Aircraft Carriers III


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
New Italian LHD Italians ships are always heavily armed with guns even these type, have SAMs ? Garibaldi replaced by this one and Cavour have.
I put also futur FFG ( missiles : 16 Aster 30 + 8 AShMs ) replace last Maestrale not replaced by Bergamini and DDG Durand de la Penne armed 1 x 127 mm and 3 x 76 mm guns !

In green basic armament for all 2 OPV + 5 FFG in blue only for FFG
Italie - 2.jpg Italie.jpg
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Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Remains only in USN Reserve the Kennedy CV 67 the last CV build a bit different of a Kitty Hawk she is currently laid up to Philadelphia here 39°53'21.45"N 75°10'56.95"O with Perry, Ticonderoga/Mk-26 and other classes

USS Kitty Hawk veterans devastated the aircraft carrier is headed for the scrapyard

When the USS Kitty Hawk Veterans Association held a reunion in Nashville at the end of October, one thing was on everyone's mind: The ship was going to scrapped despite years of efforts and fundraising to turn the aircraft carrier into a museum.

Naval Sea Systems Command spokeswoman Colleen O'Rourke
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in October the Kitty Hawk was headed for the scrapyard after years of being held in reserve status at the Inactive Ship Maintenance Facility in Bremerton. This was the Navy's plan all along, ever since the ship was decommissioned in 2009, although it had not yet been officially announced until that point.
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Charles de Gaulle : La remontée en puissance a déjà commencé
Publié le 05/12/2017
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Dix mois après son entrée en cale sèche à Toulon dans le cadre de sa refonte à mi-vie, le porte-avions Charles de Gaulle sera remis à flot en début d’année prochaine. Mi-2018, il reprendra la mer pour ses essais puis l’entrainement de son équipage, du groupe aérien embarqué et de l’ensemble du groupe aéronaval.

En attendant, l’équipage a déjà commencé sa remontée en puissance. Ainsi, les équipes de pont d’envol ont débuté hier une seconde semaine de « Carrier Week » sur la base d’aéronautique navale de Landivisiau, dans le Finistère. Le pont d’envol a dans cette perspective été matérialisé sur une piste afin de permettre au personnel chargé des mouvements des avions de s’entrainer, acquérir ou retrouver leurs réflexes. Il y a là les personnels de pont d’envol, mais aussi les marins des flottilles et des avions de l’aéronautique navale, avec tout le matériel associé. Différents entrainement sont menés avec un degré croissant de complexité afin de confronter les équipes à tous les types de scénarii (incendie, crash, catapulte inopérante…)

Cet entrainement à terre, qui sera reconduit en 2018, va être complété par des sessions d’appontages simulés sur piste (ASSP), au travers desquels les Rafale Marine et Hawkeye de l’aéronautique navale simuleront des appontages à Landivisiau, sur la piste oblique matérialisée du Charles de Gaulle.

Cette première phase de la remontée en puissance du groupe aérien embarqué sera suivie, en avril prochain, par une campagne aux Etats-Unis. Comme cela avait été le cas lors du premier arrêt technique du Charles de Gaulle, des avions, pilotes et techniciens des flottilles embarquées vont suivre un programme d’entrainement avec la marine américaine, d’abord à terre puis sur un porte-avions de l’US Navy. Le format du groupement qui partira de l’autre côté de l’Atlantique n’est pas encore totalement acté, mais il devrait comprendre une dizaine de Rafale et Hawkeye.

Ils retrouveront ensuite le Charles de Gaulle avec les personnels restés en France afin de se qualifier sur le porte-avions sortant de refonte. Une fois achevée la remontée en puissance de son outil aéronaval, la marine devrait être en mesure de pouvoir déployer à nouveau son groupe aéronaval début 2019.
"Ten months after entering the dry dock in Toulon as part of its mid-life redesign, the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle will be relaunched early next year. In mid-2018, he will go back to sea for his tests and the training of his crew, the airborne group and the entire aviation group.

Meanwhile, the crew has already begun its recovery. Thus, flight deck crews started yesterday a second week of "Carrier Week" on the naval aviation base of Landivisiau, in Finistere. The flight deck has in this perspective been materialized on a track to allow the staff responsible for aircraft movements to train, acquire or regain their reflexes. There are the flight deck personnel, but also the sailors of the fleets and airplanes of the naval aviation, with all the associated equipment. Different training sessions are conducted with a growing degree of complexity in order to confront the teams to all types of scenarios (fire, crash, catapult inoperative ...)

This training on land, which will be renewed in 2018, will be completed by simulated runway landing sessions (ASSP), through which Rafale Marine and Hawkeye of the naval aviation will simulate landings at Landivisiau, on the oblique runway. materialized from Charles de Gaulle.

This first phase of the revival of the airborne group will be followed, next April, by a campaign in the United States. As was the case during the first technical stop of the Charles de Gaulle, planes, pilots and technicians from the onboard fleets will follow a training program with the US Navy, first on the ground and then on an aircraft carrier. US Navy. The format of the group that will leave the other side of the Atlantic is not yet fully recorded, but it should include a dozen Rafale and Hawkeye.

They will then find the Charles de Gaulle with the personnel remained in France to qualify on the aircraft carrier out of redesign. Once the recovery of its naval air tool is completed, the navy should be able to deploy its carrier group again in early 2019."

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Remains only in USN Reserve the Kennedy CV 67 the last CV build a bit different of a Kitty Hawk she is currently laid up to Philadelphia here 39°53'21.45"N 75°10'56.95"O with Perry, Ticonderoga/Mk-26 and other classes
Sad to see.

I believe personally yhat the Kitty Hawk is in better shape than the JFK. She would be a better longer term reserve vessel.

The JFK was rode very hard and put away wet. sh would be a mamoth job to ever try and get sea worthy again.

@bd popeye correct me f I am wrong here, but I remember JFK sailors talking about this.

The Enterprise is being dismantled (CVN-65) so she is no reserve carrier. What else is left?

I thought the Kitty HAwk was going to be it.

I guess the next one that will come up is the Nimitz when the new JFK is commissioned in 2020. Then they could keep the Nimitz in decent shape for a few years until the nect one comes along.

IMHO, with all the naval arms race going on, the US could stand to keep 2-3 carriers in reserve...maybe they will rotate 2-3 of the Nimitz class through that type of status as the Ford class is built out

Obi Wan Russell

Jedi Master
VIP Professional
Preparations for Big Liz Commissioning at Pompey on the 7th are well under way; Seating has been erected in the hangar and rehearsals are being carried out. Also engraved plates have been fitted to the hangar doors with the names of EVERYBODY involved in the construction of the ships. Certainly a case of credit where credit is due:24294198_10154936359016481_8013104016634237444_n.jpg 24294314_10154936359031481_8300255400534931990_n.jpg 24796363_156373201759840_2036186667036332991_n.jpg 24312704_156373198426507_7396784422363253141_n.jpg

Obi Wan Russell

Jedi Master
VIP Professional
And today she has been commissioned! You may think you've seen shots like this before, but the difference is this is the first time she has flown the White Ensign, as opposed to the blue ensign she flew whilst still under ownership of the ACA:24799484_10155458219199405_985699644336742387_o.jpg And inside the crowds of invited guests gather for the ceremony itself:24862484_10154943577206481_7299924243982784759_n.jpg 24774976_10154943593216481_1447650621245261062_n.jpg