PLAN SCS Bases/Islands/Vessels (Not a Strategy Page)


Junior Member
^ true, but even so usually the PLA will fly the national flag. this specific scene likely depicts the swearing in ceremony for an individual into the communist party.

A minority of PLAN marines are communist party members but there are always communist party branches within each level of the military, swearing-in ceremonies like this happens when a new member is admitted during a deployment/mission.

(I wouldn't call them a private security force though because they're technically still publicly funded.)

Iron Man

Registered Member
That's because the PLA is a private security force, (think ultra high-end rent-a-cops) and not a national army. It's loyalty is to the Communist Party and not to the Chinese people.
It's more than a little facetious to call the PLA a private security force just because it doesn't answer to the Chinese people. For crying out loud, how many "national armies" in the history of the entire world have been answerable to the common people? That's about as ridiculous as saying that Xi Jinping is not a "president" because he wasn't elected by the Chinese people.
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Senior Member
Some pictures of soldiers at Yongshu (Fiery Cross) and Huayang (Cuateron) Islands.

Soldiers training on Yongshu Island.

Soldiers training on Yongshu Island.

Soldiers on duty at Yongshu Island.

This is purported to be at Huayang Island (but some people think it's at Chigua due to the solar panels).

Soldiers at Huayang Island.

Soldiers at Huayang Island.


Technically, mods don't have the ability to ban anyone immediately. We have to notify the admin before we do that.
Siegecrossbow, if truth is good defense, then my post is in good company. Generally speaking, I take post positive as well as negative messages vis-a-vis CCP and China, because I see both the good and the bad.