ISIS/ISIL conflict in Syria/Iraq (No OpEd, No Politics)

Wednesday at 9:06 PM

it'll be interesting to see how Iranian Propagandists work around
"Article 146
The establishment of any kind of foreign military base in Iran, even for peaceful
purposes, is forbidden."
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... and I thought spin-doctors would make some efforts, but apparently they didn't LOL
as now ТАСС
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saying Russians may stay as long as they wish, and, if needed, could use also some other Iranian airbases (get your own translation if you want)
this is interesting:
Aug 12, 2016
Today at 2:50 PM

now it seems at the time of this post the remaining ISIL members were actually leaving Manbij (with their hostages/sympathizers/family members (depending on the source): up to five hundred vehicles, depending on the source ...
... and this is how it looked like:



(I noticed in the blog by "Cassad"
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since I posted
Today at 10:18 AM
LOL why don't you post
Army General Command: Provocations by Asayish took more dangerous turn, which required suitable response from Syrian Army
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it would be fair to hear from the other side:
YPG General Command’s 2nd Statement Regarding Syrian Regime Air Strikes On Hasakah, August 20, 2016

Speaking in a way similar to the logic of Turkish state, the desperate Baathist Syrian regime is trying to distort the facts in Hasakah. Last year by the time Daesh (ISIS) terrorists attempted to occupy the city of Hasakah, Syrian regime and its affiliated forces played a major role in surrendering the city and its vicinity to Daesh. All the people of Hasakah then witnessed this dreadful deed of the regime and its militia. Only our units stood against the Daesh terrorists, ousting them out of the city and preserving the civilians’ security. That was made possible by the blood of tens of our comrades who sacrificed for the peace in the region – that is our duty and we will never allow anyone to manipulate it.

While our forces were busy on the front-line of battle against Daesh, regime and allied groups took advantage from the situation to do the work being done by Daesh, endangering the stability of the city through driving a wedge between the people in bonding with regional agendas.

Regime forces targeted residential neighborhoods, sites of our forces, including camps that did not have any combat function, as well as striking regulatory offices and civil courts. Eleven civilian targets were attacked in the first day, and civilian areas were indiscriminately struck by regime forces deploying warplanes and heavy artillery – wounding dozens of civilians and destroying their houses over their heads.

Syrian regime also exploited our units’ fight in Shadadi and Manbij frontlines and revealed its true face in hostility with the different components of the region. But we will not let these actions to happen without a deterrent response. We call on all sides to show and announce their positions against the massacres committed by Syrian regime in the city of Hasakah, similar to elswhere in Syria.

We in the People’s Defense Units (YPG), as we liberated the region from Al-Nusra and Daesh, we will secure it from the terror of the Syrian regime as well. If we the YPG have so far avoided severe response to regime’s repeated, provocative aggressions against the people, it was first in order to maintain the security of civilians and second to prioritize the fight against Daesh. But regime actions in this manner have gone further to a degree that could no longer be tolerated.

From here, we in the YPG call upon our people, the Kurds, Arabs, Assyrians and Armenians, to support their legitimate units of the YPG/YPJ, Asayish and Social Protection Forces – to stand united against the terror of the regime and safeguard the region.

YPG General Command | August 20, 2016
it's on
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Facebook Profile, the link is:
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the most recent "de Syracuse" map:

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no diversion? :)

yeah Syrian Army cuts main rebel supply route to southern Aleppo
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I looked at this in the morning, and in fact it would be
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connection, the hill reportedly captured close to the sewage plant visible below ("M5" is in top-left corner):
that hill is called "Um Alqara" in the most recent "peto lucem" map:

see? closeup available in Twitter since yesterday (in an account of "a Tiger"
Yusha Yuseef
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where that hill is called "Um al Qara") :

LOL no idea how that Telegram banner got there, neither the one in the bottom: they don't show in Twitter
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Ambassador Bhadrakumar (
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) pointed to this Debka article:
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After bombers, Russian S-400s for Iranian base
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report August 16, 2016, 9:35 PM (IDT)

