European Military News, Reports, Data, etc.


found it inside (a tough) blog post Readiness Capability
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Germany, France to move ahead on sixth-generation combat aircraft
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French defence minister Florence Parly (center) talks with German defence minister Ursula von der Leyen (right) prior to a meeting during the second day of the Defence ministers Council meeting at Nato headquarters in Brussels, on Feb. 15, 2018.
and gave up
We won't see this coming to fruition until 2040? Basically it will be to replace both the French Rafale and the Euro fighter Typhoon. I was hoping to see something in development to come out in the 2020s.
I think it's similar as in
Japan Military News, Reports, Data, etc. Mar 11, 2018
not sure why Japanese even talk their own stealth aircraft development while spending one percent of GDP on Military;
just swap Japan for NATO
I mean they'd have to throw money at it,
and you may ask yourself a question if doves of peace like these:

French defence minister Florence Parly (center) talks with German defence minister Ursula von der Leyen (right) prior to a meeting during the second day of the Defence ministers Council meeting at Nato headquarters in Brussels, on Feb. 15, 2018.
will be getting additional tens of billions, or their role is to look for quote endquote efficiences
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Tyrant King
Since they just bought the Typhoon and Rafale, it would make no sense to replace them now. Airframes like these are an investment a long term investment. Intended for decades and flight hours aimed in the hundreds of thousands. Replacement in 2040 is a logical time period. I mean fighter jets don't grow on trees... Well not yet anyway


Tyrant King
Sig Sauer P320 X-Carry - klik på billedet for stort format.
Den nye pistol er valgt
Forsvarets nye pistol bliver Sig Sauer P320 X-Carry, og de første bliver leveret i begyndelsen af 2019.
12-04-2018 - kl. 12:00
Brugerne var helt enige. Sig Sauer P320 klarede sig ultimativt bedst i de mange test, som var en del af anskaffelsesprocessen af nye pistoler. Et udbud, hvor Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse (FMI) netop i dag har meddelt Sig Sauer, via den danske agent CT Solution Aps, at de skal levere pistoler til Forsvaret.

I alt fire pistoler var med i testen, og pistolerne blev testet under alle tænkelige forhold af brugere fra Specialoperationsstyrkerne, Militærpolitiet, Flyvevåbnet og Hæren. P320 var den klart bedste kandidat i den fire uger lange testperiode. Testprogrammet var udarbejdet af Hærens Kamp- og Ildstøttecenter (HKIC) i samarbejde med FMI, og bestod bl.a. af fejlfunktionstest, præcisionstest, skydning i mørke og på feltbane. Pistolen blev også testet af eksperter fra Direkte Skydende Våben (DSV) ved HKIC, som bl.a. lavede droptest, penetreringstest og præcisionstest.

Leveres i 2019

Der indkøbes pistoler i to versioner. En almindelig pistol samt en version til skjult bæring, og de skal erstatte alle pistoler i Forsvaret såsom Forsvarets M/49, der ofte går under navnet Neuhausen.

Den nye P320 er en 9x19 mm StrikerFired pistol, hvilket betyder at den ikke har nogen hane, der kan gribe fat i udstyr, tøj, sløringsnet eller lignende. Den nye pistol har en væsentlig større magasinkapacitet og kan leveres med 21 skudsmagasin, hvorimod den gamle M/49 kun har plads til otte skud. P320 har mulighed for, at der kan monteres lyddæmper, taktisk sigtelaser, hvidtlys lygte og rødpunktssigte. Alt sammen er efterspurgte forbedringer, der i højere grad understøtter den danske soldats behov for en moderne pistol.


Forud for implementering vil der ske uddannelse af udvalgte våbenmekanikere og skydeinstruktører. Planen for hvem der skal have den nye pistol er udarbejdet af Værnsfælles Forsvarskommando (VFK), men den detaljerede plan for hvilke enheder, der først skal have den nye pistol, udarbejdes senere.
Sig Sauer P320 X-Carry.jpg
Roughly translated.
Sig Sauer P320 X-Carry
The new gun is selected
The defense's new gun becomes Sig Sauer P320 X-Carry, and the first will be delivered in early 2019.
12-04-2018 - kl. 12:00
The users completely agreed. The Sig Sauer P320 performed best in the many tests that were part of the procurement process of new guns. A tender in which the Ministry of Defense's Food and Purchasing Board (FMI) has today announced Sig Sauer, via the Danish agent CT Solution Aps, that they will supply guns to the Armed Forces.

A total of four guns were included in the test and the guns were tested under all conceivable conditions by users of the Special Operations, Military Police, Air Force and Army. The P320 was the best candidate in the four-week trial period. The test program was prepared by Hærens Kamp- og Ildstøttecenter (HKIC) in cooperation with FMI. of malfunction test, accuracy test, shooting in the dark and field field. The gun was also tested by experts from Direct Shooting Weapons (DSV) at HKIC. made drop test, penetration test and precision test.

Delivered in 2019

Guns are purchased in two versions. A common gun and a compact version, and they must replace all the gun in the Armed Forces, such as the Armed Forces M / 49, often called Neuhausen.

The new P320 is a 9x19mm Striker Fired gun, which means it does not have a Hammer that can be caught on equipment, clothes, gear or the like. The new gun has a significantly larger magazine capacity and can be delivered with 21 shots, whereas the old M / 49 only has room for eight shots. The P320 has the option of incorporating silencer, tactical sight laser, white light and red-point sight. All of these are sought-after improvements that more support the Danish soldier's need for a modern gun.


Prior to implementation, there will be training of selected weapons mechanics and shooting instructors. The plan for who will have the new gun is prepared by the Commonwealth Defense Command (VFK), but the detailed plan for which units will first have the new gun will be prepared later.

P320 is expected to be delivered to all units by the end of 2019.

The P320 was recently adopted by the US Army as it's M17 and the Compact as the M18 the rest of the DOD is following suit. The danish version is a little different in grip but otherwise the same.
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Tyrant King
Well with delivered C17s and coming A400M it seems likely that some if not most of the mission need is covered. That just leaves extremely oversized cargo which would either require C5M requests to the USAF or possibly A380F or B747-8F