J-XY/J-35 carrier-borne fighter thread


Junior Member
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After having a sufficient amount of both types of planes, sometimes literally, flying right over my head, I am finally confident enough to make the following authoritative;) conclusion: It is so much more enjoyable to have J-35 fly over your head than flankers. J-35 sounds lighter, thinner, way more celestial, and much more graceful.


Senior Member
Registered Member
After having a sufficient amount of both types of planes, sometimes literally, flying right over my head, I am finally confident enough to make the following authoritative;) conclusion: It is so much more enjoyable to have J-35 fly over your head than flankers. J-35 sounds lighter, thinner, way more celestial, and much more graceful.
We demand videos! Or, you know what will happen...


Registered Member
After having a sufficient amount of both types of planes, sometimes literally, flying right over my head, I am finally confident enough to make the following authoritative;) conclusion: It is so much more enjoyable to have J-35 fly over your head than flankers. J-35 sounds lighter, thinner, way more celestial, and much more graceful.
Flying right over your head?

Man, you must be having fun with FOC airshows done daily for you.

We demand videos! Or, you know what will happen...
If that doesn't cause him to get invitation for tea by the MSS, then I'm gonna second this.


Lieutenant General
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Image of J-35 seen on Twitter, without Pitot.

View attachment 100804

Probably worth mentioning that it's not a new picture -- I have it dated from about six months ago or so (top picture of the two, posted below)

And also, I'm pretty sure the pitot is still there. In your picture, they've cropped it horizontally slightly meaning the tip of the pitot tube is less visible.
In my picture, they've cropped it vertically but horizontally it is wider, and we can see the reflection of a pitot tube in front of the nose extending out beyond the crop of your picture.

Given that this is a picture from six months or so anyway, it would make sense that the prototype flying from then would still have its pitot tube, as we have yet to identify a J-35/XY prototype lacking a pitot tube.
