How should China play her cards?

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Jones Henry

Banned Idiot
How do you think China should play the cards she has been given?

I personally think, that China shold take a litle tougher line towards America. The Iraq war clearly showed Americas TRUE intetions! The Americans will now try to use the "stic and a carrot" with China. In otherwords, threaten her, and then offer her some completely meaningles preasents!

China ofcourse needs a very strong economy in order to fight against America. However, China should especially put money in R&D(Research and development)This includes getting new high tech from also other countries. I belive, that theres always been black markets for modern weapons. It was in the Vietnam days, and it's also now, the markets have only expandet and become bigger thanks to globalization:china:

China dosent nessecarily have to be "peer to peer" with America. Infact it would be mad, and thats JUST what the US wants China to do(to beat it in an arms race like they did with the Soviets) China has to be A LOTsmarter than the CCCP ever was! As long as MAD(Mutually assured destruction)is in place, China has very litle to fear from America. However, the US is now(since they abandoned the ABM treaty )struggling to get away from MAD, and become and invurnable worlds first hyper power! If China dosent stop this she is going to be FINISHED!!!

One thing China could invest is both new nano and bio technology. China needs to understand, than "small is beatilful" Missiles are not the only way to deliver a Chinese weapon to American soil, but that still should be Chinas number one option. The Americans are begnning to realize, than a strugle for military superiority in the nano age will become VERY expensive, so they will now try to "please" China in to stoping her current military upgrades:confused: DONT LISTEN TO THEM CHINA! The Iraq war and there plans to invade Iran have shown just what short of people they are! US Pacific Command Fallon for instance is trying to play "good cop/bad cop" with China, and stop Chinas military modernisation program throw "mutual co-operation"

What a SELLOUT! Surdenly China can see, that the Americans are bluffing! Cautioning China about "massive military buildup" while stationing there troops to attack Iran. And the US still desperately tries to sell modern weapons to Taiwan(even thow Taiwan dosent even want to buy)while at the same time "cautioning" both China and India not to even buy Irans oil!!?

These guys have shown us there real cards! There NEOIMPERIALISTS also known as the "neocons" They have a project called "the new american century" and a part of that project is to attack Iran now, and then attack China later!

China MUST NOT let America attack Iran, since she herself will be the next on the menu! China must work with modern nano technology and high tech in order to secure MAD. China made a GOOD move alling with Russia. The Americans are now starting to think twice about there "missile defence"

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But do not be fooled! The Americans still want to be omnipotent and invurnable, so they will try to build "pre emtive nuclear strike force" in order to destroy Chinese and Russian nuclear forces before they lift the ground. The US and CIA are also planing sabotage in China:

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China must realize, that the US is her NUMBER ONE ENEMY! The Americans are HIPPOCRATE LIARS and will try all shorts of tricks in order to stop Chinas current "rise." China has only one way to respond;MAD!!!

China MUST insure, that MAD will ALWAYS aply! China should use WHAT EVER means it can to assure this! Nano, biological or EMP weapons;what ever it takes!

China should also seek broader diplomatic support from other countries. Its nice to have good relations with both Russia, Japan, India and Vietnam! This way China should try to "oust" US from Asia, and not care a shit what Washigton has to say about it! China needs powerful economic might, but that wont be enough to stop Washigton! China also needs top quality R&D Washigton will invest BILLIONS in future nano technology, and so must China! I personally think, that there are two fields wich are inportant;biological weapons and EMP. The biological weapons of the nano age are not like the weapons of today;they can for instanche choose there target by race. And since the US dosent follow any international "rules" and has it's own effetive bio program, so should China! Lets face it;one modern aircraft carrier costs about 1 billion $$$ China cannot(or atleast shouldnt)spend as much money as the US. So, if the US builds an airfract carriet worth 1000 000 000 dollars, then ir order to stop or to counter such a deadly weapon, China should use about 100 000 000. If the ods are 1/10, China can win. This means, that China uses 10% of the money the US:s uses to keep itself a super power. Ok, maybe China can today afford more, but why should it? If for instance in a possible war between China and the US the US cal kill about 1000 000 000 Chinese, but China only 100 000 000, then that alone is enough! It will secure MAD! Ofcouse USA will not like that, and make for instance racist comments about China in the UN and stuff like that, but China really shouldnt bother with that! Thats just ex-super power talk! The US knows, that the stuff they build today is expensive and very vurnable. For instance "custom made" biological weapons(are specificly designed for that purpose alone, and can only hurt US troops) or new EMP weapons can damage the US navy quit a lot! And the best thing of all;it will be cheap! Or atleast a lot more cheaper than it is for the US to uphold lone "hyper power" status:p

