*New J-10 Thread*

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Empty 8,300kg
Typical Air-to-Air Combat 13,200kg
Max take-off 18,000kg
Fuel capacity 4,500kg
Max payload N/A
The optimistic estimate of the empty weight of J-10 is 7.8T .

J-10 with 3 external fuel tank and 2 PL-12 + 2 PL-8 only has a combat radius of 1100 km.
When J-10 with 3 external fuel tank and 2 PL-12 + 2 PL-8 :the combat radius >1200km .

J-10 with 3 external fuel tank and 2 PL-12 + 2 PL-8 ......
That picture happened at this airbase .


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The optimistic estimate of the empty weight of J-10 is 7.8T .

When J-10 with 3 external fuel tank and 2 PL-12 + 2 PL-8 :the combat radius >1200km .

J-10 with 3 external fuel tank and 2 PL-12 + 2 PL-8 ......
That picture happened at this airbase .

That picture proves nothing. I can draw a picture like that too.
this 1100 km was supposedly announced by a report on J-10 on CCTV7.


New Member
That picture show the place of the airbase ,and some other ,and with the range of combat .

This 1100 km was supposedly announced by a report on J-10 on CCTV7.
It seems the combat radius of J-10 that without any external fuel tank .


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I think ,for J-10 ,the combat radius shorter than JF-17 is impossible .

The maximal combat radius of JF-17 >1200km .

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Is J-10 radar can match APG-68 in ROCAF F-16C, RDY 2 in M2K Dash Five and IAF Sukhoi-30 and M2K radar? thx


VIP Professional
Didn't you ask similar questions in the CDF? We don't know enough of the J-10's radar to make a solid comparison. We only have the sketchy information about the FC-1's own radar (not even the true designations of such) to give us some guide about the J-10's radar. Actually the comparison gets sketchier because the selected FC-1 radar might end up to being a different Chinese firm from the J-10's.

There is also some sketchy information about the radar on the late model J-8II variants like the J-8IIM.

Even from these sources, there is no indication that the J-10's radar has SAR. It probably has MTI or GMTI (Ground Moving Target Indicator), which means it can spot or detect individual targets on the ground, as opposed to seeing it like a large group.


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That picture show the place of the airbase ,and some other ,and with the range of combat .

It seems the combat radius of J-10 that without any external fuel tank .

I think ,for J-10 ,the combat radius shorter than JF-17 is impossible .

The maximal combat radius of JF-17 >1200km .

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A couple of things:
1) J-10 doesn't necessarily have longer combat radius than JF-17, because they seemed to have really reduced internal fuel tank to improve the maneuverability. So, sacrificing range and possibly payload for great A2A combat. Whereas JF-17 is needed by PAF as more of a multirole fighter. Note, in the radar specs for JF-17, there is not only requirements for A2A combat but also detection against sea and land targets. Whereas for J-10, from what we know in the past, it seem to be pretty much sacrificed A2G capability for greater range in A2A.
2) we don't know what the combat radius of JF-17 was measured under. We don't know the exact profile. Remember, flying at different altitute with different payloads and different configuration can result in vastly different combat radius.
3) J-10's combat radius with 1 external fuel tank + 4 PL-12 + 2 PL-8 was mentionned as 900 km.
It's not that bad really. For example, super hornet with 2 AIM-9 and 2 AMRAAM in an escort mission only has a 410 nm combat radius.


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  由于性能和竞争对手相比毫不逊色,有不少地方还优于意大利雷达,特别是中国还提供和AIM-120、R-77类似的先进的中距空空导弹SD-10以后,在火控的集成上,无疑占据很大的整合优势。有鉴于此这一型雷达的价格并不比国外的竞争对手便宜,甚至还稍微贵一点,我们相信中国用在自己的主力战斗机上的系统,一定要大大优于可以允许出口的装备,这一点是完全沿袭苏联时代的意识习惯。一些小道消息认为,歼-10的雷达性能相当强大,它的天线直径和美国的APG-65差不多大,平均功率达到1500-2500瓦,而上面所列的轻型雷达功率一般不超过350W,采用栅控液冷中央行波管,探测距离rcs=3平米的目标不小于100km,有人说这雷达发现苏-27那么大的目标大约在160km左右。同样采用了脉冲压缩和频率捷变的技术,雷达采用计算能力强大的POWER PC类芯片的多余度数字计算机进行处理,计算机的处理能力远远超过法国RDY雷达宣称的每秒1亿次的能力,这是计算机产业进步的结果,今天我们用于打字的桌面电脑都具有超过15亿次每秒的计算能力,较晚出现的系统自然会有更佳的处理能力,强大的计算处理能力和存储能力可以帮助雷达在边跟边扫模式中处理更多的目标。根据法国的RDY雷达的能力,我们相信如果真的如同描述那么强大的计算能力,同时跟踪15-25个目标,攻击其中4-8个目标是完全可能的,费佐伦为苏-30开发的雷达计算能力还没有法国雷达那么夸张时就宣称可以跟踪15个目标而打击其中4个 。
From the article above ,FC-1's radar is similar to the APG-66 .
The J-10's radar is biger and more advanced than FC-1's .

But they are all sketchy , and I know little bout J-10's radar .


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Just a short question: Does anyone know which Institute developed the digital Type-634 quadruplex “fly-by-wire” (FBW) system „Iron Eagle“ for the J-10 ??

Thanks in advance, Deino
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