Performance of U.S Spec Ops?


Junior Member
Alright, alright. Here are the ground rules.

1. We are military enthusists, not political activists. No Left-wing or right-wing stuff. In fact, consider your political wings

2. No 'Amyerika suxz' or 'ecnomonomy gunin tu shiz!' posts. Neither are relevant to what is going on here.

3.If you wanna say 'Us Spek Opz Suk', it would be helpful to have some sort of source or elaborate the opinion. Me and other members want to be informed, not left wondering.

4. Lets not have this thing skitter off to some conversation about how British we all look or how Sean Connery ate a kindergarden class or something. STICK TO THE TOPIC AND/OR QUESTIONS ASKED!!!!

Lemmie just get that out of the way so neither I or the mods get blamed for any sort of political horseplay you do here.

So, to the topic at hand.

I have heard of several instances of 'failures' by Special Operations forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. Then thoughts of Vietnam Era flubs and the infamous Carter Chopper Crash during the Iran Hostage Crisis and Mogadishu, October 3rd as well.

So, that, as an american citizen, leaves me wondering about how well the U.S Special Operations program as a whole has done so far.

In comparison with SAS, Canadian and Australian forces, the U.S has seen considerable critisim. But of course, is this baias towards america or the real deal?

A bit of topic as well, but for proper comparison. What is the success rate of the other 'popular' Spec Ops agencies? Like SAS or Canadian groups?

Again, I realize I am stepping in some potentialy hot water, but who better to ask asside from the representatives of the agencies themselves?