Russian giant Antonov An-124 air freighters are ready to take off Wednesday, Aug. 17, carrying an array of advanced S-400 and S-300 air defense missiles bound for the new Russian air base just completed at Nojeh, 50 km from the western Iranian town of Hamedan (Biblical Shushan).
This is reported exclusively by DEBKA file from its military and intelligence sources.
Moscow is getting set to explain to concerned Americans and Israelis that the sophisticated missile systems will not be put in Iranian hands but serve exclusively for defending he new Russian air base just established in Noji to house heavy bombers for air strikes against Islamist terrorists in Syria.
This is the first time since the 1979 Islamic revolution that Iran has allowed a foreign military to set up a base on its soil.
Widely reported by the Western media Tuesday were the first sorties of Russian Tu-22M3 long-range bombers and Su-34 tactical bombers from the new Iranian air base for what the Russian Defense Ministry designated “concentrated airstrikes” against Islamic State and Islamist Nusra Front ammunition depots and command-and-control centers in the provinces of Aleppo, Deir Ez-Zour and Idlib.
Less play was made by the media of the failure of Western intelligence to detect the new Russian air base that was under construction to complement their Khmeimim facility in western Syria. Our exclusive sources add that Moscow plans to fly over Spetznaz Forces to defend the new base.
After bombers, Russian S-400s for Iranian base
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report August 16, 2016, 9:35 PM (IDT)
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Russian giant Antonov An-124 air freighters are ready to take off Wednesday, Aug. 17, carrying an array of advanced S-400 and S-300 air defense missiles bound for the new Russian air base just completed at Nojeh, 50 km from the western Iranian town of Hamedan (Biblical Shushan).
This is reported exclusively by DEBKA file from its military and intelligence sources.
Moscow is getting set to explain to concerned Americans and Israelis that the sophisticated missile systems will not be put in Iranian hands but serve exclusively for defending he new Russian air base just established in Noji to house heavy bombers for air strikes against Islamist terrorists in Syria.
This is the first time since the 1979 Islamic revolution that Iran has allowed a foreign military to set up a base on its soil.
Widely reported by the Western media Tuesday were the first sorties of Russian Tu-22M3 long-range bombers and Su-34 tactical bombers from the new Iranian air base for what the Russian Defense Ministry designated “concentrated airstrikes” against Islamic State and Islamist Nusra Front ammunition depots and command-and-control centers in the provinces of Aleppo, Deir Ez-Zour and Idlib.
Less play was made by the media of the failure of Western intelligence to detect the new Russian air base that was under construction to complement their Khmeimim facility in western Syria. Our exclusive sources add that Moscow plans to fly over Spetznaz Forces to defend the new base.


Construction work on the Nojeh air base began in the second week of July. Joint Russian-Iranian engineering teams extended the existing landing strips to accommodate the heavy Tupolev 22M3 bombers and Sukhoi-34 escort fighters. They also set up maintenance workshops and living quarters for the Russian air and ground crews.

debkafile also reveals that the military and aviation accord reached between Moscow and Tehran covers the following clauses:

  • Free rein for Russian jets in all parts of Iranian air space
  • License for Russia to operate long-range UAV’s from Noji air base.
  • Permission to launch Russian cruise missiles through Iranian air space.
Given the tightening strategic cooperation between Russia and Tehran, one last step remains for Vladimir Putin to take as the final touch to the Russian-Turkish-Iranian alliance - and that is a visit by Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan to Tehran for concluding a military pact between Turkey and Iran.
Remember that Depka is an Israeli site.
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from inside of
... the new Russian air base just completed at Nojeh ...
LOL I could offer "guests" the map
Tuesday at 5:20 AM
it's all over Internet so why not to put it here:
location? reportedly
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more precisely, the air-strip visible in middle-top in the map below (Hamadan in bottom-left corner):
and now also the coordinates: 35°12′42″N 048°39′12″E

in the process I became aware of
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Jeff Head

Registered Member
Interesting development. Apparently US aircraft interdicted and the Syrian jets flew off...but I believe they may have already dropped some ordinance.

Some say it was F-22s that were used...but I do not know.


Lieutenant General

I do however wonder if a message was not being delivered in this near miss as opposed to simply a statistically possibility?

I doubt if identifying the location of a US Special Forces/Special Advisors co-ordination team is a task within the abilities of Syria's domestic Sigint capabilities, so it would indicate the activities of a more "sophisticated" opponent.

Interesting to see if the next Kalibr strike against ISIS, fired from Iran or the Caspian follows a flight path close certain positions in this City?

I read however that US forces are reportedly being removed from the environs.

I suspect making it so hazzadus as to force US to pull ground forces out was more the point rather than trying to kill US forces on the ground.


Registered Member
With all the latest activities by many parties, I see a clear reshuffling of positions by parties, namely Turkey and Kurds. Changing sides? Or at least adjusting their distances to certain reference points?

In my opinion, the failed coup d'etat in Turkey is a turning point of all events that we are seeing right now.