Type 81 Preformance

Red not Dead

Junior Member
VIP Professional
Gollevainen said:
Perhaps not distripuet to those units acsessing most media time, but the Type 56 (Kalashnikovic) defianetly remains the backbone for the vast volumes of chinese armed forces. Just imagine how many rifles China needs when it goes full mobilization?

But at the same time the Type 81 is a kalashnikovik too.

darth sidious

Banned Idiot
Gollevainen said:
I wont buy it still, I mean most of the pics i've seen (tough those wont give you any spesific overall wiew) chinese troopers carry Type 56...it's usually quite rarety that they use type 81. What we need now is some sort of production numbers, if type 81 is lets say produced about 1 million examples, it's definetly NOT enough for main assault rifle in cathegory in country big as china....

there isent THAT many 56 in china during the 60s/70s most of the 56 produced was sent off to vietnam that why in 79 each chinese company have only 2 56. afterward the 81 cane out and enter mass production right now most army have the 81 its also easier to produce all parts are stemped rather then milled. type 56 is only used for poor millita


Junior Member
Thanks for the clarifications.

Also. What does Kalashnikovik mean? I understand that Kalashnikov is the designer and also the K in AK and Kalashnikova is the Russian way to say it. Is Kalashnikovik a term used by those who describe rifles bassed on the Kalashnikov system? Or is it just another way to say Kalashnikov/Kalashnikova?

And Gollevainen, while I do agree with you, I imagine that the Type 56 is still held back for the reserves (the ones least likely to see combat anyway) and the aformentioned Poor Milita. The 81 is likely issued to the Front line troops whereas the elite get the Type 95. I imagine that is simply to be more cost efective.


Senior Member
VIP Professional
OK then, Yue.......

Anyone know if the 400m range of the type 81 is the point range or the area range? sinodefence claims a range of 400 but I'd take it as for point targets. bdmilitary however claims for a range of 500m......


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