J-20... The New Generation Fighter III

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Hmm, there appears to be some sort of protrusion on the left side fuselage underside about the middle of the plane. It is only noticeable in the first two pictures of that set, I don't remember seeing it before.

I wonder what that is. Hopefully it's just some sort of flight testing device that will be removed on production aircraft, but does anyone have a better idea of what that thing is?

That looks like part of the landing gear door.


Senior Member
if i were there i would snatch the camera or cellphone or w/e he is using to record the video, is he on crack or something with that much shaking, steady hands is a rare trait these days huh

this bird deserves a proper video

any interesting observation from the vid?


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Same video on youtube, embedded for your convenience:



Lieutenant General
Damn! Lucky bugger, it's like the J20 was putting on an airshow display for him.

As for the shaky camerawork, well you can tell at parts that he was sprinting to get the plane back in view when it disappeared behind some houses. I don't think the guy filming it ever planned on it, it was just a case of sheer dumb luck that he was at the right place at the right time, and the shaking is probably largely down to his excitement.

As for the J20's flight, well its hard to judge with all the shaking and moving around, but it looks like some pretty tight turns! At this early stage, I very much doubt that she has been cleared to fly at anywhere close to max G, so the fighter pulling a full 9G turn would be something special to see!

Internet engineer-wannabies can say what they like about it being too long or having too small wings or whatever other such nonsense they can dream up, but when she can fly like that, who cares what those critics think? They more they blab now, the more foolish they will look when the facts come out.


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Damn! Lucky bugger, it's like the J20 was putting on an airshow display for him.

As for the shaky camerawork, well you can tell at parts that he was sprinting to get the plane back in view when it disappeared behind some houses. I don't think the guy filming it ever planned on it, it was just a case of sheer dumb luck that he was at the right place at the right time, and the shaking is probably largely down to his excitement.

As for the J20's flight, well its hard to judge with all the shaking and moving around, but it looks like some pretty tight turns! At this early stage, I very much doubt that she has been cleared to fly at anywhere close to max G, so the fighter pulling a full 9G turn would be something special to see!

Internet engineer-wannabies can say what they like about it being too long or having too small wings or whatever other such nonsense they can dream up, but when she can fly like that, who cares what those critics think? They more they blab now, the more foolish they will look when the facts come out.

No vapor trail or vortices over the wings this time around (neither in the photos nor the video). I doubt that the pilot was pulling high g's and I thought that the plane was flying at pretty low speeds the whole time. From what I've read the pilot purposefully flew over the "hill" where the wall climbers were watching so they could get a better view and this really shows! The guy was at the perfect place this time around.


Lieutenant General
Some of the moves look identical to the photos of the vapor/vortex pictures. I think the resolution is just too poor to make them out. I would not be surprised at all if those shots were taken during this exact same time by someone with much better equipment.

As for the pilot flying over the plane watchers on purpose, well that might make sense, but I think it far more likely that the wall climbers positioned themselves under the plane's known flight path to get the best shots.

Also, I kinda doubt he would pull that kind of fancy maneuvers over them deliberately. For one thing, it would be far too close to the factory. If the unthinkable where to happen and the plane did crash, the last place you would want it to crash into would be the factor that made it. And I really don't think a test pilot would be so unprofessional as to show off the plane with such extreme maneuvers unplanned and unauthorized.

Wagging the wings is one thing, making turns like that is a completely different story.
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