The Greatest Emperor: Qin Shi Huang.


Just Hatched
Registered Member
there is no way Qin Shi Huang is the greatest emperor. I will concur that Qin Shi Huang might be the most important emperor in chinese history since he was the one that got it out of the feudal period, but his political skills, ruling skills are no where the best in chinese history. Tang Taizong, Kangxi, Sui Wendi are just a few that were far superior as an emperor.


Just Hatched
Registered Member
Qin Shi Huang is the first emperor in Chinese history. He has build a perfect regime, which last more than 500 years including Qin Han und Jin. And this army is strongest in Chinese History, because of perfect law, which was set up by Shangyang, and the competent general. such as Baiqi, Wangjian, Mengtian and zhanghan.
I'm personally of the opinion that Qin Shi Huang invented China. If it weren't for him, China would have ended up like Europe, with each of the individual states developing their own unique cultures.

China had been united under the Shang and the Zhou dynasties, both of which preceded the Warring States Period. European nations, on the other hand, devloped from totally different groups of people settling on different regions of the continent. The reason for Europe being so culturally heterogeneous, I beleive, is the tribal history of many European peoples. The Chinese found agriculture rather early, and built permanment settlements and could support large armies and the administrative institutions to rule an empire. Europeans, on the other hand, lived in wandering tribes until the middle ages. The various "groups," of tribes (ie Franks, Vandals, Gauls) had little direct contact with one another, and they failed to build large permanent setttlement.


Just Hatched
Registered Member
The reason Europeans could not united as one was because they were babarians. They tended to conqure one another though they were in fact from the same root.

Another reason was that they technically lacked behind, that was they didn't have wheels. Therefore doing bussiness was impossible. Thought they could transport goods with shippings, yet their navies were usually pirates. When they came to a place that was not mindful in defence, the merhants became pirates. When somewhere was a kingdom, the pirates became merchants. Not to mention their navies always battled one another on the trade routes; since that merchants were pirates, and pirates were merchants.:nono:

Qin Shi Huang could united China was mainly Chinese were not aggressive to foreigners, and China was already structurally united. Add more, Qin was of Chinese cultured. So Shi Huang had no problem staying in China until the brutal Qin law caused the people to revolt. Qin collapped, but China was still united as one.

The greatest emperor in China could not possibly be Qin Shi Huang. For Qin was only strong in military, yet it lasted no more than 20 years after its unification with China. Then there arised the most powerful armed force in then world - Han, totally Chinese.

Han could expel the babarian tribes from Asia, which Qin couldn't.


New Member
The way He ruled was very well documented and there is no dispute that he ruled with an iron fist. His single-mindedness was his undoing, but it is also the reason why he can be considered the greatest of all emperors. The linking of the Great Wall, for the first time provided the chinese plains to have a tangible defense against the north. The Grand Canal he ordered still serve china today. But most importantly, he proved to the chinese culture that China can be ruled as one and its not a dream. He did more to unify the chinese culture than anyone else in history.

I totally agree with you on the Great Canal one, but the Great Wall that Shi built was totally useless from a military point of view and cost MANY lives as well as being unable to keep out the Nomads that kept on raiding China during the Han dynasty. The Great Wall that looks nice today was built by the Ming dynasty and even that could not stop that traitor Wu Sangui from opening the gates to the Manchu invaders. While Shi unified the Chinese script (or got some of his scholars to do it as accounts suggest he was semi-literate:p ) and unified China by terror, laying the foundations for a strong, totalitarian state still being seen today, it was Confucius that unified Chinese culture-his thoughts and teachings influencing following dynasties and even the "anti-Confucius" CCP which today is promoting "confucius Institutes" to spread Chinese culture-LOL:roll:

"The Strongest Fortress is only as good as the men that guard it."
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Just Hatched
Registered Member
I kinda got the impression he was insane...wanting to prolong life. Btw, his name is just Qin Shi. The last two parts, Huang di denote "king".

You must realise this guy killed more people than Caesar and hussein combined, in both wars and the building of the wall.

his name is Yin zheng as Yin is the surname of royal Qin family

Qin, the tiltle of the kindom and the later empire was derived from name of fiefdom that Qin shi huang's ancestor received roughly around 800 BCE

Shi means 'the first' and Huang means 'the emperor'.

you should not be quite suprised that he was fascinated by the idea of extenting his life through some ritual western people was fascinated by the idea of alchemy:)

BTW, i could not agree with what Bright_as_sun said in his thread about the reason that european could not get unified... surely the Babarian was one key point. however id say... the most important reason is the Phonetic alphabet system that people in Europe use. with changing the order of spelling, u could easily change the pronouncation as well as meaning of the words. it creates a great issue of communication among people in Europe with different dialects, even in the time of christianity when most part of Europe was religiously unified.

On the other hand... where china also have thousands of different dialects,and never religiously unified, however, the Chinese written system seized the possibility of misunderstanding to a very low level, surely u might not understand what others saying, but once it had been wirtten down, everyone knows what it is. and through thousands of years of implementing such practice that chinese people has been bounded together. Thus, the greatest work Qin shi huang has ever done was not put those kingdoms into one empire but unified the chinese character which chinese people is still using today( may not be percisely the same, but certianly u could find familiarity between morden character and those anicent one), it is those little character assured China could stand as the most long lived civilization in the world
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The reason Europeans could not united as one was because they were babarians.

Yes.. but I didn't want to say it directly for it may offend some members, and because barbarian is a very subjective term. But they did not develop a system of writing, which could preserve history and a common cultural history; they lived in tribal societies, which were fiercely independent of one another except in times when one great leader would rise up and take control; and they did not live in permanment settlements; so they were unable to develop the resources and control necessary to keen an empire together.