054B/new generation frigate


Lieutenant General
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How much of a difference does it make for the 054B to have 8 fewer anti-ship missiles compared to the Constellation? I know that you have mentioned that YJ-12 is bigger, faster, and has a longer range than the NSM/Harpoon, but it is not that difficult for the USN and its allies to intercept the YJ-12 with ESSMs. In other words, when launched in salvos in a Mexican standoff with the Constellations, the 054As have theoretically less anti-surface munitions. What do you think?

I think that the idea of 054A or 054B being in a mexican standoff with Constellation frigates in an equal setting is ridiculous and everything should be viewed in a system of systems context as standard.

Just to be clear here, I offered this possibility in the sense of "all options are still on the table unless visually confirmed otherwise". As I said also, I think AShM amidships is the more likely configuration, with I'm guessing YJ-12 as the likely candidate. But ultimately since I draw my information from here and the same places everyone here already reads, as is said, none of that should be particularly revealing. The target audience for the War Zone in that regard is not this forum.


I have been quoted by some places, and I'm cognizant and sympathetic that sometimes phrases (written or spoken) can be misinterpreted or unintentionally phrased in a different way.

In general, I think this forum should be aware that most outlets like TWZ and others in terms of PLA watching are not going to tell us things we don't know, even if they quote more knowledgeable individuals.


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hahaha can you imagine if the 054B had 48 total VLS. thats as much as the UK has on its destroyers lol. and the 054B is only a frigate. PLA hardware development is FULL SPEED AHEAD!!!
The Type 45s were always designed with some Mk41 capacity in mind, which is now being used to fit 24 Sea Ceptor cells leaving the RN free to fill all 48 Sylver VLS cells with longer range Aster 30s, including the BMD-capable 1NT variant. At the end of the day when these are operating in CSGs in concert with other ship types, playing Top Trumps with the nominal VLS count of a particular ship is only useful to a certain extent, it lacks the context of the loadouts (engagement ranges, quad-packability etc.) and the ship's place in a particular doctrine

Like others, I'm mostly interested in the kind of VLS they've fitted


Registered Member
I think YJ-83 is fine for littoral defence, but definitely not ideal for outside 1IC. I think it will be YJ-81, it a matter of how many ... my guess is 2x8 or possibly 2x6
Weapon fine for littoral defense(specifically good at filtering out and hitting small, agile targets, but universally capable of effects against any modern warship) is by extension good for littoral offense. Or tactical land strike. Or prosecution of any target of opportunity in day-to-day operations.
It is also small and doesn't require much of carrying warship. Small size and ubiquity ensure it can be found at any forward base, in time, or even airlifted at will - and rearmed at sea.
hahaha can you imagine if the 054B had 48 total VLS. thats as much as the UK has on its destroyers lol. and the 054B is only a frigate. PLA hardware development is FULL SPEED AHEAD!!!
If we do the box-counting contest - Israel is the world leader, now challenged by...Iran of all places.
Not because the arcane art of fitting vertical boxes is unique and incomprehensible beyond the Middle East.
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Junior Member
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Is there anything stopping the slant launcher mounting points from being compatible with both YJ-12s and YJ-83, so the loadout actually fits the mission of that particular 054B?

So within a CSG in open waters, it might be equipped with the YJ-12 so it can participate in long range missile salvos while still doing it's ASW mission while a 054B patrolling littoral waters, narrow straits and archipelagos will just use the YJ-83.


Registered Member
Is there anything stopping the slant launcher mounting points from being compatible with both YJ-12s and YJ-83, so the loadout actually fits the mission of that particular 054B?

So within a CSG in open waters, it might be equipped with the YJ-12 so it can participate in long range missile salvos while still doing it's ASW mission while a 054B patrolling littoral waters, narrow straits and archipelagos will just use the YJ-83.
Technically it's doable, but IIRC the only navy to actually do it in practice is ROCN.


Junior Member
Registered Member
How much of a difference does it make for the 054B to have 8 fewer anti-ship missiles compared to the Constellation? I know that you have mentioned that YJ-12 is bigger, faster, and has a longer range than the NSM/Harpoon, but it is not that difficult for the USN and its allies to intercept the YJ-12 with ESSMs. In other words, when launched in salvos in a Mexican standoff with the Constellations, the 054As have theoretically less anti-surface munitions. What do you think?
There will be no "standoff" between a USN and PLAN frigate or frigates. That's not what frigates are meant for.

Frigates are big enough to perform ASW operations but smaller / cheaper than cruisers and destroyers therefore a Navy can afford to buy more of them. For example it is not a requirement for the PLAN to use a 12,500 ton Type 055 cruiser to pull a Towed array sonar cable to search for a submarine. Nor is it a requirement to use a 12,500 ton ship to drop a torpedo into the water to hit a submarine. A 6,000 ton Type 054B frigate is big enough to do the job just as well. Furthermore, since a cruiser costs almost 3 times that of a frigate it probably makes more financial sense to assign that job to a frigate. Budgets do matter.

Considering the USN has about 70 nuclear powered subs and the Indo - Pacific region is a very large area to cover, they'll be plenty of work for the Type 054B to do that does Not involve shooting an anti-ship missile.