2020/2021 Tokyo Summer Olympics


Senior Member
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Kind of disturbing first set for Chen Long vs Axelsen

Chen Long seems to be unable to catch Axelsen's smashes

Update: First set lost. Chen Long is playing quite badly
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Senior Member
Updates that are not gold medal related.

Women's volley ball finished their Olympics campaign after win over Argentina. Zhu Ting again didn't play. Overall 2 wins 3 losses and did not progress.
Lang Ping will retire after this, at the end of the game the players cried and expressed their gratitude.

The women basketball topped their group and progress to the next stage after beating Belgium quite comfortably. Nice surprise. Yao ming congratulated them on the court after the game. Good to see big Yao there.


Walihan Sailike won bronze for China in 60kg greco Roman wrestling. He is from Xinjiang. The picture is gonna piss off the china watchers.


Registered Member
Is Yao Ming the coach or just a staff member?
