What happened to these forum members????


VIP Professional
Registered Member
To clear out certain flase rumours and self-governing, hear this:

We investigated and looked deeply and were in contact of both members (Fu and Mr. T) and found out that the concerns were baseless. There is strong evidence (private nature so I cannot explain more)that the two guys have nothing in common except same country where they live.

So I suggest that you leave the issue to us mods from now onwards and focus on posting chinese military related stuff instead:china:


bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
What happend to these forum moderators???

ultrafang... Last Activity: 10-11-2005 ..Is ultrafang still among the living???:confused:

rommel... Last Activity: 06-28-2008

The_Zergling...Last Activity: 12-02-2007 ...Dang "Z" where have you been the last year???


Senior Member
VIP Professional
Ultrafang......dang.......guy barely got to the new board.... Guess you can email him and see how he's going with his job.... Same with Rommel.


Junior Member
Wow, I hadn't realized it had been that long since I've been back here. Essentially, I've put a lot more work into school and other things recently and after awhile I felt there was just too much material to catch up on (on the forums) easily so I put aside SDF for awhile. I don't think I'll ever become as prolific a poster as I was before in the near future either because I'll be studying abroad and won't necessarily have consistent net access, but I'll definitely try and frequent these forums more often - I've been reading over a bunch of threads, and while there's a lot of stuff I need to learn and get used to, I've also noticed how much more professional this place is, and that's a rare thing nowadays.

So yeah, a brief explanation for my apparent death.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
I don't think I'll ever become as prolific a poster as I was before in the near future either because I'll be studying abroad and won't necessarily have consistent net access

Apparently my man "Z" is among the breathing!! Happy to know that you know we are still here!

Where will you be studying!!??


Junior Member
Apparently my man "Z" is among the breathing!! Happy to know that you know we are still here!

Where will you be studying!!??

Appreciate the warm welcome ^_^

I've been studying at the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor), but for the winter semester I'll be part of the Kyoto Consortium for Japanese Studies run by Columbia University in Kyoto, Japan. (confusing?) Currently I'm studying Political Science and Asian Studies so it should work out fairly well. Hopefully I can get a job relating to US foreign policy/diplomacy in the future or something. At least, that's the plan.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
These forum moderators are still MIA!!

crazyinsane105 Last Activity: 08-22-2008

ultrafang Last Activity: 10-11-2005

rommel Last Activity: 06-28-2008

PiSigma Last Activity:11-08-2008

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Where are you FuManChu?? Hes been inactive for around a year??

We should really send reminders to people to let them know SDF exists just incase they forget?

I've done that and received only one response..so let's say good-bye to those members..:(

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Where are these forum members?

ultrafang... Last Activity: 10-11-2005

Gollevainen was last seen: 4y 5w ago

SampanViking was last seen: 27w 4d ago

crobato was last seen:Jan 17, 2014

tphuang was last seen: Dec 1, 2017

Miragedriver was last seen: Aug 24, 2018

sumdud was last seen: Dec 27, 2012

Blackstone was last seen: Jun 19, 2017

escobar was last seen: Feb 21, 2018

swimmerXC was last seen Sep 11, 2011

crazyinsane105 was last seen: 5y 10w ago

The_Zergling was last seen: 35w 5d ago

planeman was last seen: 8y 20w ago..planeman has not been seen anywhere on line. All his post seem to end in 2010 or so.

Anybody got a clue where these folks are? by no means is this a complete list. There are many others...