even when some were tortured to death, the only deaths that Indians could cause. Then, when the Chinese soldiers arrived for combat, the Indians ran away, could not even fight. They jumped into frozen streams and died there. 65 POWs surrendered. It's in pictures and videos. And then the Indian government gave medals to all the cowards who ran and all of them who died. And then told you fools they had a 1:5 (I've heard as high as 1:20 LOL) ratio and you idiots actually believed it LOL Don't know if you're just plain stupid or if it's just too painful to be smart regarding this.
Pity on those poor soldiers whose sacrifice was over looked for face savings and burried in secret.
All 5 were honored. They were transported home, unlike your dead, by your own admission.
It is you wjo said that I give wrong information. I chellanged to give example.
Yeah, it's all in the post I linked. Everything you said was wrong and I rebutted. They're not examples; they're answers about why you're always wrong.
You are crying nos.
That's not English... pity the Indian who can't even speak English despite all the things the British put them through...
Not only that, they shot down one JF 17 in fear.
Yeah, ok. I shot down 100 MKI last night blowing darts out my window, while we're here making up stories LOL
Bluff was busted once again. Those 2 pilots of Indian sukhois turned out to be of F16 shoot down by Abhinandan.
They didn't turn out to be anybody. You have no bodies, no wreckage, no proof of anything, just desperate wishful stories to make Indians not feel like the losers that they are. Pakistan has your wreckage and your black-eyed pilot; that's called proof. Mr. Veri Gud Tea didn't shoot down anybody but managed to become a tea salesman for Pakistan. The US counted the F-16s and saw none missing. Indians keep insisting they shot something down because the truth that Indian's can't even shoot the breeze is just too painful and embarrassing to admit.
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Junior Member
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Thats pretty low score.
Which video game your costume boys were playing? "Crush Chyyna Jaiii"version 4?
Even in video game being ganged by 5 man ain't a good thing for your...whatever they are you said.
Yes 5 of them kneeling and pulling their ears for every 1 person

Btw what's going on here ? Did sleepy and twineedle married and produced offsprings?


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You guys try your best to get into US universities but you are rejected. There is a huge diaspora of Chinese in west but they are nowhere near Indians in Education, Top positions in Corporates, Research centers, Universities, administration, Big organizations like IMF, World Bank etc. Where is the comparison? What is your achievement outside China inspite of having such a big diaspora outside China.
Indians like yourself love bragging about getting into Ivy Leagues/top positions in 'prestigious' western companies like Facebook/Microsoft. Meanwhile China has its own version of the Ivy League (C9 League) and Facebook (WeChat).

It is a matter of 15 to 20 years before we surpass China economically.
China could stop growing for 20 years and India would still have the smaller economy.


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Yes 5 of them kneeling and pulling their ears for every 1 person

Btw what's going on here ? Did sleepy and twineedle married and produced offsprings?

Jai Hind!

Hindus have more children !

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Swarm the heathens of Christ, mohamedans and chinko gingko with sheer volume of human flesh!


Registered Member
I am sharing my personal experience I have traveled through india and i have met Pakistanis in person i don’t need these stats to derive any conclusion
Then you're lol
This was said by general Bipin Rawat. He said that had Pakistan crossed the border, they would have got a befitting reply.
And unfortunately.... He's R.I.P.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Yeah that's right. Indians don't fight; they run, even to their own deaths. Why so many question marks? Did your propaganda tell you to disregard all the videos of Indians running and POWs on the ground covered in blood cus they're Pakistani actors? And the Indian passports being held up by POWs are fake too? LOL

Shame your media makes these stories but never has any evidence. The Chinese side has evidence. A massive Indian armed squadon ambushed 5 unarmed Chinese negotiators. The 5 men refused to yield, even when some were tortured to death, the only deaths that Indians could cause. Then, when the Chinese soldiers arrived for combat, the Indians ran away, could not even fight. They jumped into frozen streams and died there. 65 POWs surrendered. It's in pictures and videos. And then the Indian government gave medals to all the cowards who ran and all of them who died. And then told you fools they had a 1:5 (I've heard as high as 1:20 LOL) ratio and you idiots actually believed it LOL Don't know if you're just plain stupid or if it's just too painful to be smart regarding this.

All 5 were honored. They were transported home, unlike your dead, by your own admission.

Yeah, it's all in the post I linked. Everything you said was wrong and I rebutted. They're not examples; they're answers about why you're always wrong.

That's not English... pity the Indian who can't even speak English despite all the things the British put them through...

Yeah, ok. I shot down 100 MKI last night blowing darts out my window, while we're here making up stories LOL

They didn't turn out to be anybody. You have no bodies, no wreckage, no proof of anything, just desperate wishful stories to make Indians not feel like the losers that they are. Pakistan has your wreckage and your black-eyed pilot; that's called proof. Mr. Veri Gud Tea didn't shoot down anybody but managed to become a tea salesman for Pakistan. The US counted the F-16s and saw none missing. Indians keep insisting they shot something down because the truth that Indian's can't even shoot the breeze is just too painful and embarrassing to admit.
How can india have proofs when the dogfight happened in Pakistan controlled territory of Kashmir both the aircrafts fell in Pakistan controlled Kashmir Pakistan showed downed mig 21 but didn’t show the other one


How can india have proofs when the dogfight happened in Pakistan controlled territory of Kashmir both the aircrafts fell in Pakistan controlled Kashmir Pakistan showed downed mig 21 but didn’t show the other one
They can't, because their story puts it in a way such that they can't have evidence. And also because there is no wreckage as all the F-16 are still in service accounted for by the US count... which someone wasn't "aware" of but his 2 big mouth buddies sure were. I shot down 15 MKI last night with spit balls and they call crashed in India. How can I have evidence if they all crashed in India? I can't, so you should believe me LOL See? India's not clever; anyone can make up bullshit stories like this and ask "how can I have evidence?" Shrug
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