tntresting artical on whats being done to the 516

darth sidious

Banned Idiot








水面舰艇为登陆部队提供火力支援、实施对岸打击的任务,通常是由舰炮承担的。516舰原来的两座双联装100毫米口径的老炮,射速为18发/分,射程22千米,炮弹重15.9千克。 516舰改把原来的两座老炮换成了两座新型双联装100毫米口径隐身舰炮,艏艉各一座,其性能应该有所提升,但估计射程也不会远到哪去。面对敌精心设置的各种坚固的岸防工事,100毫米以下口径的舰炮越发显得力不从心了。炮口动能小、有效射程近,是当今世界各国海军列装的大中口径舰炮的一个共同弱点,这就使得水面舰艇在对敌岸目标实施火力打击的同时,也极易成为敌岸防火力打击的目标。22千米有效射程的舰炮,承担火力支援任务勉为其难。海湾战争的实战经验证明:水面舰艇要想充分发挥火力支援与压制的效果,其舰炮就必须能够弥补24-70公里间的射击空白区。所以,世界各海军强国研发的新型舰炮,把射得远、打得准作为追求的目标,口径有逐渐增大的趋势。





ps how to post pic ?


Banned Idiot
wheres ur pic from? it depends. if its from the internet, click on the little mountain icon, and type in the pics adress. if its ur pic, ask an admin to host it.

very interesting article...

darth sidious

Banned Idiot
The after reequipment " Jiujiang " withdrew the chimney rear area HY-2 counter- ship missile launch equipment, the generation by the belt 护罩 antisubmarine rocket launcher, the ship rear part also has the similar equipment, moreover, around the ships 100 millimeters double barrel artillery all installed the stealth 护罩.

News analysis: After reequipment 516 " Jiujiang " the ship firepower is astonishing! 516 ships since change to the firepower support ship, encountered multitudinously accuses and rebukes, this was extremely not fair and just.

1. What is the firepower support ship does? It is well known, extends ancient until now, the landing operations all is one most difficult operational style. Landing forces must receive enemy side Lu, Hai, spatial base anti- lands firepower serious threat.

The firepower support ship undertakes follows 己方 the landing forces, carries out the shield and the support duty; With own formidable ship-borne firepower, and 浅近纵深 defended the installation to the enemy side beach head, anti- lands the firepower and the effective strength, the implementation eliminates, the suppression, destroys or eliminates. 2.516 ships change actually does the firepower have fiercely?

516 " Jiujiang " the ship originally belongs to " the rivers and lakes " the level (053h). 516 ships changed retain the original two 5 associations install the antisubmarine rocket launcher, but the firing distance was limited, only could approach the far bank anti- lands the installation implementation to the enemy beach head establishment explodes eliminates;

Retained the original two double joint attires 37 millimeters quick artillery, only had the limited air defense ability. The surface vessel provides the firepower support, the implementation for the landing forces to the shore attack duty, usually is undertakes by the ship artillery. 516 ships original two double joint attires 100 millimeters calibers old artillery, the rate of fire is 18 round / minute, the firing distance 22 kilometers, the artillery bullet weight 15. 9 kilograms. 516 ships changed the original two old artillery change into two new double joint attires 100 millimeters calibers stealth ship artillery, 艏 艉 each one, its performance should have the promotion, which but couldn't the estimate firing distance also 远到 go.

Each kind of firm shore carefully establishes which facing the enemy guards against the fortification, 100 millimeters below calibers ship artillery even more appeared lack the ability to do what one would like. The muzzle energy is small, the effective range is near, is major and medium caliber ship artillery one common weakness which now the world various countries sea 军列 installs, this causes the surface vessel while to far bank goal implementation firepower attack, also is extremely easy to become the far bank guards against the firepower attack the goal.

22 kilometers effective ranges ship artillery, undertake the firepower support duty push someone take on a difficult job. The Gulf War actual combat experience proves: Surface vessel must want fully to display firepower support and suppressed effect, its ship artillery must be able to make up 24-70 kilometer the fire gap. Therefore, the world various naval powers grind the new ship artillery which sends, shoots far, hits takes the pursue the goal, the caliber has the tendency which gradually increases. In order to promote my navy surface vessel to the shore attack firepower intensity and the firing distance, the Chinese war industry actually developed one's own style, walks the entirely different another pathway:

Using the Chinese mature rocket artillery technology, displays the rocket artillery firing distance is far, 火力密度 the major characteristic, transplanted the rocket artillery above the ship (in fact China develops in several years ago successfully ship-borne rocket artillery system), transforms the active duty old escort ship specially takes charge of the firepower support duty naval vessel - this is we at present this 516 firepower support ship. 516 ships firepower support shipboard pooled 5 50 rockets artillery, the caliber should be 122 millimeters, one salvo may throw in the extremely short time 250 rockets balls to the enemy shore target, the firepower is fierce, the density the greatly ultra imagination, can have the formidable psychology to the enemy shakes regrets.

Shipboard is equipped with the special fire control system, but automatically rotates the launch, and has stably, was allowed under a lower sea condition to the enemy shore target implementation firepower attack, greatly to enhance the attack precision.

Also is equipped with the ball storehouse in each rocket launcher underneath and again 装填装置, shoots in the storehouse at least has two cardinal numbers the rocket balls, has the many kinds of ammunition may supply the choice also may be general with the on land rocket artillery, the effect spends quite well, certain balls plant maximum effective range far above 40 kilometers;

Again 装填装置 may automatically complete the rocket ball the filling duty, make to initiate the new turn of firepower attack time to prepare greatly in order to reduce, can provide continues long-distance to the shore attack

Such improvement not only caused for number multitudinous old " the rivers and lakes " bright to send out the youth again, moreover solved my armed force landing operations urgent need. Does not fear does not manage, fears does not think! Iron rod armed force confuse always do not lack the imagination, since 122 millimeters rockets artillery system may board the ship,

then is bigger than this caliber, shoots is farther, whether or not can hits on the is more advanced rocket artillery system ship?

basicaly a rocket ship to support landings
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Banned Idiot pic.
are u sure you posted the pic correctly? one small extra mark could ruin the entire pic.

google translation is so hard to understand. perhaps you should ask typhunag for a translation.