Japanese Defence Minister: Helicopter & DDG "locked on" by Chinese Frigates' Radar

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Lieutenant General
Re: Japanese Defence Minister: Helicopter & DDG "locked on" by Chinese Frigates' Ra

Stop misrepresenting what you said. Your implication has clearly been that China should attempt a landing during this current standoff and now you're being wishywashy about it. "Whenever they land"??? LOL I think someday China could just waltz in and land without opposition as well, and I have already said it in this very thread. But we are talking about NOW. For me, today is not that day. For internet fanboys trying to one-up each other in how "patriotic" and how "brave" they are (in reality how dimwittedly warmongering they are), today is a good day as any. As for your straw man, you ludicrously made a remark implying that I equated US opinion with world opinion. I ASK YOU ONCE AGAIN, where exactly TF did I even imply that, hmmm?

Stop forcing others to except your opinion as GOD. It's my interpretation of what you are saying to me. If you can't accept another person's point of view, than you need to grow up a little more. If you got a problem with that than go take your issue with the moderators.


Lieutenant General
Re: Japanese Defence Minister: Helicopter & DDG "locked on" by Chinese Frigates' Ra

There are obstacles on the 3 point line. I don't know how they can play those things in the way?



Junior Member
Re: Japanese Defence Minister: Helicopter & DDG "locked on" by Chinese Frigates' Ra

There are obstacles on the 3 point line. I don't know how they can play those things in the way?


just adopt to them, Basketball are actually fun with some obstacles. The lack of any recovery mechnism after the ball is shot into water is more of a concern.


Re: Japanese Defence Minister: Helicopter & DDG "locked on" by Chinese Frigates' Ra

just adopt to them, Basketball are actually fun with some obstacles. The lack of any recovery mechnism after the ball is shot into water is more of a concern.

That's simple: no 3-point shots, only slam dunking...problem solved.

Now, Abe finished his pilgrimage to the US, what's the analysis? Apart from Abe's laughable call for a meeting with Xin Jinping?
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Banned Idiot
Re: Japanese Defence Minister: Helicopter & DDG "locked on" by Chinese Frigates' Ra

You should really learn how to respond to multiple points without resorting to multiple posts.

I wasn't "chest-thumbing" to begin with. You were just labeling me and accusing me for it, because you can't argue properly without being rude about it.
The funny thing is, you didn't even know that I was "accusing" you. :) But seriously, I find it very distateful when people post out of irrational passion rather than cold, hard reason. When you cloud your judgment with emotion, you lose sight of the big picture and start making bad decisions. Like throwing your advantage away and trying to forcibly retake DYT, or deludedly believing that Japan and the US are too scared to respond to a Chinese incursion of DYT.

Repeating the same cliche lines is a sure sign of insecurity and lost of FACE. Please go back in line and try again.
Stop avoiding the subject. The subject is you calling me a China "hater" and claiming that I "defamed" China. Please go back in line and find some backup for these accusations, or please stop talking.

Verbally condemning is a WHOLE lot different than an actual action of violation of China's sovereignty. So if those country continues or start violating Chinese sovereignty than of course China has the right to defend her territory by ANY MEANS NECESSARY. If you and the others are feeling somewhat "intimidation" about the DF-21D or my statement, than you really need to get over it. Life isn't about satisfying you or succumbing to your thoughts and opinions.
We were talking about other nations siding against China in a DYT dispute against Japan. What kind of vague, spineless term is "violating Chinese sovereignty", and which smaller nation around China is going to do that, whatever the hell that means? 'Siding' with Japan can take many forms without resorting to actual military force, which none of these nations would attempt against China anyway, so your latest straw man argument is moot to begin with.

Stop forcing others to except your opinion as GOD. It's my interpretation of what you are saying to me. If you can't accept another person's point of view, than you need to grow up a little more. If you got a problem with that than go take your issue with the moderators.
I wasn't even responding to you here, unless your name is Schumacher. Knock, knock, time to wake up.


Junior Member
Re: Japanese Defence Minister: Helicopter & DDG "locked on" by Chinese Frigates' Ra

That's simple: no 3-point shots, only slam dunking...problem solved.