There are two things China should fear. Nuber one:the US will make a "pre-emtive" strike against China in order to secure "hyper power" status in Asia. China MUST have enough movable and hidden nuclear weapons in order to counter this! One thing what China could also do is to design new emp weapons ready to operate in space and to shoot down American satelites! I think, that all together an EMP weapon possible is more cheaper then a very colplex state of the art satelite. China should really work with Russia on this! The Americans KNOW there system are more vurnable then ever thanks to modern microchips practicly EVERYWHERE and to Chinas EMP weapons! They will ofcourse use political sleazy tacktiks in order to stop Chinas "massive buildup" but she shouldnt be fooled by this! There are practicly to weak sides in the American military industrial complex. One is the people, wich can be attacked with for instance custom made biologal weapons(dangerous as hell, and can choose there target throw for instance surden geens, also known as "race")Then theres all that sensitive micro electronics in almost every American weapon today. The Americans will probobly now drive some short of an "international EMP weapons ban" or something, since they KNOW how difficult and hard it will be for them to secure all these delicant devices! China shouldnt fall for that, even if the Americans try to pressure HARD!

China should convince America to join a "new ABM" treaty, banning all weapons in space and "missile defences" all together. And if America refuses...well, atleast China tried:confused:

Chinas first defence against America is the ability to have second strike ablity against America, but that isnt enough! The CIA for instance can try to sabotage China from within. If for instance the CIA would blow up the three gorges dam would China respond by launching nuclear tipped missiles to America? Most likely not!

China should focus on nano technology, and start a possible anti matter project with Russia. The idea is to make VERY small bombs, and possibly plant in the enemy area. The nuclear weapons of today are about the size of a microwave oven or a large suitcaise. But the weapons what im talking about would be the size of an orange or an aple, and could easily take out cities like New York, and be activated with for instance throw(an EMP protected)satelite.

Now, im not REALLY talking about killing millions of American people throw nuclear or biological weapons! Yoy've got be ALL WRONG! China really dosent neet to set any of these bombs up in the US. Only to have for instance the CIA to know that;"hey, we have bombs like this"(and not tell, if there already in the US soil or not)The US could then either choose to continue a deadly arms race, or to choose joinning China in a new peace treaty banning all weapons in space, missile defences and mimibombs all together(basicly i belive the Americans would make the right choise=)

China sould puprsue a "multipolar" world order, and to have a litle tougher tone with the US. After all, Ronald Reagan just 20-years ago called hes enemy "the evil empire" but China dosent need to go that far. Also;dont even try to attack Taiwan! Thats what the Americas wants, and theres been talk of Taiwan arming herself with Nuclear weapons wich will hit Shanghai and other coastal cities if China tries to invade. Basicly;small is beatiful China(or in this case deadly)I think, that all togerther THAT is why the Americans are so afraid of China! China should not waiste large amouts of money to for instance aircfrat carriers like the US. Small, biologial and antimatter or nuclear bombs will easily be able to stand there own even against the USS Nimitz! Ofcourse China then needs super sonic stealth missiles and plains. But i think, that if China focuses more on high tech, then she will win. By "winning" i mean, that the Americans will belive a war with China isnt worth it. Thele settle for a "cold peace" instead, and then ofcouse immidietly begin to whine about China "enormous" defence budget and "dangerous weapons" There just doing that, because they know, that if China has modern and deadly WMD:s(that can call kill both American troops and "mom and dad" back home)then they cant bully China anymore and stuff there "western way of life" down her throat. By the way, i will probobly be banned again from this forum, because i was talking about using biological weapons against American troops and civilians:rofl: Whos forum is this anyway? The US plans stuff like than(using pre-emtive "mininukes")against other countries ALL THE TIME, but when you talk about for instance nuking or poisoning American imperialistic troops or the imperialists back home, the pro american moderators and the people on the net will prefer to you us a "mass murderer" It quite clearly shows, what a euro centric world we still live today! Besides, i truly belive the Chinese people are not like the Japansese in WW2, and therefor have very high morals! These weapons would ONLY be used for self defence! Ofcouse one may argue, that then the people couldnt be held resposible for there governments actions, but i think thats just plain rubbish! Isnt USA supposed to be worlds "number one democracy" What we have learned from Iraq is, that WMD:s uphold peace, not break it! Ofcouse white westerners hate the idea of a "barbaric dictatorship" China getting there hands on modern high tech. Just goes to show, what a racist world we still live in! Anyway, good luck to China getting a high tech armed forces, and dont mind those "western" commentaitors, who are always talking about the "China threat" White westerners have been the greatest threat to world peace and stability for the past 500-years, and STILL ARE!!!


