Anyone have an explanation for why this improper plate carrier wearing problem has persisted so long? Not that this specific thing is particularly important, but just why something so easily fixed is still endemic.
I suspect your average PLAGF, PLAN Marine, and PAP grunt is a
from the poorest strata of society or is someone who can't meaningly participate in the economic life of urban areas. He is therefore unused to rudimentary modern amenities and incapable of properly handling basic military equipment. The original poster (
@QIUSIYU) of this image, for example, is a retired PAP. He's blissfully unaware that most of the images he shares are utterly embarrassing. The contrast is especially stark when you consider that even illiterate
know how to properly wear a vest. It will be a long time before your average Chinese grunt can perform competently in a modern war because he is still firmly planted in the third world, not yet even at the level of the Afghan Taliban.