Weapons And Tactics Of The 06 Middleast War


Junior Member
coolieno99 said:
RE: MTHEL anti-rocket laser weapon

A possible countermeasure against a laser weapon is to coat the rocket with a reflective material similiar to a mirror. It would probably be a 2-layer coatings, with the inner coatings made of mirror-like reflective layer, and an outer layer of olive drab paint for camouflage. Once the laser burns through the outer layer paint, it gets reflected from the reflective undercoating.:coffee:

just wonderin, can that coating be like polishing it and make it shiny or does it have to be mirror type


VIP Professional
The current generation of beam weapons are still quite bulky and primitive. Most are hydrogen fluroride (chemical) laser type that flunks the portability test, unless if you think ICBM-sized trucks count as portable. Also, because of mobile requirement and physics (energy dissapates over distance in non-vaccum environment), the effective range of "mobile" ground-based laser systems are only 2km-5km, comparred to 747-sized airborne systems like ABL (~300km).

One major advantage of laser-based systems is cost-per-kill, since the chemical fuel is much cheaper than interceptor missiles, or even CIWS ammunition (tungsten/DU). CIWS guns are more mature, but despite what the manufacturer claims in effective range up to 3km, they're still point defense systems where hard-kills occur at ~300 meters. The lack of range makes CIWS guns unsuitable for defending a wider area.

Which leaves us with... missile-based systems like the Patriot and S-300. Geez, million dollar missile vs. $20 Katsuya rocket.