Banned Idiot
uhhh...keep the posts nice and short. too hard to read. china should play her cards like this...keep her most "trump card" developmeants secret, while throwing the west of wit fake projects. it can continue to make allies in europe and asia, isolating the u.s. alos gain some footing in nanotech and computers, where america starts to lose its lead.

most of all, keep the econmy strong.

Jones Henry

Banned Idiot
MIGleader said:
uhhh...keep the posts nice and short. too hard to read. china should play her cards like this...keep her most "trump card" developmeants secret, while throwing the west of wit fake projects. it can continue to make allies in europe and asia, isolating the u.s. alos gain some footing in nanotech and computers, where america starts to lose its lead.

most of all, keep the econmy strong.

Ok sorry, i got exited again:rofl:

Im not a military expert, but i just realized how easy it would be to go to war against the US. Ofcouse not as the attacker, but as the defence, and the Americans also know this as well! China must take a tougher tone with the "west" and not let the US stop her military porjects. China can say, that when USA signs a new ABM treaty, then China and Russia will stop there upgrades. Untill then the game is on! America is an impertalistic nation, so China should use WHAT EVER IT TAKES to fight her! EMP weapons, hacking, electromagnetic jamming, giving modern weapons to Iran, creating an anti-american alliance, biological weapons and planting small nano manufactured bombs in the US. Then, maybe some day humanity will not have armsraces anymore, and we can all truly be equal and friends:china: But untill then, China must play it ROUGH with America and the west! So did Ronald Reagan with the Soviets, and he won:cool:

Jones Henry

Banned Idiot
BrotherofSnake said:
Jones Henry, why do you hate America so much?

I dont HATE America! I just don like it's imperialism and racist attitude! I also want a more stable and balanced world! If for instance MAD(Mutually assured destruction)was in place, and countries like China and India would also have high tech weapons(Antimatter weapons, EMP weapons, nanomanufacturing, modern bioweapons and so on)the west would probobly act a bit more respectfully towards the "third world" So i dont really wish for America to be any weaker;i whis for China-India to be stronger!


Junior Member
If China keeps getting "Stronger" the way it has and doesn't alter course, there's a very high probability of it becoming the next US... hated all over the world for its policies, but allowed to do what it wants because it has military power... you either lead by example or by fear... the US used to lead by example, now it leads by fear... and that makes it resented around the world... let's hope China doesn't make the same mistake although I see it following the US's footsteps closely.

Jones Henry

Banned Idiot
The_Zergling said:
If China keeps getting "Stronger" the way it has and doesn't alter course, there's a very high probability of it becoming the next US... hated all over the world for its policies, but allowed to do what it wants because it has military power... you either lead by example or by fear... the US used to lead by example, now it leads by fear... and that makes it resented around the world... let's hope China doesn't make the same mistake although I see it following the US's footsteps closely.

Hah:rofl: China cant become the next US, because China dosent have "dominance" and "hegemony" build in there culture the same way it has in the west. Besides, the Chinese are A LOT smarter then the west, and wont even try it! Your just racist and jealous of Chinas sucsess:p


Junior Member
Say what you want about me being racist... I am very curious how you came to that conclusion? What race am I part of anyway, JonesHenry? Go ahead, take a wild guess... Oriental? Slavic? North or South American? African? Hellenic?


Though I am unclear of how JonesHenry arrived at the "racist" thing, the above post was simply an observation of mine, and a hope that China will not make the same mistakes as the US did. Simply saying, "Besides, the Chinese are A LOT smarter then the west, and wont even try it!" is taking it a little far because unless you have analyzed history very thoroughly, it is pretty hard to predict what a country will do in the future, especially if it is on a collision course with one of the existing military powers in the world...

I am definitely not jealous in China's success. Hell, success is always good unless it's built on the suffering of others, for example slave labor in the US before Lincoln abolished slavery, or the Industrial revolution...

In my opinion, China should play its cards carefully, showing that it is a more responsible country than the US is, that it is willing to improve human rights and is loosening its harsh regime, all the while spreading a good reputation doing good things, instead of threatening others with force, because if it does, it will simply be the second US. That was what I was trying to say...
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