Now, Abe finished is pilgrimage to the US, what's the analysis? Apart from Abe's laughable call for a meeting with Xin Jinping?

not gonna happen, I can imagine the statement the foreign department is drafting right now;)

... The recent actions of Abe cabnet...stir up regional conflict...igonre China's sovereignty and territorial integrity...damaged the Chinese government's endeavor to build long-term relationship...severe consequences...Chinese government urge Abe administration to make concrerte steps toward rebuilding the bilaterial trust....based on Japan's recognzation of DYT being Part of chinese territory from ancient times...resolve dispute through means of communication and diplomacy... and also alert... not to take risk...put....in jeopardy.

in short: abe been bad, abe don't get to see boss


Junior Member
Re: Japanese Defence Minister: Helicopter & DDG "locked on" by Chinese Frigates' Ra

Why 20 years? What is the big rush?
I'm shocked to hear this coming from SDF's biggest Chinese nationalist! I thought you cared about China's territory and China's unification. What was the rush in the CCP invading Hainan Island or the Paracel Islands? If the Diaoyu and Spratly Islands don't matter, why spend even a single yuan on attempting to show control and sovereignty. If the islands don't matter, why spend any money maintaining forts and sending CMS ships to patrol the territorial waters? If you believe China will always win in the long run, what's the point in having a military?

Time absolutely matters in territorial disputes because their is an informal and legal bias toward the status quo. The longer a territorial arrangement goes on, the more likely it is that future governments and international bodies will prefer the status quo to change. For example, no one would back a Chinese to claim the northern Vietnam on the basis on the Han Dynasty 1000 year control because it's been so long since then.

Focusing on development has paid great dividends for China and hugely increased its military capacity. But without some kind of decisive action in the future, it will achieve very little in the quest to reunify China. Development has increased the tools available to China's leaders, but will they ever use them? Or do you think that economic development will be enough, that Vietnam, the Philippines, and Japan will be so much in awe of China's economy that they will roll over and surrender the disputed territories?

China's long history gives its people and its leaders great patience and prospective. It is one of the most fundamental advantages the Chinese civilisation and nation holds over most of the rest of the world, who are too impatient to get results yesterday with little thought or planning for what might happen 10, 20, 100 years down the line.
This is a bunch of nonsense. How does that explain China plundering and humiliation for 200 years under foreigners? Was it all part of a "grand Qing plan for eventual Chinese domination of the world?" Was the ceding of Hong Kong to Britain part of that grand plan too?

It seems like many Chinese nationalists want to believe there is a long-term plan for retaking all the disputed islands in the absence of any firm measures. But what they want to be true is not necessarily the same as what is true. Unless we have some good evidence on top level Chinese decision-making, this so-called long-term plan could be accurately described as "we have no idea how to get the islands back so we'll keep doing nothing."


Banned Idiot
Re: Japanese Defence Minister: Helicopter & DDG "locked on" by Chinese Frigates' Ra

It seems like many Chinese nationalists want to believe there is a long-term plan for retaking all the disputed islands in the absence of any firm measures. But what they want to be true is not necessarily the same as what is true. Unless we have some good evidence on top level Chinese decision-making, this so-called long-term plan could be accurately described as "we have no idea how to get the islands back so we'll keep doing nothing."
The opposite of that is NOT "we'll do something because something is better than nothing." Perhaps it never occurred to you that sometimes doing something is WORSE than doing nothing. And just because you don't know how to "get the islands back" doesn't mean that the leadership of China is similarly unaware. Perhaps they know something you don't. Speaking of which, I have absolutely no idea why you are completely oblivious to the long term trends of China's comprehensive national strength vis a vis its neighbors and most importantly vis a vis the United States. The long game in which China's achieves overwhelming military and economic superiority is in fact the only way to achieve a return of DYT to China's hands short of some worldwide calamity which spares China more than Japan, or a world war in which China emerges victorious. Internet fanboys only care about mostly useless things like nationalism and hitting back hard and hitting back now, damn the torpedoes full speed ahead, bla bla bla, etc. I am glad China's modern leaders are famous for measured pragmatism rather than idiotic chest-thumping.


Junior Member
Re: Japanese Defence Minister: Helicopter & DDG "locked on" by Chinese Frigates' Ra

idiotic chest-thumping.
For example, plawolf's assertion that China's leaders and people have an almost divine level of patience, wisdom, and foresight that eclipses all other leaders in human history. This is exactly the kind of smugness I was warning against.


Re: Japanese Defence Minister: Helicopter & DDG "locked on" by Chinese Frigates' Ra

Not to mention Taiwan! The mere fact that both ROC/Taiwan and PRC/China are on the same side of this issue says a lot. I bet even the Philippines would not side with Japan on this issue despite their co-operation in other spheres and the Philippines' own territorial dispute with China.
I think the main purpose of China is not control over these islands or even getting the oil and gas that might be won from under the sea but to win over South Korea and Taiwan from their association with Japan and the US. This is a long time project, the US has a treaty with South Korea that gives them suzerainty over that country until 2015, but that would improve the security of East Asia greatly as well as achieving the reunification of China and Korea in the even longer term.
Talk about establishing civilians on DYT is therefore misguided.
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