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As expected, the so called olive branch is just empty slogan.
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Australia Says It Won’t Give Ground on China’s Grievances

(Bloomberg) -- Australia said it won’t give ground on a list of Chinese grievances against the government as a growing diplomatic row hurts trade between the two countries.

A Chinese diplomat in Canberra last month handed media outlets a document outlining 14 grievances, from Australia meddling in domestic affairs in Hong Kong to calling for a probe into the coronavirus outbreak. Relations have been souring for months, with a string of commodities targeted with tariffs or bans in what Canberra says amounts to “economic coercion.”

Referring to the list of grievances, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg told Sky News on Thursday that Australia is “not going to give way on those.”
“They go to the heart of who we are,” he said. “Our national identity, a free press, a democratically elected parliament and obviously upholding our national interest when it comes to things like foreign investment.”

Relations hit a new low this week after a diplomat in Beijing tweeted a fake image purporting to show an Australian soldier holding a knife to the throat of an Afghan child -- a reference to an ongoing war crimes probe. Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the post was “repugnant” and demanded an apology. He also took to WeChat, defending Australia as a “free, democratic, liberal country” and explaining that an official probe is underway to investigate allegations of atrocities committed by Australian special forces soldiers in Afghanistan.

China’s Wolf Warrior Diplomats Slam Australia, Win Fans at Home
That post has been deleted by WeChat, for the use of “misleading words” to “distort historical events and deceive the public.”
Frydenberg said the removal was unnecessary.

Ties between the major trading partners have been strained since 2018 when Canberra barred Huawei Technologies Co. from building its 5G network and introducing anti-foreign interference laws aimed at halting Beijing’s “meddling” in domestic affairs. Relations have been in a deep freeze since April, when Morrison’s government called for independent investigators to enter Wuhan to probe the origins of the coronavirus.
©2020 Bloomberg L.P.

1. Australia put out an olive branch.

2. China rejected it.

3. China tweeted out images offensive to Australia and doubled down on it.

4. Australia says it won't give ground.

5. "Oh the olive branch was just empty."

This is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Of course hostility will breed more hostility. Nationalistic bashing of Australia may feel good, but it will harden its stance and result in policy that is bad for China. China's goal should be to get other countries' policies to align with its interest, not short-term feel good nationalist cheerleading.


Senior Member
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1. Australia put out an olive branch.

2. China rejected it.

3. China tweeted out images offensive to Australia and doubled down on it.

4. Australia says it won't give ground.

5. "Oh the olive branch was just empty."

This is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Of course hostility will breed more hostility. Nationalistic bashing of Australia may feel good, but it will harden its stance and result in policy that is bad for China. China's goal should be to get other countries' policies to align with its interest, not short-term feel good nationalist cheerleading.
This is the sort of disingenuous narrative that Anglos love to indulge in. Let us take a trip down memory lane for the Anglos who are bred to be easily manipulated.

More like

  1. Australia joins Trump's race war against China, complete with spying on and conducting raids on Chinese journalists, banning Huawei, sending ships to the SCS and joining the QUAD, and wanting to use 'arms inspectors' style investigators to Wuhan, and promoting Trump's "Kung Flu" propaganda and HK.
  2. China formally gives Australia notice, with the Chinese ambassador pointing out earlier this year "maybe Chinese would ask themselves if they need to eat australian beef, drink australian wine?". Multiple chances are given the Canberra to make good on repairing relations, China even gives Australia a list of 14 points that must be satisfied before dialogue can even be started.
  3. Australia tries to stall for time, assumes nothing has changed since 2019 and thinks it can BS its way back into a normal relationship. It is ignored since the 14 points are as yet unsatisfied.
  4. China raises the pressure, Australia cracks, starting bleating for assistance from fellow white nations.


Registered Member
1. Australia put out an olive branch.

2. China rejected it.

3. China tweeted out images offensive to Australia and doubled down on it.

4. Australia says it won't give ground.

5. "Oh the olive branch was just empty."

This is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Of course hostility will breed more hostility. Nationalistic bashing of Australia may feel good, but it will harden its stance and result in policy that is bad for China. China's goal should be to get other countries' policies to align with its interest, not short-term feel good nationalist cheerleading.
Any olive branch after China has been the target of all kinds of back door campaigns by Australia after they continue to slander China on there own issues, tried to unite the world against China when they are in the middle of covid via trying to tie the creation of the virus on China when there is no such evidence of it being made in a lab, support the HK protest when it isn't even there own business, and even threatening to send soldiers to the south China sea and try to get India and Japan to gang up on China. OK NO, to be honest if Australia gets invaded by China in the event that America is removed from the equation, THEY COMPLETELY EARNED IT AND MUCH MORE and there is no POINT IN REASONING WITH A BUNCH OF FLIP FLOPING CHILD KILLING BACKSTABBERS THAT THEY STILL DON'T FEEL SORRY FOR AND STILL TRYING TO GET INTO A FIGHT WITH CHINA TO MAKE THEMSELVES FEEL BETTER. so no, that olive branch is a lie from the start. DON'T EVER SAY THAT AUSTRALIA DIDN'T EARN CHINA'S WRATH, I AM SURPRISED THEY DIDN'T FIGHT BACK SOONER, although soon Australia will come to completely regret there stupid actions, very soon.
Besides, that offensive image is completely true in context and after Australia started this idiot fight so no they shouldn't complain about that tweet because they have been doing this for a very long time and only now the world knows how twisted Australia is and now they are starting to feel the consequences for being a bunch of racist shits. The rest of the west will throw Australia to the dogs simply because they are useless, I mean begging for help from Japan when they invaded parts of Australia in WW2, quite frankly I would pay to see Australia try to fight China on an open battlefield, if only to see how many would die from it


Registered Member
This is the sort of disingenuous narrative that Anglos love to indulge in. Let us take a trip down memory lane for the Anglos who are bred to be easily manipulated.

More like

  1. Australia joins Trump's race war against China, complete with spying on and conducting raids on Chinese journalists, banning Huawei, sending ships to the SCS and joining the QUAD, and wanting to use 'arms inspectors' style investigators to Wuhan, and promoting Trump's "Kung Flu" propaganda and HK.
  2. China formally gives Australia notice, with the Chinese ambassador pointing out earlier this year "maybe Chinese would ask themselves if they need to eat australian beef, drink australian wine?". Multiple chances are given the Canberra to make good on repairing relations, China even gives Australia a list of 14 points that must be satisfied before dialogue can even be started.
  3. Australia tries to stall for time, assumes nothing has changed since 2019 and thinks it can BS its way back into a normal relationship. It is ignored since the 14 points are as yet unsatisfied.
  4. China raises the pressure, Australia cracks, starting bleating for assistance from fellow white nations.
Any olive branch after China has been the target of all kinds of back door campaigns by Australia after they continue to slander China on there own issues, tried to unite the world against China when they are in the middle of covid via trying to tie the creation of the virus on China when there is no such evidence of it being made in a lab, support the HK protest when it isn't even there own business, and even threatening to send soldiers to the south China sea and try to get India and Japan to gang up on China. OK NO, to be honest if Australia gets invaded by China in the event that America is removed from the equation, THEY COMPLETELY EARNED IT AND MUCH MORE and there is no POINT IN REASONING WITH A BUNCH OF FLIP FLOPING CHILD KILLING BACKSTABBERS THAT THEY STILL DON'T FEEL SORRY FOR AND STILL TRYING TO GET INTO A FIGHT WITH CHINA TO MAKE THEMSELVES FEEL BETTER. so no, that olive branch is a lie from the start. DON'T EVER SAY THAT AUSTRALIA DIDN'T EARN CHINA'S WRATH, I AM SURPRISED THEY DIDN'T FIGHT BACK SOONER, although soon Australia will come to completely regret there stupid actions, very soon.
Besides, that offensive image is completely true in context and after Australia started this idiot fight so no they shouldn't complain about that tweet because they have been doing this for a very long time and only now the world knows how twisted Australia is and now they are starting to feel the consequences for being a bunch of racist shits.

The guy is Indian, stop bothering with him.


Junior Member
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China should find other iron ore sources especially from developing countries. Once Australia loses the iron ore export revenue, Australia is in deep trouble.


Senior Member
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It should be clear by now that China no longer cares about good relations with Australia. The whole sequence of moves was designed to force the Morrison government to completely tank the bilateral relation while galvanize the domestic public opinion to prepare them for the incoming measures.

No one should be surprised. Free trade is dead. Managed trade is going to be the new normal. Something that was sealed by the phase one trade deal. China is going to drastically increase its imports from the United States. America's gain must be someone else's loss. Australia being the one with huge bilateral trade surplus but never seem to take that into its geopolitical calculation is the obvious target. It's all in the script. It's going to happen anyway so why not use the oppotunity to make an example out of Australia?